Foods To Help You Poop

Many readers are interested in a pertinent subject: 15 Healthy Products That Can Help You Poop. Our manufacturers are happy to report that they have already done modern research studies on this fascinating subject. We will give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.

Most types of beans with the highest fiber content and can help Maintain regularity.

17 Best Products to Simplify Constipation

Eat certain fruits, vegetables, and seeds can help Equal constipation due to larger, softer stools, shorter bowel transport, higher stool frequency.

About 14% of people suffer from constipation (1).

Symptoms can include stools less than three times a week, forced, lumpy, or certain stools, a sense of incomplete evacuation, a feeling of being blocked, or the passing of stools.

The nature and severity of symptoms may vary from person to person. Some people only suffer from occasional constipation; others have a chronic condition.

Constipation has many underlying causes, but it is often thought to be the result of slow movement of food through the digestive system.

It can be related to dehydration, a poor disorders of diet, medication, illness, nervous system or psychological disorders.

Here are 17 foods that can help It lightens constipation and keeps it periodic.

Dried plums, also called plums, are widely used as a natural treatment for constipation.

They contain large amounts of fiber, about 3 grams of fiber per 1/4 head (40 grams) portion. This is 12% of the American Heart Association (RDI) daily fiber intake (2, 3).

Plum insoluble fiber, known as cellulose, can increase the amount of water in the stool and increase its size. Until then, soluble fiber in plums in the colon can ferment into short chains of fatty acids, making the stool larger (4).

Additionally, plums contain sorbitol. This sweet alcohol is not properly absorbed by the body, allowing water to be sucked into the colon and causing a laxative effect in a few people (4, 5)

Finally, the crude contains a phenolic connection that initiates the necessary digestive bacteria. This likely contributed to their laxative effect (4).

A lengthy study among 40 people with constipation showed that using 100 grams of plums per day significantly improved the frequency and consistency of stools, compared to treatment with a type of dietary fiber, psyllium (6).

You can eat plums this way or in salads, breakfast cereals, oatmeal, fried foods, smoothies, and special stews.


Plums contain the most fiber, sorbitol, and gut. can help treat constipation.

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Apples contain a lot of fiber. A medium apple (about 200 grams) with the skin peeled also contains 4.8 grams of fiber. This is 19% of the RDA (7).

Most of these fibers are not soluble, but apples also contain soluble fiber, primarily in the form of dietary fiber called pectin (8).

In the intestinal tract, pectin is quickly fermented by microorganisms into fatty acids with short chains that draw water into the colon, soften stools, and reduce intestinal transport time (9, 10).

A study of 80 constipated individuals showed that accelerated pectin movement of stools by the intestinal tract improved constipation symptoms and the number of essential microorganisms in the intestinal tract (11).

Another long-term animal study showed that rats that received a diet with apple fiber increased the frequency and authority of stools, regardless of the fact that they were given morphine, which causes constipation (12).

Apples are an easy way to increase the amount of fiber in your menu and alleviate constipation. You can eat them or cut them into small pieces and add them to salads or fried products. Granny Smith apples have even more fiber (13).


Apples contain pectin. Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that eases and assists stools as they move through the digestive tract.

Pears are another fiber-rich fruit, with about 5.5 grams of fiber in a medium fruit (about 178 grams). This is 22% ADH of fiber (14).

Along with the fiber advantage, pears are the richest rich in fructose and sorbitol compared to other fruits (15).

Fructose is a type of sugar that some people absorb inadequately. This means that some of it ends up in the colon, where it attracts water by osmosis and stimulates intestinal movement (16).

Pears also contain the sugar sorbitol. Like fructose, sorbitol is not properly absorbed by the body and acts as a natural laxative bringing water to the intestinal tract (15).

Pears can be processed in a variety of ways on personal menus. Eat them raw or cooked with cheese or process them in salads, specialty products, or fried products.


Pears contain fiber and natural laxatives such as fructose and sorbitol.

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One kiwi (about 75 grams) contains 2.3 grams of fiber, accounting for 9% of the RDA (17).

In one study, 19 healthy adults consumed Kiwis supplements for 28 days. Researchers found that this resulted in a significant increase in the number of daily bowel movements compared to a control group (18).

In another study, the use of two Kiwis daily for two months resulted in 11 healthy adults having more defecations and weaker stools (19).

Additionally, a 2010 study found 54 members with the 2 Kiwis per day syndrome over a 4-month period. At the end of the study, members reported increased frequency of defecation and faster transit time through the colon (20).

