Chicken po during pregnancy

Many readers are interested in the proper subject matter that is chicken pox during pregnancy. Our makers are pleased to have already done research on current studies on this fascinating subject. We will provide a wide range of answers based on information from the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Keep repeating to find out more.

Chickenpox is an infectious disease commonly referred to as chickenpox from a medical perspective. The disease can be spread from one person to another by sneezing, coughing, or coming into contact with an infected person. Chickenpox. and pregnancy can be prevented at the same time and in some cases the disease is dangerous to the fetus. If you have been vaccinated against it, you are safe. chickenpox Or you have had to deal with it in the past.

Chicken po during pregnancy

How do I know if I ingested chicken po during pregnancy?

The main symptom is chickenpox Usually a rash that can be seen initially on the face and upper body, spreading to the entire upper body and slowly itching into 500 blisters. People are pitted against chickenpox There are non-serious consequences that look like mosquito bites. It may take up to 10 days for the results to disappear. Lung inflammation, worsening asthma, infected skin lesions, headache, diarrhea or nausea, dehydration, hateful skin rash, active itching, and fever are some of the other symptoms. of chickenpox .

If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your physician immediately.

  • Severe skin rash
  • Results in bleeding
  • difficulty breathing
  • Vaginal exsanguination

If the consequences are limited to a person. chickenpox You must inform your own doctor. Your doctor will perform a physical examination to determine if you have the condition. chickenpox or not.

Are there any risks to the baby when taking chicken po during pregnancy?

1. during early or late pregnancy

Getting chickenpox and pregnancy There is some risk to the baby during early or late pregnancy because he can get water cell zoster syndrome (CFS), but the chances of that are very small. However, if the baby is infected with the disease between weeks 13 and 20. of pregnancy The chances of CFS are very high. it can cause many congenital anomalies such as visual and neurological problems, fairly small head, skin imperfections limbs, scarring, etc. Babies with CFS do not grow well in the morning and usually have intellectual and physical anomalies.

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2. at the beginning of the third trimester

Getting chickenpox At the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby will have few problems. This is because the body begins to produce antibodies against the bacteria five days after infection. These antibodies are transmitted to the baby via the placenta. Since the baby’s personal immune system is not yet mature enough to fight the bacteria itself, these antibodies provide the baby with the protection it needs against this dangerous bacteria. 3.

3. 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. the day before the baby is due

If you get chickenpox and pregnancy 5 to 20 days before the baby is due, the baby may become infected. chickenpox However, there is no need to worry as the antibodies given to the baby will take care of the problem. the chickenpox It is not serious and will not harm the baby. Exposed Baby. to chickenpox In utero, there are virtually no symptoms of this disease at birth, but it is possible to get shingles at a much younger age, for example, and this is not serious.

4. 5 days before and 2 days after delivery

If you develop chickenpox Any period from 5 days before to 2 days after the family can cause serious problems for the baby. The reason for this is that during this period the baby is exposed to microorganisms but does not have time to receive antibodies to the immune system. In such cases, the baby has a 30% chance of developing neonatal chickenpox, which can lead to death if not treated immediately.

How to Treat Chickenpox During Pregnancy

Treating chickenpox However, it is not so easy during pregnancy. There are many treatments that can be tried. For example, calamine lotion can be used to reduce itching, while acetaminophen can be taken for fever or pain control. Your doctor may prescribe Vzig injections (varicella-zoster immunoglobulin) to help eliminate the infection early. However, this injection is only effective if given within 10 days of infection. The antiviral drug acyclovir is still recommended for treatment. chickenpox during pregnancy .

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If you are from chickenpox and pregnancy A few days before your baby is born, your doctor will want to give your baby a Vzig injection to lighten the baby’s weight. of chickenpox If you are still developing. Acyclovir is still available as a curative option for children who develop Vzig chickenpox As soon as they appear. It is not dangerous for mothers chickenpox breastfeeding their own newborns.

How to prevent chickenpox during pregnancy

1. know if you are protected

Every pregnant woman should consult her doctor to see if she has appropriate precautions against chickenpox. chickenpox . Each of these documents is evidence that the woman is protected against the disease.

  • Vaccination documentation
  • Blood test to verify immunity to water cell.
  • Verification of herpes zoster status. or chickenpox by a doctor

2. receipt of water cell vaccine.

Women who have not in the past ever chickenpox in the past should be vaccinated at least one month prior to pregnancy. Receiving this vaccine pregnancy or within a month of pregnancy Not recommended. Pregnant women who are not protected against this disease have the opportunity to receive the vaccination immediately after the birth of their baby. The first dose of vaccine can be given to them for dismissal from an outpatient clinic and the second dose during the postnatal visit 8 months later. The chickenpox The vaccine is absolutely harmless to breastfeeding mothers.

3. vaccine connection to their own close contacts

Pregnant women who have not been vaccinated are obligated to be present among those who are protected chickenpox or vaccinated against it.

4. stay away from anyone who has chickenpox.

Pregnant women are obligated to ignore contact with persons who are ill chickenpox or in an outbreak. chickenpox , a mild type of chickenpox .

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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