People Who Talk To Themselves

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I have no doubt, that is exactly how I often see Golem in Lord of the Rings when he is his own “precious”.

Why are you having this conversation with yourself?

Kendra Cherry, MS, is considered a creator and educational consultant whose goal is to help students become aware of psychology.

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Daniel B. Block, M.D., is considered a psychiatrist of particular merit who has a private practice in Pennsylvania.

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Table of Contents

Psychologists have a practice of speaking aloud as an external conversation with themselves. When you talk you talk to yourself from time to time, you are not alone. To be far from a basic need is actually quite widespread.

Some data suggest that talking to yourself has the ability to have many mental advantages. Studies have shown that this method of talking to oneself is associated with a variety of psychological functions, including problem solving, thinking, planning, motivation, and care.

In some cases this can be a problem or symptom of mental illness, but in most cases it can continue. and talk If it is not a reason for concern then it would not be a reason for concern.

This post will explain why people behave the way they do. talk to themselves And some of the possible benefits of this behavior. It also discusses what can be done if one wants to stop talking to oneself and if the symptoms of this behavior could be a reason for concern.

Why Do People Talk to Themselves?

Children begin to talk to themselves At 2 and 3 years of age, as a rule, it is not strongly distinguished from other social speech at this young age; around 5 years, the baby is more hidden in its own autonomous direction talk . They still talk to themselves But often it is not heard by others.

And while it is often the least controversial thing for others, the conversation with yourself seldom disappears altogether. Most people. talk to themselves do it at least occasionally, some do it more often.

External self-talk is relatively common, but not well studied, which is why some people talk to themselves run off loudly instead of others.A 2019 article in the journal Frontiers in Psychology investigated some of all the comments observed.

Social Isolation.

One doctrine means that people who spend only more time alone have the opportunity to do more to talk to themselves conversation with themselves may work as a form of social communication because they have less interaction with others.

There are many studies that support this notion. One study found that adults who were any kind of children were more likely to engage in conversation with themselves.

Another study showed that people who are very lonely and have strong needs tend to engage in outside conversations with themselves. to talk to themselves Veldin this case works with itself to meet needs unmet by limited or inadequate social relationships.

Cognitive Impairment

This doctrine actually means that people may talk to themselves to hear due to cognitively anxious events, often caused by stress or other similar events. For example, fear or obsessive behavior can cause cognitive deficits related to increased self-talk.

For example, one study found that people to talk to themselves details of concert preparations if they are anxious about a public concert.

This study still showed the effects of positive and negative self-talk on People who talked to themselves in a negative or self-critical, negative way were more likely to feel overly anxious about a public concert.


There are many different kinds of techniques you can do talk for yourself. Autonomous conversations include directions that are positive or negative.

  • Positive and negative self-talk: talking with yourself in a positive way consists of self-management or statements. Negative self-talk focuses on statements that are often considered self-critical or accusatory.
  • Learning Self-Talk: this form of self-talk focuses on discussing the steps that must be followed to solve a problem or to complete a task.
  • Motivational Self-Speech: This type of speech aims to encourage you for your work. For example, you can congratulate yourself for your efforts or remind yourself that you are ready to achieve a sense of

Research shows that talking to yourself in a positive, informative, or motivational way can improve performance.

Surprisingly, scientists have found that negative self-talk does not always worsen performance. On the contrary, it may sometimes ensure that you are closer to the reality of the reverse association, where there is an opportunity to improve the way you do things in the future. However, it is essential to avoid attachment because so many adverse conversations with yourself could blow up your faith in the possibilities in the long run.


Talking to yourself has the opportunity to have a variety of advantages. Some of them are


Talking to yourself can be a necessary technique to distance yourself from your personal skills. It allows you to think about the things that happen in your life. Because it gives you some distance, it can be a great technique to view your baggage with more emotion.

It may minimize the immediate impressions and predictable emotions you had at the time, thus allowing you to see the baggage more clearly in a more optimal methodology.


