How To Get Rid Of A Bruise

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Get Rid of It Faster of bruises Lose it faster by applying ice, heat, or certain critical treatments and medications.

How Do I Get Rid of Bruises

When someone strikes you, or you press something hard, small blood vessels can close under your skin. It’s true. a bruise Fungus This happens because the blood flows out and goes nowhere else. It stays there until your body absorbs it during the healing process.

Once you’re bruised For two months you will have these black blue spots on your skin. The bruise It should change color as it heals. You can still have some pain and swelling. The first days after the injury will hurt the most.

When you’re bruised You can expedite the healing process by arranging regular baggage. Here are some suggestions that can help you bruise Get out of the house as soon as possible.

Ice Therapy

Put ice on your bruise Immediately after the injury. This will reduce the size of the injury, allowing it to heal faster. bruise Allows it to heal faster. The freezing heat of the ice compression cooks the blood in the area more slowly. As a result, less blood flows through the blood vessels.

Do not apply ice directly on it. bruise Wrap the ice in a hand towel or cardboard with a clean towel to protect the skin; remove the ice after 10 minutes. Forgetting for a long time can ruin the skin. It is not a bad idea to put skin on skin. bruise If you do it, several times a day as long as you keep intervals.

Peas, yes. Steaks, no. You have probably seen people in movies and cartoons putting raw steak on their skin. bruises – Especially with dark eyes. Do not make this yourself. It is dangerous to grow raw beef or put your eyes or another body part on it. Because it could be full of germs. Steaks and other raw beef do not have any special healing abilities that are likely enough to help a bruise Typically, raw, uncooked beef has been used for decades to relieve cold, painful spots. If you don’t have ice in the fridge, grab a bag of frozen peas instead of steak. Place the entire bag of veggies on you. bruise ice for 10 minutes at a time for pain relief.

Heat Therapy

Heat increases blood flow, which can be a bruise Wait 48 hours. the bruise You can also take a warm bath to relieve pain and relax your muscles. You can also take a warm bath to relieve pain and relax your muscles.


Stop what you are doing when you are in pain. This will ensure that it the bruise Shift to worst. If clapping occurs during a football game, start in the background. Remove your foot. This will slow the blood flow to your bruise the foot. It should make the situation more frightening than when you keep running.

If you rest, you can massage your legs for you, but this is not a good idea. This has the potential to aggravate the damaged space. You can destroy more blood vessels under the skin the bruised area larger.


After an injury, it is great if you bring in higher than your heart’s worth. This trick uses gravity bruise Keep it as small as possible. If the painful spot is below the heart, the blood will more easily collect, making it more difficult to the bruise more. But when the painful spot is above the heart, more blood returns to the heart.

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Combine the steps for the best result: rest! the bruise and raise it above your heart’s worth.


Compression applies pressure to the injured area. This is, the bruise . especially wear elastic ties and wrap them tightly around the affected area, but not too tightly.

Pain Relief

Your pain will begin to diminish after about 3 days of treatment. bruised If you are not in pain, you will be given a painkiller. Until then, if the bruise you are really sore or swollen, you can take freely available medications to reduce your pain. NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or naproxen can be used, but with a slight increase in bleeding, especially in older patients or those already using blood thinners.

Natural Therapies

Some natural therapies are, a bruise Faster and in what quantities:

  • Arnica: this cream prepared from this flower has the ability to help reduce the consequences a bruise .
  • Bromelain: a group of pineapple enzymes helps. a bruise go away faster.
  • Aloe religion: this plant has vitamins, minerals and enzymes that soothe and hydrate the skin. It is used to treat many types of skin conditions. bruises .
  • Vitamin K. Studies have shown that phytonadione or vitamin K1 can accelerate the healing of bruises.

Sources indicate.

University Essential Support: “How to Get Rid of Bruises”.

Cleveland Clinic: “Bruises: Management and Treatment”.

Nemours Foundation: “Bruises”.

American Academy of Plastic Surgeons: “Brush Striae (Brush Muscles)”. bruise ).”

American Academy or Ophthalmology: “Treatment of Bruises Under the Eye”.

WVU Medicine: “Bruises: Appearance and Treatment”.

Mayo Clinic: “Bruises: Help #1.”

State Midpoint Information on Biotechnology Information: “Accelerated resolution of laser-induced 20% Arnica-induced contusions: a randomized controlled study” and “Nutritional Support of Wound Healing.