Kiwi fiber is not the only thing that prevents constipation. An enzyme known as actinidin

Kiwis can be eaten raw. Peel them elementary or cut them in half and account for the green flesh and seeds. They are a great addition to fruit salads and have every chance to be added to smoothies to increase fiber.


Kiwi is considered an excellent source of fiber and contains actinidin, an enzyme that can improve bowel motility and alleviate constipation.

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Rice is an excellent way to increase fiber intake and promote healthy bowel habits.

A medium cup of wet rice (about 50 grams) contains 1.5 grams of fiber. Additionally, the center of a cup (80 grams) of dried figs contains 7.9 grams of fiber, almost 32% of the RDA (24, 25).

An older study in dogs investigated the effect of fig paste on constipation for three weeks. It was established that fig paste increased stool authority and shortened intestinal transport time (26).

Another study among 40 people with constipation showed that buying 300 grams of fig pastes per day for 16 months definitely helped to accelerate intestinal transport, improve stool consistency, and alleviate stomach complaints (27).

Interestingly, figs contain an enzyme called ficin. This is similar to the enzyme actinidin found in kiwi. It appears that this may contribute to its positive effect on intestinal function, along with its high fiber content (21, 23).

Smokies are considered a sweet snack in their own right and go well with both savory and savory foods. It can be eaten raw, cooked, or dried, and fits well with cheese and game, as well as pizza, cakes, and salads.


Figs can help Contains ficin, an enzyme that can increase fiber intake and promote regularity.

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Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and mandarins are considered refreshing snacks and are not bad sources of fiber.

For example, an orange (about 154 grams) contains 3.7 grams of fiber, or 15% of its generally accepted size. Until then, a grapefruit (about 308 grams) has almost 5 grams of fiber, meeting 20% of daily needs (28, 29).

Citrus fruits still consist of pectin soluble fiber, especially skin. Pectin has the ability to speed up digestive transit time and alleviate constipation (11, 30).

In addition, citrus fruits contain flavanolnaringin, which may contribute to the positive effects of constipation when it occurs (31).

Animal studies have shown that naringenin increases water separation in the colon, causing a laxative effect. However, additional human studies are needed (31, 32).

To get the most fiber and vitamin C, eat citrus fruits well. Oranges and mandarins are good snacks. food Grapefruit are wonderfully mixed into salads or cut in half at breakfast.


Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, and mandarins contain a lot of fiber and many substances that can relieve constipation, including pectin and naringenin.

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Vegetables such as spinach, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli not only contain a lot of fiber, but are also considered good sources of folate and vitamins C and K (33, 34, 35).

These greens help They increase the size and firmness of stools and facilitate their passage through the intestinal tract.

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A bowl (180 grams) of cooked spinach contains 4.7 grams of fiber, or 19% of the daily recommended value (33).

To process spinach in a personal menu, you can add it to custard cakes, cakes, or soups. Young spinach or tender greens can be added raw to salads or sandwiches to get more fiber.

Brussels sprouts can still be very healthy. Containing only 14% of your daily fiber needs and 41 calories, Brussels sprouts are only 5 Brussels sprouts (34).

They can be cooked, steamed, baked, grilled, broiled, and kept warm and cool.

Until then, broccoli has 2.4 g of fiber in just one cup (91 grams). This is equivalent to 10% of the generally accepted amount of fiber (35).

It can be cooked and added to soups and stews, or eaten raw in salads or as a snack.


Vegetables such as spinach, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli are rich in fiber, can help Add them to your stool to help regulate bowel movements.

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Lard and chicory belong to the sunflower genus and are considered local sources of soluble fiber, commonly referred to as inulin (36).

Inulin is considered a prebiotic fiber. it helps It stimulates the appearance of microorganisms in the intestinal tract and promotes digestive health. It is even healthier for bifidobacteria (36, 37).

A review of studies on inulin and constipation found that inulin increases defecation frequency, improves consistency, and reduces intestinal transit time. It also helps to smooth the intestinal lining by increasing the amount of bacteria in the stool (37, 38).

A recent study of 44 healthy adults with constipation showed that 12 grams of inulin per day from chicory increased stool frequency and softness (39).

Chicory is a tuber with a nutty flavor. It can be found in most supermarkets under the name Sunchokes or Topinmbour. It can be fried, steamed, boiled, or pureed.

