How Do You Know If A Guy Has Hiv

Many readers are interested in the right subject: about HIV. Our makers are pleased to report that they have already done research on current studies on the subject that will fascinate you. We can give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Find out more.

The first symptoms of HIV are generally considered flu-like symptoms, and these can all range from skin rashes, fever, chills, fatigue, and sore throat.

6 HIV Symptoms to Recognize

Mark Cichocki, RN, has been considered an HIV/AIDS Nurse Trainer for the Michigan Institute Health System for over 20 years.

Updated October 6, 2022.

Anju Goel, MD is certified in Internal Medicine. She has over 10 years of experience in social medicine in California and is involved in transferable illness, health policy, and preparedness in disasters.

Unexplained skin rashes, swollen lymph nodes, wet mouth, nocturnal sweating, and sudden inexplicable weight loss can all be symptoms of HIV. The presence of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) is not considered a physical manifestation of HIV, but does indicate an increased risk of HIV.

Signs or symptoms of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are not always clear-cut. And in fact, the majority of people with HIV do not show symptoms; HIV symptoms depend on whether someone is in the fresh (acute) or unchanging (chronic) stage of infection.

Images of HIV Symptoms

Only an HIV test can tell you whether you probably have the germ. However, it is important to be aware of these six common symptoms and signs of HIV, especially if you are at high risk of infection. This post describes them all.

Unexplained Skin Rash

HIV Rash

A skin rash is often considered the first symptom of HIV, but it occurs in only two out of every five people recently infected.

HIV results in the following A huge spot of flat, red skin with small bumps.

The result may be itchy and painful. Flu-like symptoms are still common as soon as someone gets the results.

HIV results usually occur two to six months after exposure to the microorganism and disappear within one to two months. Results are widespread and primarily affect the hull and the person, but can also sit on the arms, legs, hands, and feet.

If a person suddenly develops a skin rash with flu-like symptoms 2-6 months after having sex with a partner of unknown HIV status, he or she should be tested for HIV.

Enlarged lymph nodes

Swollen cervical lymph nodes (lymph node tumors)

Swollen lymph nodes (lymph node tumors) can occur in the early stages of HIV as the body attempts to destroy reproduction.

Lymph nodes in the armpits, neck, groin, or behind the ears are more swollen – sometimes the swelling is clearly visible. Swollen lymph nodes have the opportunity to collapse and feel tender.

Other symptoms of acute HIV infection will disappear, but in some people the swollen lymph nodes may persist for several months.

What is ARS?

ARS stands for acute retroviral syndrome. It is a collection of HIV symbols and symptoms that appear when the immune system improves its defenses against the microorganism when it first enters the body. Two out of three people with acute HIV are unaware that they have it.

Oral Hammer.

In the mouth on the palate / (candidiasis)

One of the first opportunistic infections in a person with HIV is probably thrush in the mouth. It is “opportunistic” because it takes advantage of a person’s chances of getting sick when their immune system is weak.

Oral thrush is also called oral candidiasis. It is caused by a fungus that can penetrate the inside of the mouth and throat.

Relatively healthy people may still get oral thrush, but this is symptomatic of the fact that their immune system is affected.

When a person’s immune system does not function properly, the fungus gets a chance to spread through windpipes, non-stings, and even into the bloodstream.

The presence of thrush in the mouth does not automatically mean that one has HIV, but it can be a symptom that one should be tested if at risk.

Chronic signs of HIV occur when reproduction breaks down the body’s defenses so that the body is open to infection; in the acquisition phase of HIV, almost all signs are not considered concrete. This means that one can imagine that someone is dealing with a different cause.

Nocturnal sweating

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Sleeping mats may prevent in the acute phase, when there is an opportunistic infection, when the body fights microorganisms, and in the acquired phase.

Sleeping sickness, also called sleep fatosis, is more than just sweating during sleep. It survives clothing and bedding. Nocturnal sweating still has every opportunity to absorb these materials and cause shivering.

Night sweats are not normal. If you have them, you need to tell your doctor.

Nocturnal sweating has causes other than HIV, and other causes are not as serious as others. For example, menopause usually causes nocturnal sweating, but almost all cancers still have a chance.