Talking to yourself is still motivating. Think of current events that challenged and swelled you and say, “I can arrange this,” or “You have this.” There is every opportunity for these thoughts to become useful if you hold them from the inside, but externalizing these thoughts often has the opportunity to be more motivating.

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Research has shown that basketball players to themselves beneficial or motivational statements, they showed significant improvement compared to the control group.

Those who used beneficial affirmations gained enormous accuracy in their performance, and those who used motivational affirmations performed the task much faster.

Better Memory

If you’ve ever talked to yourself while wandering the aisles of a grocery store, don’t worry – remembering the articles on your list shows you are more helpful than anything else.

In the experiment, members had to find the articles in the store without saying anything. At the end of the experiment, however, participants were asked to repeat the names of the items they found. Results showed that those who said them to themselves Finding what they found was easy.

According to the explorer’s text, by speaking to themselves Members improved their memory and made stronger associations between the texts they described and the visual goals they found.

Problem Solving

Talking to yourself is a technique for resolving difficulties you encounter. Known as self-diminishment, this strategy has the ability to help people stay in control of their personal progress and improve their results as the difficulty ends.

Talking to yourself for a few minutes gives you the time you need to really focus and think about the task and all your options.


Of course, talking to yourself can have excellent qualities, but there is baggage that can be arranged to get the maximum response from your own self. Below are strategies to assist you in every opportunity.

Keep it positive.

Negative conversations with yourself, either in mind or out loud, can have a major negative impact on your well being. If there is negativity in your head or thoughts, you need to look into techniques for reconsidering the text.

This does not mean that you must deposit in baggage that is considered overly positive or unrealistic. For example, you do not want to substitute bad statements such as “I am terribly in” by “I am the best at that.”

Instead, concentrate on preparing positive but mostly realistic statements that promote more confident thinking about the future. For example, “It’s not easy, but you are learning. You will be more than anyone else who goes through it every day.”

For more advice on talking about yourself, click play

In this episode of the Mind Mind podcast with author Kintra Hall, LCSW editor and therapist Amy Morin talks about how you can talk more about yourself in the right situations. Click below to listen in the moment.

People Who Talk To Themselves


Asking yourself questions about what you have learned and what it actually means can be a huge memory-enhancing tool. Since you are essentially investigating something and then learning it for yourself, this increases information and helps better anchor your long-term memory.

Tailor what you say

The conversation itself is more useful if you pay attention to it and listen to what you say.

You can tell what happens at a higher level of awareness, but listening and reasoning about the conversation with yourself, without paying attention to the table of contents of your text, is every chance to become the technique you need to gain a higher sense of self.

Use a second or third person

Instead of speaking with yourself in the first person, you can also switch to a second or third person.

In the study, scientists noticed when people spoke to themselves In the third person they were more than others able to regulate their personal impressions. This can all be healthy when dealing with difficult or stressful emotions.

Using a third party can help you distance yourself from these emotions, so that you appear more impartial, as if you are looking for someone else’s thoughts instead of your own.

How you talk For yourself, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact on your self-image, learning, and self-cooperation. Friendly attraction to yourself, asking yourself questions, and referring to your own texts will help you make the most of your personal conversations with yourself.

How to control it

There is usually nothing wrong with talking to yourself, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t moments you want to keep to yourself instead of making them clear. For example, others have the opportunity to find conversations with you, especially if you share a workplace with others.

So what can you arrange to send your own trend to talk for yourself? Some strategies that have every opportunity to help you connect:

  • Talk to others: IF you talk If you can arrange to talk to others and think about issues or motivate yourself, that will help. to talk Instead talk to others around you. Ask questions and ask if they would like feedback on your ideas.
  • Distribute yourself: investigating other techniques to keep busy will help minimize the desire to talk out loud. to talk Loud. For example, you can chew gum, drink water, or suck peppermint or hard candy.
  • Write this down: keeping a journal is a necessary exercise to help you process, draw conclusions, and simplify the signs of stress.