Chicory root is not usually found in supermarkets, but is well known as a candidate for coffee, ground as is.


Both chicory and chicory contain a prebiotic called inulin, which improves the intestinal tract, increases the frequency of stools, and improves digestion.

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Scientific studies have shown that artichokes have prebiotic effects that promote intestinal health and regularity.

Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates, such as inulin, that help feed the right bacteria in the gut, increase their numbers, and defend them against the emergence of harmful microbes (40).

A longer-term study showed that people who consumed 10 grams of artichoke fiber daily for three months had higher numbers of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. He also found that levels of harmful microorganisms in the intestinal tract were reduced (41).

Additionally, prebiotics were found to increase the frequency of defecation and improve the consistency of stools in constipated patients (42).

Cooked artichokes can be eaten hot or cold. The outer petals can be removed and the pulp eaten with sauce or gravy. The core of the artichoke can be removed and chopped.


Artichokes are rich in prebiotics such as inulin, which can increase the number of essential microorganisms in the intestinal tract and increase the frequency and consistency of defecation.

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Rhubarb is a leafy plant known for its stimulating properties.

It has a component known as snoside A, better known as senna, a well-known laxative based on the herb (43, 44).

A rat study showed that snoside A works from rhubarb by lowering levels of aquaporin 3, a protein that regulates water movement in the intestinal tract (45).

Lower levels of aquaporin 3 mean that less water returns from the colon to the bloodstream, making the stools more flexible and facilitating defecation.

In addition, one bowl (122 grams) contains 2.2 grams of Rhubarb, which guarantees 9% ADH of fiber (46).

The leaves of the rhubarb plant cannot be eaten, but the stem can be cut and cooked. Rhubarb is tart and is often added to and added to cakes, bakes, and crumbs. It can still be added to oats and muesli for a fiber-rich breakfast.


Rhubarb contains little fiber and has snosid A, which merges helps stools softened and facilitated defecation.

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Sweet potatoes contain a significant amount of fiber. to help To relieve constipation.

One medium-sized sweet potato (about 150 grams) contains 3.6 grams of fiber, or 14% of the RDA (47).

Sweet potatoes contain insoluble fiber, primarily in the form of cellulose and lignin. It also contains the soluble fiber pectin (48).

Insoluble fiber may promote intestinal motility, making stools larger and firmer (49).

A study looked at the effects of using tasty potatoes in people undergoing chemotherapy, which can cause constipation (50).

After using 200 grams of sweet potatoes per day for four days, participants improved their constipation and reported the most effort and least discomfort compared to the control group (50).

Sweet potatoes can be baked, cooked, cooked and pureed. It is still possible to use simple potatoes in recipes requiring


Sweet potatoes are considered an excellent source of insoluble fiber, which has the ability to enlarge stools to prevent constipation.

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Still known as legumes, beans, peas, and lentils are considered one of the cheapest sources of stored fiber. food A group that can be included in your personal menu.

For example, a bowl of manufactured dark blue beans (182 grams), the type used in baked beans, contains 19, 1 grams of fiber, equivalent to 76% of the RDA (51).

In addition, only half (99 grams) of cooked lentils contain 7.8 grams of fiber, meeting 31% of daily needs (52).

Legumes contain a mixture of both insoluble and soluble fiber. This means they increase the size and firmness of stools, allowing them to pass more easily, and thus are more likely to alleviate constipation (49, 53).

To absorb more legumes in your personal menu, you can add them to soups, stir them into appropriate sauces, process them in salads, or add them to meat dishes to add size and flavor.


Legumes such as beans, peas, and lentils contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. can help They soften and enlarge stools.

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Chia seeds are considered one of the most luxurious fibers. foods Affordable. Only one ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds contains 9.8 grams of fiber, covering 39% of your daily needs (54).

Chia fiber is composed of 85% insoluble fiber and 15% soluble fiber (55).

When thia comes into contact with water, it forms a gel. In the intestinal tract it does so. can help relaxing and promoting relaxation (56).

In addition, chia can absorb 12 more water than its own body weight. can help increase in stool size and weight (5 7).

Chia seeds are very versatile and can be added to almost any food. foods Chia seeds can be added to almost any food.

Sprinkle them over corn flakes, oatmeal, and yogurt, they are great. They can also be added to smoothies, vegetable juices, and mixed into sauces, salad dressings, baked products, and desserts.


Chia seeds are rich in soluble fiber, which forms a gel-like consistency in the digestive tract, softening and promoting stools.