Sudden and inexplicable weight loss

Man of scale

Weight loss often occurs in HIV patients at advanced stages of the disease.

This weight loss situation is more than just a few pounds. It is an unexpected and unexplained weight loss of 10% or more of body weight, with loss of both fat and muscle.

This condition is also referred to as HIV bit syndrome. It is not as common today as it used to be because antiretroviral drugs suppress microbial activity and allow the immune system to repair itself. Depression occurs primarily in people with untreated HIV.

The exact underlying cause of HIV is unknown, but the systematic inflammation caused by HIV causes the body to expend energy faster and lowers levels of testosterone (which the body needs to build muscle).

Other conditions that cause weight loss include malnutrition, diarrhea, alcohol consumption, and cancer, all of which require urgent diagnosis and treatment.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Retrieved from

If you are infected with a sexually transmitted infection (STI), you are more likely to also be infected with HIV.

Some sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis and herpes, cause erosions and make it easier for HIV to enter the body.

Sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia cause inflammation of the genital tract, attracting immune cells (CD4 T cells) that HIV preferentially targets and infects.

The presence of syphilis can increase the risk of becoming HIV positive by 500%. Other sexually transmitted infections can also increase the risk of HIV; if you have a favorable STD result, you are obligated to get tested for HIV.

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Many people who are considered HIV positive are unaware that they are infected with the HIV virus. The only way to recognize this is to get tested.

There are several signs that you may be infected with HIV, especially if you are at risk.

  • Unexplained rash with flu-like symptoms.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Thrush in the mouth
  • Night sweats
  • Unexplained weight loss of more than 1 percent
  • Having another sexually transmitted disease (STD)

Never assume that the absence of symptoms is the same as not being infected with HIV. Not feeling sick does not mean that the bacteria are “soft” or that your immune system is not preventing damage; if you are at risk for HIV, it is fundamental that you get tested and treated.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are usually considered the first symptoms of HIV?

The first symptoms of HIV are generally considered flu-like symptoms, and these can all range from skin rashes, fever, chills, fatigue, and sore throat.

Where can I find my first HIV test result?

The location of the HIV rash varies, but the most common sites are the boot and face. The rash may also appear on the arms, legs, feet, and hands.

How long does the HIV test take?

HIV testing usually takes one to two weeks. Other signs of HIV, such as swollen lymph nodes, may last longer.

What are the signs of HIV in women?

Women and men usually show the same signs of HIV, but women can also suffer from yeast infections and irregular periods in rare cases. women living with HIV are at increased risk for pelvic inflammatory disease and cervical cancer.

14 Sources.

Verywell Health uses only high-quality informants and peer-reviewed studies to substantiate the precedents listed in the memo. To learn more about how we test precedents and ensure the accuracy, reliability, and validity of our content, please read our editorial process.