When to Worry.

Self-care is not always a positive force. If you engage in unhealthy conversations with yourself, it can affect your confidence, self-esteem, and mental health.

Sometimes you can find yourself committed to thinking and talking about the same sad, unfavorable, black ideas every day. This way of talking about yourself can be a symptom of depression or other mental illnesses.

Self-dependence can also be a challenge when it occurs as a result of hallucinations. In this case, the person does talk loudly to an external source that does not exist, instead of talking to the person in question. themselves .

Hallucinations can be associated with a wide range of disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, substance use, metabolic disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Being illogical, inquisitorial, illogical, and accompanied by disorganized thinking can be a symptom of schizophrenia or related conditions.

In most cases, talking to oneself is not considered a symptom of a psychological welfare problem. However, if this self-memory is very negative or not easily brought under control, or is accompanied by auditory or visual hallucinations, you should consult a physician or therapist. talk to your doctor.

A physician or therapist can help you determine if you have a psychological problem and advise you on the correct treatment. They can also help you learn to control your behavior and avoid adverse conversations with yourself.


important to remember that talking to yourself is actually incredibly common, although it can sometimes be seen as eccentric, abnormal, and even pathological. While that is not enough, it may possess many serious advantages, such as regulating impressions and improving memory.

So go ahead and talk Even walking down the aisles of a grocery store or preparing for a big speech. But it can be pointless and really works.

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  1. Brinthaupt TM. personal differences in conversation frequency: social isolation and cognitive impairment. Front Sycol. 2019; 10: 1088. doi: 10. 3389/fpsyg. 2019. 01088
  2. Gert B. Meaning in itself. talk Field Philos Psychol. 2018; 9(2): 271-285. doi: 10. 1007/s13164-017-0375-y
  3. Brinthorpt TM, Pigaon CT. call frequency differences as a function of age, childhood only, and childhood state of being. journal of Studies in Personality. 2012; 46(3): 326-333. doi: 10. 1016/j. JRP. 2012. 03. 003
  4. Reichl C, Schneider JF, Spinath FM. frequency of conversation and loneliness, need to belong, and well-being correspondence in mature Germans. Faces and personal differences. 2013; 54(2): 241-245. doi: 10. 1016/j. paid. 2012. 09. 003
  5. Shi H, Brintaupt T. M., McCree M. The relationship between frequency of conversation and communication appeals and social concert anxiety. Faces and Personal Differences. 2015; 75: 125-129. doi: 10. 1016/j. Paid. 2014. 11. 023
  6. Boroujeni St, Shahbazi M. The impact of learning and motivational talk about the self on motor ability performance and basketball players.Procedia-social and Behavioral Sciences. 2011; 15: 3113-3117. doi: 10. 1016/j. sbpro. 2011. 04. 255
  7. Lupyan G, Swingley D. Independent voice effects on visual intelligence. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 2012; 65(6): 1068-1085. doi: 10. 1080/17470218. 2011. 647039
  8. Moser JS, Dougherty A, Mattson WI, et al. Third-party extrinsic speech contributes to impression regulation without a role in cognitive control: convergence proof of ERP and MRI. Sci Rep. 2017; 7(1): 4519. doi: 10. 1038/s41598-017- 04047-3
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Kendra Cherry Kendra Cherry, MS, is mentioned as a creator and educational advisor whose goal is to assist students in the study of psychology.

People who talk to themselves are not crazy, they actually have genius

People Who Talk To Themselves

I talk much against himself. And I am not just in the privacy of my own home. I talk When I am walking on the street, when I am in my office, or making acquisitions.

Thinking out loud helps me realize what I believe. It helps me understand things.

It also makes me look reckless. Stupid people. talk to themselves But? They speak to the voice in your head. If you choose no one, everyone thinks you are a psychological patient.

There is no doubt that almost everyone has thought of me walking around and through the streets of New York City.