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Flax seeds have been used for centuries as a widely used remedy for constipation, thanks to their natural laxative effect (58).

In addition to its many other health benefits, flaxseeds are full of soluble and insoluble fiber, making them an excellent way to improve digestion (58).

Whole flaxseeds contain only 1 tablespoon (9 grams) with 2.5 grams of fiber, providing 10% of daily needs (59).

A 2012 study in Muizen showed that those who received flaxseed granules in the menu received more fecal matter with a shorter transport time through the small intestinal tract (60).

The researchers reasoned that insoluble fiber acts like a sponge on the colon, retaining water, increasing size and softening the stool. In the meantime, soluble fiber promotes microbial absorption and increases stool weight (60).

Additionally, fatty acids with short chains are produced during bacterial fermentation of soluble fiber, increasing motility and initiating defecation (60).

Interestingly, scientists suggest that the laxative effect of flaxseed may be related to the oil content, which may have lubricating properties (60).

You can eat flaxseed with bread or yogurt, or process it in muffins, breads, and cakes.

However, not everyone is obligated to use flaxseed. Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding are often advised to use flaxseed with caution, but supportive research is needed (61).


Flax Seeds 7 is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber and has every opportunity to increase the rise of the right microbes in the intestinal tract.

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Rye bread is a widely used bread in many parts of Europe and is rich in fiber.

Two slices (about 64 grams) of whole grain bread contain 3.7 grams of fiber, thus meeting 15% of the RDA (62).

Studies have shown that rye bread is more effective in relieving constipation than regular wheat bread or laxatives (63).

A 2010 study among 51 adults with constipation investigated the effects of using 240 grams of rye bread per day (63).

Participants who ate rye bread had an average of 23% shorter bowel transport compared to those who ate wheat bread. They also experienced softer stools and more frequent and convenient bowel movements (63).

Rye bread can be used as an alternative to regular white wheat bread. It is usually poorer and has a darker, more potent flavor than regular bread.


Whole wheat bread is considered a good source of fiber and has been shown to increase the frequency of bowel movements and also shorten intestinal transport.

15 Healthy Products That Can Help with Poop

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Eating fiber-rich foods With beans and some fruits and vegetables, and foods high in prebiotics may help Promotes systematic defecation.

Constipation is considered a common problem affecting 20% of the population (1).

Hiccups in colon transport or shortened boot movement of food digestive system is considered one of the more popular causes. Fiber diet, aging, and physical inactivity may still contribute to constipation.

Drugs for constipation usually consist of laxatives, stool softeners, and fiber supplements that systematically increase in certain amounts. foods The menu offers an opportunity to be a threatening and effective candidate.

Here are 15 healthy foods that can help you poop .

Apples are considered an excellent source of fiber; one small apple (149 grams) supplies 3.6 grams of fiber (2).

Fiber is not digested through the intestinal tract and helps initiate defecation and promote constant bowel movements (3).

Apples still contain a particular picture of soluble fiber called pectin. This is popular for its unique laxative effect.

In one study, 80 members of a constipated population took pectin supplements.

After four weeks of accelerated pectin, they improved digestion by reducing colon transit time, signs of constipation, and increasing the number of helpful microorganisms in the intestinal tract (4).

Apples can be used as a healthy encasement for foods yogurt, pancakes, oatmeal, etc. or can be eaten by itself as a mild, calorie-rich snack.

Plums are often used as a natural laxative – and for good reason.

Four plums (32 grams) contain 2G fiber, which is within 7% of the daily claim for vitamin A and potassium (5).

Blackberries also contain sorbitol, an image of sweet alcohol that your body can easily digest. It helps It illuminates constipation by drawing water into the intestinal tract and stimulating defecation (6).

The review looked at four studies in which the effectiveness of plums on the size of constipation was It was determined that plums can help softens relief, improves consistency, and increases stool frequency (7).

Another study showed that plums improved both stool frequency and consistency compared to members who received a supplement of psyllium fiber (8).

Plums add delicacy when used to garnish salads and columns. A small glass of plum juice with no added sugar is a fast and comfortable technique to obtain the same excellent constipation-related qualities found in plums as a whole.

Kiwis actually contain even more fiber, making them excellent for food to help promote regularity.

One medium-sized kiwi (2.6 ounces or 69 grams) contains 2 grams of fiber (9).