  1. Knife HM. etiology of HIV infection. infecting Dis Rep. 2013; 5(Supplement 1):e6. Doi: 10. 4081/idr. 2013. s1. e6
  2. Mohseni S, Shojaifard A, Khorghami Z, Alinejad S, Ghorbani A, Ghafouri A. Peripheral lymphadenopathy: classification and diagnostic tool. Iran J Med Sci. 2014; 39(2 app):158-70.
  3. Nag D, Dey S, Nandi A, Bandyopadhyay R, Roychowdry D, Roy R. Etiological study of lymphadenopathy in HIV-infected patients in a tertiary care clinic.J Sci. 2016; 33(2):66-70. doi: 10. 4103/0970-9371. 182518
  4. Yerley S, Hirschel B. Diagnosis of acute HIV infection. Infectious Diseases Specialist Rev. 2012; 10(1):31-41. doi: 10. 1586/elli. 11. 154
  5. Burns DN, Degruttola V, Pilcher KJ, et al. Toward the end: scouting for people unaware of their HIV-1 infection and enrolling them for cure and prevention. AIDS Retrovir. 2014; 30(3):217-224. doi: 10. 1089/ aid. 2013. 0274
  6. Anwar KP, Malik A, Subhan H. Profile of candidiasis in HIV infected patients. Iran J Microbiol. 2012; 4(4):204-9.
  7. Aziz N, Detel R, Martinez-Mara O, et al. Acute HIV-1 seroconversion with an abnormal plasma biomarker profile. Clin Vaccine Immun. 2013; 20(11):1774-1777. doi: 10. 1128/CVI. 00366-13
  8. Vaillant AA, Judge Naik R. HIV-1-associated opportunistic infections. Location: StatPearls [Internet]. renewed July 2, 2021.
  9. Bryce K. Persistent night sweats: a diagnostic evaluation. Familiar Doctor. 2020; 102(7):427-433.
  10. Erlandson KM, Lee H, Abraham AG, et al. Long-term effects of HIV reduction on physiological function in a multicenter AIDS cohort study. AIDS . 2016; 30(3):445-454. doi: 10.1097/qad. 0000000000000932
  11. Cohen MS, Chip OD, Chen JC. sexually transmitted infections and HIV in the era of antiretroviral therapy and prevention: biological basis of epidemiological synergies. j International AIDS Society 2019; 22(Supplement 6):e25355. doi: 10. 1002/jia2. 2535
  12. HIV. government syphilis and HIV: an important combination affecting homosexual and bisexual men.
  13. HIV. org. signs of HIV.
  14. Scully EP. gender differences in HIV infection. curr HIV/AIDS. 2018; 15(2): 136-46. doi: 10. 1007/s11904-018-0383-2

RN Mark Cichicocki of Mark Cichicocki has been considered an HIV/AIDS nurse educator for the Michigan Institute Health System for over 20 years.

About HIV

Learning about HIV can keep you healthy and prevent the spread of HIV; download materials to share or watch a video with basic information about HIV.

What is HIV?

  • HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a germ that runs through the body’s immune system. If untreated, HIV can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
  • At this time, there are no effective drugs. Once people have HIV, they have it for life.
  • However, it is possible to control HIV with the following medical supports People with HIV who receive effective HIV treatment have the potential to live longer, healthier ways and stand up for their partners.

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a microorganism that affects the body.

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Where Does HIV Come From?

  • HIV infection in humans originated in chimpanzees in Central Africa. Studies have shown that HIV has probably already overtaken people as late as 1800.
  • The microorganism chimpanzevasis is called the immunodeficiency-extending microorganism. It was probably transferred to people when people hunted these chimps for meat and came in contact with contaminated blood.
  • Over the decades, HIV slowly spread to Africa and then to other parts of the world. Reproduction was present in the United States at least until the mid to late 1970s.

For more information on the HIV situation in the United States and the CDC’s response to the epidemic, see CDC’s HIV and AidStijdlijn.

How do I know if I have HIV?

The only way to know if you have HIV is to be tested; if your HIV status is known, you can draw sound conclusions to prevent or transfer HIV.

Many HIV tests are Schander, free and painless.

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Do you have symptoms?

  • For many people. Most people have flu symptoms 2-4 months after contamination. Symptoms can last for days or months.
  • Having these symptoms does not mean you have HIV. Other diseases can cause similar symptoms.
  • Some people have no symptoms at all; the only way to find out if you have HIV is to be tested.

HIV Symptoms

What are the milestones for HIV?

When a person with HIV is not healed, three steps are usually taken. However, HIV treatment has the potential to slow or prevent disease progression; thanks to the progression of HIV treatment, progression to Stage 3 (AIDS) is less common than in the early stages of HIV.