I have no doubt, that is exactly how I often see Golem in Lord of the Rings when he is his own “precious”.

Well, the joke is the accusing stitches that mark my side view of the train. (By the way, I see you!) ).

Talking to myself seems to be a symptom of genius.

The smartest people on the planet. talk to themselves Through Paulkijk to the inner monologues of great thinkers. Look at poetry! Look at history!

Albert Einstein spoke to himself. When he was growing up, when he liked to keep to himself, he was not exactly a social butterfly.

Einstein. the Org reports that he was “accustomed to pronouncing his sentences.

So do you see? I am not alone and have not been fully released. I am so wise. Ha!

Talking to yourself forces your brain to work more efficiently.

In a study in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, psychologists Daniel Swigley and Gary Lupia said talking to yourself can be really helpful.

We are all responsible for this, right? But we can learn to celebrate and learn from our superior qualities.

In the experiment, Svigli and Lupya 20 named objects (such as bread and apples) that they needed to find in a hypermarket.

Members had to be quiet during the first set of tests; in the second set, they repeated aloud the name of the object when they found it in the store.

According to Live Science, subjects saw the object earlier when they spoke during the search. to themselves Searching. Claiming baggage aloud stimulates memory. This solidifies the end game and makes it concrete.

Talking out loud to yourself can only help you at this time realize exactly what you need.

If you really want to find something, it is great to say the name of a wonderful object only in times when you are familiar with its appearance.

You must be an aristocrat, actually what you are looking for, otherwise you will embarrass yourself. According to the Lupian text:

Do not talk to yourself healthily every time – if you do not know what an object looks like, say that his name has the least effect or has no ability to actually inhibit you. On the other hand, if you notice that bananas are yellowish and have a particular shape, bananas activate these visual properties in your brain to help you find them.

In no other text can you understand something without considering what you are dealing with. If you understand what you need and express the title, you increase your chances of discovering it.

As a child you learn by talking to yourself.

Babies learn to listen to adults, and to speak after what they are saying. Making conversation is practiced.

You have to hear voices to learn to apply them.

According to Live Science, independent speech may help children master behaviors. themselves Go through these tasks step-by-step, such as tying a race. themselves Focus on the workplace.”

Think of all the munchkins you know. You never saw them talking. to themselves Do they play with their toy cars or favorite stuffed animals?

Little boys have the ability to stay focused while talking about their dilemma.

If the boy plays with his toy cars, he has the opportunity to say, “The little car is good to go through this garage door, but the big truck is very big.” At the same time, he discovers which cars fit in the toy garage.

The child learns by discussing his or her influences. In this way, he or she remembers how he or she solved the problem in the future. Talking about this can help him or her understand the world.

Talking with yourself can help you realize your own ideas.

It can help me the most I talk For myself, I can understand the myriad of deafening thoughts that are placed in my brain.

Hearing my tasks in my voice calms my nerves. I am considered my personal therapist. My outer voice can help my inner voice overcome my difficulties.

According to psychologist Linda Zapadin, talking to yourself can help you draw meaningful and difficult conclusions.

I find that it is the best way for anyone to solve problems to talk Appearance. For example, if this is your problem, why not arrange it with yourself?

Talking with yourself can help you achieve your goals.

Making a list of goals and a plan to reach them is a challenge. It can be discouraging.

Expressing yourself in support of these goals is a much more resilient way to reach them. As you flow through the process, all the steps seem less daunting and shorter.

Things seem doable right away and you are not afraid to jump into the problem.

As Zapadin says, “If you say your goal out loud, you focus your worry, raise your awareness, check your hiding places, and distract yourself.”

It puts down baggage and proves that you are you.

Speaking for yourself means you are independent. Like Albert Einstein, who was “quite gifted and had the ability to use his talents early in his life,” people are people who talk to themselves Very experienced, they only plan themselves to find what they want.

Our “craziness” is considered to be the more efficient and way of doing things of the group. We are loud and proud and spend a lot of time listening to our inner voice!

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