Foods That Raise Estrogen

Many readers are interested in our upcoming content “11 Top Phytoestrogenic Products”. Our creators are happy to say that we have already surveyed contemporary research on the topics you are interested in. We will answer your questions in detail based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. To learn more, keep reading.

Research has shown that phytoestrogens have both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. This means that some phytoestrogens have estrogen-like effects. estrogen Some reduce estrogen levels in the body, while others block the effects of the hormone and decrease the amount of estrogen in the body. estrogen levels ( 3 ).

Best Foods with Highest Estrogen Content

Estrogen is an important natural hormone. It is the source of female sexual and reproductive development. It supports heart health and prevents cancer in both women and men. Although estrogen levels are higher in women, data suggest that good levels are still important for men’s health. According to the study, estrogen Supports bone health, mood regulation, and reduces the risk of cancer in both men and women.

Phytoestrogens are considered a type of dietary supplement. estrogen we get from food . Research on the effects of these plant-based caloric preparations is still ongoing. Studies have shown that they can mimic or enhance the health benefits of natural hormones.

While most studies have shown great effects, in some cases, phytoestrogens may drown out or destroy the effects in your body. estrogen in your body. It is important to talk to your doctor about regulating hormone levels through diet.

Why do we need estrogen?

Estrogen’s primary function is to regulate female reproductive changes, but it also performs other functions in both the male and female body. Its amounts are as follows

  • Heart and blood vessel support
  • Strong bones
  • Brain protection and mood regulation

Our estrogen Levels can vary for almost any reason. For some people, recovery from these effects may require hormone replacement therapy or other treatments.

The phytoestrogens in foods may help support estrogen Natural Function. Conversely, studies have shown that these high-calorie preparations are nearly as good for well-being as they are for

female menopause.

Women’s estrogen Levels decrease with age, causing a physical condition called menopause. Studies have shown that phytoestrogens can help alleviate physiological symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

Improved Bone Health

Estrogen helps maintain healthy bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis in both men and women. Studies have shown that phytoestrogens, food Has the ability to maintain this effect and improve bone health over the long term

Can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Studies have shown that fiscal bacteria have a good chance of helping control cholesterol. By maintaining good cholesterol, arteries prevent fatty buildup, reducing the risk of heart problems and heart attacks.

It can reduce the risk of cancer.

Studies have shown that higher estrogen phytoestrogen levels associated with lower rates of breast cancer. Phytoestrogens have also been shown to kill prostate cancer cells.

Foods with estrogen

Many forms of phytoestrogens in foods have been investigated for their health benefits. These include

Each of these phytoestrogens has antioxidant qualities. This means that in addition to the health benefits of caloric preparations, they fight cellular damage in our bodies associated with a wide range of acquired diseases.

The best nutrients found in phytoestrogens are

1. flax seed

Forrest 7 is considered the most luxurious food source of lignans (polyphenols that occur in plants). Scientists believe it further reduces the risk of breast cancer. You can sprinkle flaxseed on many dishes, bake breads and cookies, and blend smoothies and spreads.

2. soybeans

Soy has the highest levels of isoflavonene, a phytoestrogen that has every chance of estrogen risk and influence both breast and prostate cancer. Soy is still rich in important vitamins and minerals. It has the ability to support the presence of heart wells as a candidate for red and processed meats. It is still very versatile – you can include soy in your personal menu foods Tofu, tempeh, edamame, soybeans, etc.

3. peaches

Because of their high lignan content, studies have shown that two peaches or nectarines a week lowers a woman’s risk of breast cancer. Scientists find similar effects with the use of blueberries and strawberries.

4. garlic

Regular consumption of garlic lowers cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, and helps prevent blood clots – all risk points for heart disease. Studies show that garlic has the ability estrogen levels in the body may help reduce age-related loss of bone mass. However, additional research is needed to investigate this effect

5. red wine

Red wine is supposedly rich in resveratrol, a plant emission that scientists believe reduces the risk of heart disease by regulating cholesterol levels. Another study showed that the phytoestrogens in red wine have the opportunity to stop the rise of cancer cells, especially in postmenopausal women.

6. sesame seeds

Sesame seeds can be easily added to almost any food. They help improve cholesterol levels. Studies show that they have an effect estrogen levels with strong antioxidant effects, which means they fight acquired points of disease.

Vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage contain phytoestrogens with cancer-resistant and anti-inflammatory properties. A diet rich in cruciferous vegetables is still associated with a lower risk of many acquired diseases, including heart problems.

Nuts such as cashews, almonds, peanuts, and pistachio nuts are considered a beautiful plant source of heart. They are an easy addition to your diet. However, most nuts contain a lot of calories and fat, so you should limit some to appropriate portion sizes.

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11 products contain many phytoestrogens

Some plants and seeds, including berries and flaxseeds, contain connections that function as phytoestrogens.

Estrogen is a hormone with numerous functions in the body, including the ability to be sexy and reproductive.

It occurs in people of all ages, but women of reproductive age usually have higher levels of this hormone.

