Does Pulling Out Work

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While pulling Yet withdrawal or being called the “ejector method” is not considered more effective because it is considered a contraceptive method used by almost all couples; according to Planned Parenthood, there is a 22% chance of pregnancy when using the pulling method of termination as a contraceptive.

Despite his own fame, pulling The most effective method of contraception depends on a man’s ability to feel that he is going to ejaculate because and pull He leaves before the sperm enters the vagina. This is not effective in reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or other forms of contraception such as condoms or hormonal birth control.

However, some people prefer use pulling in combination with other forms of contraception. Others prefer hormonal methods because they are concerned about possible side effects. Finally, the effectiveness of of pulling depends on personal considerations such as timing, self-control, and communication between partners.

Basic Principles

Returning, also called withdrawal, is a form of contraception used by some people. This means that the penis is removed from the vagina before ejaculation occurs. This should prevent pregnancy. In particular, it is not really a win-win birth control method and contains a higher failure rate.


When the man ejaculates, he releases sperm by sperm into the vagina. If the sperm becomes a test circle, fertilization occurs and pregnancy is possible. Trying to prevent this by removing the penis for ejaculation prevents the sperm from entering the vagina.

However, this method is inadequate because there is still the option of retaining sperm before ejaculation (precum). Additionally, it can be difficult to plan for the withdrawal of the judge involving small problems causing the method to fail. Apart from that, pulling Out does not protect against STD.

The junction ratio

The failure rate of pulling OUT is relatively high, with estimates ranging from 18% to 27%. This means that for every 100 couples that use use pulling As the only form of contraception, 18-27 people become pregnant in a given year. It is considerably less effective than other forms of contraception, such as condoms and hormonal contraceptives.

In addition, pulling OUT is often misused or altered, which reduces its effectiveness. It is important to note that pulling OUT is not used as the only method of contraception, but is instead used as an alternative to other effective forms of contraception.

Performance Levels

Performance Level ” pulling Out method,” also known as the withdrawal method, is an estimated 78% effective with correct and varied use. This means that out of every 100 pairs that use this method for one year, within 22 will become pregnant.

It is important to note, however, that the effectiveness of this method is highly dependent on the ability of the male partner to expel the ejaculate. It is also worth noting that even if the male partner embraces on time, there is still a risk of pregnancy due to the presence of a pre-ejaculate that may contain sperm.

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Factors affecting effectiveness

  • Communication between partners: the effectiveness of the withdrawal method can be improved by shooting open communication between partners.
  • Experience: couples who have used this method for a long time and are familiar with each other’s bodies are more likely to use this method correctly.
  • Time: This method is more effective when used in combination with other contraceptive methods such as condoms or hormonal contraceptives.
  • Health: certain health conditions, such as sexually transmitted infections or fertility problems, can reduce the effectiveness of the withdrawal method.


While withdrawal methods can be a comfortable option for some couples, it is important to be aware of the limitations and possible dangers. If you are considering using this method, it is recommended that you discuss your options with your physician and consider using the method in combination with other contraceptive methods.

Factors Affecting Efficacy

Ink time

The moment of withdrawal during intercourse is considered a critical moment affecting the effectiveness of the cutting method. Withdrawal must take place before ejaculation in order to prevent the release of sperm in the vagina. If withdrawal is very delayed, the chances of pregnancy are greatly increased.

Experience and Self-Regulation

Skill and self-control are seen as other reasons affecting the effectiveness of this method. Men with more skill and self-control are more likely to safely prepare for ejaculation. Men who do not have as much self-control and skill are more likely to find it difficult to ejaculate to pull At the exact moment.


Pre-ejaculation, also called pre-moist, is considered another point that may affect the effectiveness of the breakdown method. Even though pre-ejaculation occurs before ejaculation, it has the ability to retain sperm previously and increase the likelihood of conception. Additionally, pre-ejaculation can stop the remaining sperm cells from the previous ejaculation, increasing the likelihood of conception.

Transfer of STDs

Finally, the attenuation method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).1 If a partner has an STD, the likelihood of transfer increases significantly, even if care is taken before ejaculation. Therefore, it is important to use barrier methods, such as condoms, to prevent STD transfer.

Possible Risks

Sexually transmitted diseases

One of the most important possible risks of withdrawal methods is the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This is due to the fact that if the person wearing the infection is not treated, the initial ejaculate or fluid different from the ejaculate pathogenic small organisms can contain STDs. Even if the person carrying the contamination does not ejaculate internally, there is still a risk of transfer via a preparative ejaculation.

Unintended Pregnancy

Unintended pregnancy & lt; pran & gt; This method is not a very effective form of contraception. Despite the fact that it can reduce the risk of pregnancy, it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases or the possibility of pregnancy due to water for lack of preparatory ejaculation or menstruation.

Another possible risk of the cutoff method is unintended pregnancy. While this method is effective when realized in the right way, for example, there is still the possibility of pregnancy because the preparatory ejaculation has the opportunity to retain sperm. Even if the person checking the timing of withdrawal is considered prudent, for example, if the ejaculation happens earlier than expected or enters the vagina first, there is the possibility of a bad case.

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Fear and Stress

Using abortion as a form of contraception can cause fear and stress in both partners. This is because there is always a risk of unintended pregnancy, which can lead to feelings of uncertainty and fear. This stress can negatively affect the sexual skills of both parties, ultimately leading to broken communication and trust.

  • Conclusion.
  • While cutoff methods can be an effective form of contraception if performed correctly, this method is not considered reliable and carries these possible risks. It is important to consider the possible consequences before deciding which contraceptive method to use. It is a good idea to consult with your physician to discuss other options and determine which method is best for you and your partner.


    Barrier method

    Barrier methods, such as condoms and pessariums, are effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly. They block the penetration of sperm into the uterus. Condoms also provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases and are a good option for those wishing to prevent both pregnancy and STDs.

    Although these methods may not be as convenient as pulling otherwise have a better chance of being more reliable if they are in turn used in the right way. If you are having sex, it is important to always use

    Hormonal Methods

    Hormonal methods such as birth control pills, plasters, and injections are very effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly. They work by thickening the mucus in the cervix to prevent the testes from being released or to prevent sperm from reaching the uterus. Some hormonal methods still have good opportunities to help regulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate PMS symptoms.

    Hormonal methods are considered reliable alternatives, although you may need a recipe from your health care provider. to pulling For those looking for a long-term birth control option.


    Sterilization procedures such as tubal or vasectomy can assure long-term contraception for those who do not wish to have children in the future. These procedures involve blocking or cutting of the fallopian tubes or VAS to prevent sperm and testicles from meeting each other.

    While sterilization is effective in preventing pregnancy, it is important to remember that it is a permanent procedure. It is important to carefully consider your options before undergoing this form of contraception.

    • Experts say there are many alternatives to contraceptive methods to pulling are more reliable and effective in preventing pregnancy. It is important to choose the method that best suits your personal needs and lifestyle. Talk to your care provider about your options and how to use them the right way.

    v& a:

    What is the pulling out method?

    The pulling Withdrawal methods consist of contraception in which the male partner withdraws his personal penis from the vagina before ejaculation to prevent pregnancy.

    Is the pulling Is the method effective?

    The pulling Abstinence is not a very effective form of contraception. Despite the fact that it can reduce the chance of pregnancy, it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and there is still the possibility of pregnancy due to lack of ejaculation or menstruation.

    What are the dangers of use the pulling out method?

    The risks of using the pulling out method include an increased risk of pregnancy and the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases compared to other forms of contraception. Additionally, the method is difficult to use correctly and increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

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    Alex Koliada, PhD

    Alex Koliada, PhD

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