National Center for Support and Integrated Wellness: “Bromelain.

Scientific Research: “Centipede Religion treatment and drug implementation: a review”.

Journal of Medical and Gyesthetic Dermatology: “Treatment of Actinic Purpura.

Ten Techniques for Removing Wounds.

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Get Rid of It Faster of bruises Lose it faster by applying ice, heat, or certain critical treatments and medications.

Bruises are the result of trauma or skin damage that tears blood vessels. Bruises usually disappear automatically, but steps can be taken to reduce pain and illusions.

The following treatments can be done at home

1. cold therapy

Immediately after the injury, apply ice to reduce blood flow around the area. Cooling the blood vessels has properties to reduce the amount of blood flowing to the surrounding material. It has properties that prevent the bruise To prevent and reduce swelling.

Reusable ice packs, ice bags, or bags of frozen vegetables wrapped in material, or clean towels can be used. Ice the bruise 10 minutes at a time. Wait 20 minutes before doing a second time.

2. heat

Heat can be used to increase circulation and blood flow. This will certainly help to clean out locked blood the bruise formed. Applying heat can also help relax intense muscles and relieve pain. Heating cushions or hot water bushes can be used. A few weeks in a warm bath is also an option.

3. compression

Wrap the bruised Place an elastic bandage on the square. This helps immobilize the tissue and certainly prevents vascular leakage. Application of compression can reduce the severity the bruise and helps reduce pain and swelling.

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4. elevation

Elevate the bruised area so that it is higher than the heart. This helps relieve pain and remove fluid from the heart. the bruised Neighborhood. Zooming in reduces pressure and compression. This gives you the perfect opportunity to rest and relax, thus facilitating the healing process.

5. arnica

Arnica is a homeopathic herb that is said to reduce inflammation and swelling, making it ideal for treating bruising; a 2010 study showed that a major arnica ointment effectively reduced bruising caused by laser. Arnica ointment or gel can be the bruise Apply several times a day.

6. vitamin K cream

Vitamin K is considered an essential nutrient that aids in blood clotting; a small study in 2002 showed that vitamin K cream reduced bruising burden after laser treatment. To apply this treatment, apply vitamin K cream gently to the skin the bruise as little as possible, twice a day.

7. centipede vera

Stronica vera has been proven to reduce pain and inflammation. It can be used topically on the affected area. Be sure to use a gel that has not been exposed to the Stronica religion. Read the label carefully to check for additives.

8. vitamin C

Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to promote wound healing. Gels, creams, and serums containing vitamin C can still be found. It can be used topically. As a supplement, it is still understandable. Eat plenty of hearty fruits and vegetables for lunch.

9. pineapple

Bromelain is an enzyme mixture found in pineapple. Bromelain helps reduce weight the bruise and reduces inflammation. You can eat pineapple or take bromelain supplements. It can also be used topically as a cream.

10. comfrey

Comfrey is a plant often used to treat skin conditions and inflammation. Comfrey cream has been shown to have healing properties that can be used to treat bruises .

The cream may be used. bruise Multiple times per day. Compression can also be controlled by applying dried comfrey leaves. Soak the leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then separate the liquid and wrap the leaves in a clean towel or cloth. Use this to, the bruised area.

bruise is more likely to heal after a few months. Allow the body to rest for optimal healing. Using some of the home remedies described here can speed the healing process. Monitor your own progress. Keep in mind. bruises It could be the result of a severe sprain or fracture. Contact your physician if

  • The injury appeared to be minor, but you are still in pain after 3 days
  • You feel a lump bruise
  • It seems to be swollen for no reason
  • You see blood in your urine or stool.

These are signs of a more serious injury.

Last dose from the doctor on June 1, 2017

As explained in this post:.

Healthline includes strict searchers and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical societies. We avoid the use of tertiary references. You can read our editorial policy for more information on how to make sure your content is clear and relevant.

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  • Staff Outpatient Clinic Mayo (2014). Bruising: 1st support. Mayo Clinic. org/fren-aid/fren-aid-bruise/basics/art-2006663
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  • Telang Ps. (2013). Vitamin C in dermatology. idoj./ Text. asp? 2013/4/2/143/110593
  • Vitamin K [Newsletter]. (2016). odds. od. the NIH (National Institutes of Health. gov/factsheets/vitamink-health Professional/

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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