Estrogen has many functions, including the regulation of the menstrual cycle and breast growth and development (1).

Estrogen levels decrease during menopause. This can lead to these symptoms, such as hot flashes and nocturnal sweating.

Phytoestrogens, also known as dietary supplements estrogen vegetable connections that occur in nature and may have similar effects when the human body itself produces them. the estrogen The human body produces.

Here are 11 important sources of nutrients estrogens .

Flaxseed Bowl

Phytoestrogens have a similar chemical structure to estrogen can mimic hormonal effects.

The fytoestrogens adhere to to estrogen receptors in your cells, making them functional of estrogen throughout your body (2).

However, not all phytoestrogens function in the same way.

Research has shown that phytoestrogens have both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. This means that some phytoestrogens have estrogen-like effects. estrogen Some reduce estrogen levels in the body, while others block the effects of the hormone and decrease the amount of estrogen in the body. estrogen levels ( 3 ).

Because of their difficult effects, phytoestrogens are considered a controversial subject in the field of nutrition and well-being.

While some scientists have expressed concern that high phytoestrogen intake can cause hormonal imbalances, the majority of evidence associates them with positive health outcomes.

Nearly countless studies have linked lower postmenopausal cholesterol, fewer signs of menopause, lower risk of osteoporosis, and phytoestrogen use by some cancers, including breast cancer (4, 5, 6).

However, some scientists expect that the flattering effects are small and that studies showing long-term results are still needed (6).


Phytoestrogens can produce both estrogenic and anti-nonstrand effects. The majority of inexpensive studies have established a relationship between phytoestrogens and a variety of benefits for well-being.

Flax seeds are small, golden, golden seeds and have recently become known for their benefits for well-being.

They are very rich in lignans, chemical linkages that act as phytoestrogens. Flax seeds also contain 800 times more lignans than seeds from other plants. foods ( 7 , 8 ).

Studies have shown that phytoestrogens in flax rates can play an important role in reducing the risk of breast cancer, especially in post-transition women (9, 10).


Flax seeds are considered a luxurious source of lignans, compounds that act as phytoestrogens. Flaxseed use has been associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer.

Soybeans can be processed into almost any vegetable product, including tofu and tempeh. They can still be used entirely as edamame.

Edamame beans are greenish, immature soybeans often frozen in pods that cannot be eaten.

Both soybeans and edamame have many health benefits and are rich in protein and almost all vitamins and minerals (11, 12).

They are also rich in phytoestrogens, commonly called isoflavones.

Soy isoflavones have every opportunity to create estrogen-like strength in the body, causing natural effects. estrogen . They can raise or lower blood pressure. estrogen levels ( 13 ).

Studies have shown that soy isoflavones help reduce the frequency and complexity of hot flashes. Additionally, using a soy diet at a younger age can reduce the risk of breast cancer, but this effect is not with a soy diet.

Supplements equipped with soy isoflavones may improve bone health even after menopause (14).

The effects of soy isoflavones in humans estrogen levels is complex. Ultimately, supportive research is needed before health experts can draw conclusions.


Soybeans and edamame are rich in isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen. Soy isoflavones can affect your body’s blood estrogen levels in your body, but it requires supportive research.

Dried fruits are nutritious, tasty, and easy to use as a snack.

They are still considered a huge source of phytoestrogens of all kinds (15).

Dates, plums, and dried apricots are some of the dried fruits with the most phytoestrogens (16).

In addition, dried fruits are rich in fiber and other current nutritious preparations that make for an eye-opening snack (17, 18, 19).


Dried fruits are considered a potent source of phytoestrogens. Dried apricots, dates, and plums are considered some of the dried fruits with high phytoestrogen content.

Sesame seeds are small, rich, fibrous seeds that are usually processed in Asian cuisine to add a nice crunch and nutty flavor.

They are still very rich in phytoestrogens, in addition to other high calorie preparations.

Interestingly, a small study in 2006 showed that consumption of sesame powder has the ability to estrogen levels in postmenopausal women (20).

Participants in this study consumed 50 grams of sesame seed powder daily for 5 months. This did not increase the sole estrogen activity, but also improved blood cholesterol levels (20).


Sesame seeds are considered a huge source of phytoestrogens. Eating sesame seeds regularly has been shown to increase estrogen activity in postmenopausal women.

Garlic is a well-known ingredient, adding a sharp taste and odor to dishes.

It is admired for its culinary properties, but also popularized by its unique welfare qualities.

While studies on the effects of garlic are limited to humans, there are countless animal studies hoping that garlic affects blood circulation. estrogen levels (21, 22, 23).

Additionally, postmenopausal women who took garlic supplements had lower blood test scores for inflammation in a small one-month study in 2012 (24).

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This anti-inflammatory effect may warrant protection against bone mass cost. to estrogen It is insufficient, but supportive studies are needed (24).


Garlic not only offers special taste and welfare benefits, but is rich in phytoestrogens, which may help reduce bone mass deficiency. to estrogen Deficiency. In the last place, people need to support research.