Kiwis have been shown to initiate movement in the digestive tract, thus helping to initiate defecation (10).

A long-term study found 33 isolated and 20 nonconstructed kiwis were isolated twice a day for 4 weeks in the direction of.

Kiwi has definitely helped speed up bowel transport, reduce the introduction of laxatives, and better signal constipation (11).

Try adding kiwi to your personal smoothie or breakfast bowl for a sweet, high-calorie option.

In addition to the abundant benefits for wells, fax seeds distinguish themselves precisely through their fiber with the best ingredients and ability to increase regularity.

Each tablespoon (10 grams) of flaxseed contains 3 grams of fiber, a mixture of both soluble and insoluble fiber (12).

One study showed that using 10 grams of flaxseeds per day improved constipation and other digestive and weight conditions over a 12-month period (13).

Another study showed that flaxseed can have a dual effect on both constipation and diarrhea (14).

Flax seeds are more likely to add support fiber and texture when sprinkled into oatmeal, yogurt, soups, and shakes. Flax seeds can be used in salad dressings, sauces, and gravies.

Pears can help They brighten constipation in a variety of ways.

First, they are rich in fiber; one medium pear (178 grams of 6.3 ounces) contains 6 grams of fiber. This equates to 16% and 25% of the daily fiber needs of men and women (15, 16).

Pears have an increased sorbitol content. This is a sweet alcohol that acts as an osmotic scout to draw water out of the intestinal tract and initiate intestinal movement (17).

In addition, pears contain fructose. Fructose contains an image of sugar that can only be consumed in limited amounts.

This is due to the way your body metabolizes fructose. Not only is it contained slowly, but large amounts of fructose are only metabolized by the liver (18).

Additionally, some people can become hypersensitive to fructose, a condition that affects the body’s ability to absorb fructose.

Like sorbitol, unraised fructose acts as a natural laxative, bringing water to the intestinal tract (18).

Pears are unimaginably versatile and can be easily added to meals. They may be processed in salads, smoothies, sandwiches, or used raw as a tasty snack.

Most types of beans with the highest fiber content and can help Maintain regularity.

For example, dark beans cook 7.5 grams of fiber per half cup (86 grams), while the middle cup (91 grams) of boiled navy beans has 9.5 grams of fiber (19, 20).

Beans still contain a number of soluble and insoluble fibers. help Release Constipation in a Distinctive Way.

Soluble fiber feeds on water, forms a gel-like consistency, softens stools, and facilitates defecation (21).

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, is intact through the digestive tract and bulks up in the stool (22).

A 2016 study showed that the combination of soluble and insoluble fiber in menu constipation, bloated feelings and flatulence decreased (23).

If you are looking for an easy way to increase your fiber intake, beans are a good way to go. Add them to soups, dipping sauces, and side dishes to sweeten the fiber.

Both the table of contents and the natural laxative qualities of rhubarb promote regularity.

Each rhubarb tribe (1, 8 ounces or 51 grams) contains 1 gram of fiber, generally considered insoluble fiber that promotes size (24).

There is still an amalgam in Leuven called snoside A that has a laxative effect on the body. In fact, snosides are included in the herbal laxative standard as these are geriatric (25).

Cenoside A works by reducing the level of aquaporin 3 (AQP3), a protein that keeps water transport in the intestinal tract under control.

Lowering AQP3 increases water absorption, softens stools, and promotes defecation (26).

Rhubarb can be used in all types of baking and added to yogurt or oatmeal for an extra taste kick.

Research has shown that artichokes have prebiotic effects and are beneficial for preserving the health and regularity of the intestinal tract.

Prebiotics are a specific form of fiber that feeds the good bacteria in your colon and helps make your digestive system healthier (27).

You can also consume prebiotics help illuminate constipation.

A 2017 review watched five studies involving 199 members and concluded that prebiotics increase stool frequency and ensure better consistency (28).

Artichokes in particular are considered a good source of prebiotics, given the opportunity to increase the proper bacteria in the intestinal tract.

In a study, 32 members of the artichoke fiber were offered; after three weeks, they saw an increase in the concentration of helpful microbes and a decrease in the number of harmful digestive microbes (29).

Another study examined the effects of Artichokblad extract on 208 members with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Artichokes not only reduced the incidence of IBS, but undoubtedly also helped restore the pattern of the intestinal tract (30).

Artichokes are available in both fresh and bloated forms and can be used in a variety of recipes including creamy dips, salads, and delicious cakes.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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