Peaches are delicious fruits with yellow or fractured white flesh and pale skin.

Not only are they full of vitamins and minerals, they are also rich in phytoestrogens, commonly referred to as Lianas (25)

Interestingly, a 2009 test study showed that a diet rich in lignans may reduce the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women by 15%. However, additional research is needed to realize the possible benefits (26).


Peaches are delicious, sweet, and packed with a variety of nutritious preparations. They are enriched with lignans, a type of plant discharge.

Berries have long been recommended for their numerous impressive and excellent properties for wells.

They are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytoestrogens in the right plant.

Strawberries, cranberries, and raspberries are all gorgeous informants (25, 27).


Many berries, including strawberries, cranberries, and raspberries, are rich in phytoestrogens.

Wheat bran is considered a differently emphasized source of phytoestrogen, even liyan (28).

Results of animal studies show that grounding of wheat bran to fairly small “microbiota-ized” particles is likely to increase blood miller estrogen levels more effectively when consumed (29).

Ultimately, however, additional studies are needed to understand the effect of wheat bran on circulation. estrogen levels in humans.


Wheat bran is rich in phytoestrogens. Supporting studies are needed to investigate its effect on blood circulation estrogen levels in humans.

Tofu is made from solidified soy milk, pressed into a hard snow white block. It is a well-known vegetable protein key, and even more so in vegan and vegetarian diets.

It is also a concentrated key to phytoestrogens, especially isoflavones.

Tofu contains one of the highest isoflavone levels of all soy products. And while soy milk contains less isoflavones, this is still a good sign (30).


Tofu is made from soy milk condensed into a fixed snow white block. It is key to its richness in isoflavones, which are phytoestrogenic pictures.

Spending is a huge group of plants with a variety of flavors, textures, and nutritious preparations.

Broccoli, kale, and collard greens are all cruciferous vegetables rich in phytoestrogens (31).

Broccoli is rich in secusolarisilisenol, a type of liyan plant emission (32).

Brussels sprouts are rich in another type of phytoestrogenic potency (33).


Expenditure – Vegetables are rich in that amount of lianza and coumestrol phytosome.

Tempeh, a fermented soybean product, is considered a well-known alternative to vegetarian meat.

It is made from whole soybeans that are fermented and pressed into a tough, impenetrable cake.

Tempeh is not only considered an excellent source of protein, prebiotics, vitamins, and minerals, but also a rather luxurious source of phytoestrogens, especially isoflavones (34, 35).


Tempeh is a commonly used vegetable supplement made from fermented soybeans. Like other soy products, tempeh is composed of isoflavones.

Benefits of Consuming Luxury Phytoestrogens foods Perhaps perhaps heavier than the dangers, these are foods should be used safely in small doses.

However, limited studies have shown that high phytoestrogen use may be associated with certain risks and burdens. Because these findings are believed to be varied and inconclusive, supporting studies in humans are needed.

Therefore, it is natural to be skeptical of strong conclusions about the dangers of phytoestrogens.

People have raised pertinent concerns about phytoestrogens.

  • Infertility: However, several studies have shown that phytoestrogens may be harmful to reproduction, primarily in animal models, and there are no strong studies in humans. One large study on women trying to gain weight found little or no strong association between phytoestrogen use and pregnancy rates (36, 37, 38, 39).
  • Breast Cancer: There are limited studies that would expect to find an association between phytoestrogens and an increased risk of breast cancer. Some studies, however, take a different view, suggesting that the higher the phytoestrogen intake, the lower the risk may be. One study suggests that phytoestrogen intake may improve breast cancer survival (40, 41).
  • Effect on testosterone in men: contrary to popular belief, studies have shown that phytoestrogen intake does not affect testosterone or other androgens in men (42).
  • Decreased thyroid function: some researchers have associated soy isoflavones with decreased thyroid hormone production. However, the majority of studies in healthy adults have found no significant effects (43, 44, 45).

Anecdotal evidence from animal studies suggests that phytoestrogens may be associated with these exacerbations, but almost all human studies have failed to find this evidence.

In addition, many studies have shown that phytoestrogen intake has health benefits, including lower cholesterol levels, fewer signs of menopause, and reduced risk of osteoporosis and breast cancer (4, 5, 6, 46).


Several animal studies have identified possible welfare hazards associated with phytoestrogen use, but ongoing human studies are lacking. In contrast, almost all studies link phytoestrogens to numerous health benefits and protective effects.

Phytoestrogens are found in a variety of plants foods .

To increase your phytoestrogen intake, try some of the high-calorie, delicious foods mentioned in this post on menus.

In most cases, the excellent benefits of adding these luxurious phytoestrogens to your menu outweigh the possible benefits. foods They outweigh the possible health risks of including them in your menu.

Just one thing.

Try this now: did you know that tempeh is extremely rich in phytoestrogens? Here’s how. food If you are new to this, you can find some recipe ideas in this post!

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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