  • People have a large number of HIV in their blood and are highly contagious.
  • Many people have flu-like symptoms.
  • If you have flu-like symptoms and think you have HIV, you should be tested.
  • This stage is also called asymptomatic HIV infection or medical delay.
  • HIV is still active and continues to multiply in the body.
  • During this stage, people show little or no signs and are not likely to get sick, but there is an opportunity to transmit HIV.
  • People who receive HIV treatment according to a prescription can never switch to Stage 3 (AIDS).
  • Without HIV treatment, this stage can take 10 years or more, but can be faster. At the end of this stage, the amount of HIV in the blood (viral load) increases and the person can continue with Stage 3 (AIDS).
  • This is the most advanced stage of HIV infection.
  • A person with AIDS has a high viral load and can easily transfer HIV to others.
  • People with AIDS have severely damaged immune systems. They will likely develop increasingly opportunistic infections and other serious illnesses.
  • Without HIV treatment, people with AIDS usually endure difficulties for up to three years.
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How to Transfer HIV

Most people ingest HIV through anal or vaginal sex, but they also get HIV by sharing needles, sprays, or other equipment (such as utensils) for injecting drugs. However, there are significant steps that can help ensure that HIV is not transferred.

Learn more about the deductible for HIV infections and how to lower it.

Can you get HIV from anal sex?

Icons of men and women in bed

You can get HIV if you have anal sex with someone contaminated with HIV without using protection (such as condoms or HIV medications to treat or prevent HIV).

  • Anal sex is the most dangerous sex in terms of HIV transmission or transfer.
  • Being the recipient partner (below) is more dangerous than being the insertive partner (above).
  • The rectal mucosa is slimmer and the risk of the bottom is higher because of the potential to internalize HIV during anorectal sex.
  • The top is also at risk; HIV can enter the body through an opening in the end of the penis (urethra). foreskin if the penis is not circumcised. Or small slices, wounds, or open vows on any part of the penis.

Can you get HIV from vaginal sex?

You can get HIV if you have vaginal sex with someone who has HIV without protection (condoms, HIV treatment, HIV prophylaxis, etc.).

  • Vaginal sex is the most dangerous way to get HIV than anal sex.
  • All partners can get HIV during vaginal sex.
  • During vaginal sex, HIV can penetrate the human body through the tissues that hold the vagina and neck of the uterus.
  • Vaginal fluid and blood can be smelly by HIV; HIV can travel through the opening at the end of the penis (urethra). foreskin if the penis is not circumcised. Or a small slice, abrasion, or open sore at the location of the penis.

Can HIV be transferred from mother to child?

Pregnant woman icon

HIV can be transferred from mother to child during pregnancy, in the family, or during breastfeeding. However, this is less common thanks to advances in HIV prevention and treatment.

  • This is referred to as perinatal or mother to child transmission.
  • Transferring the mother to the child is the best known way for a baby to get HIV.
  • Recommendations to have all pregnant women tested for HIV and to start HIV treatment immediately have reduced the number of babies with HIV.
  • If a woman with HIV takes HIV medications during pregnancy and throughout the family and gives her baby HIV medications 4 to 6 months after birth, the risk of transfer is less than 1%.

Can you get HIV from sharing needles, sprays, or other injection materials?

Injection Spray Icon

If you share needles, sprays, or other equipment with someone who has HIV, you have the highest risk of getting HIV if you ingest HIV. Never share needles or other equipment for injecting drugs, hormones, steroids, or silicone.

  • The needles, sprays, or other injection devices used are likely to have blood from someone else, and the blood could smell like HIV.
  • People who inject drugs are at risk for HIV (and other sexually transmitted diseases) if they exhibit risky sexual behaviors, such as unprotected sex (e.g., condoms or drugs that prevent or treat HIV).
  • Sharing needles, sprays, or other injection materials increases the risk of hepatitis B and C and other infections.

What are exceptional methods of HIV transfer?

Virtually no risk

There is literally no risk of HIV transfer by the following actions You must do something very exceptional for transfer.

Oral sex.

  • Oral sex involves placing food on the penis (fellatio), vagina or vulva (cunnilingus) or anus (rimming).
  • Factors likely to affect the risk of acquiring HIV include
    • Ejaculation into the mouth with mouth ulcers, bleeding gums or genital sores.
    • Presence of other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

    At work.

    • Injury by a dirty needle or another sharp object is the most likely cause.
    • Careful application of normal precautions will protect the patient and care provider from the possibility of HIV transfer in the workplace.


    • U.S. and donated organ and tissue blood supplies are carefully tested. It is almost impossible to obtain HIV from blood transfusions, blood products or organ and tissue transplants.
    • It is not possible to obtain HIV from donated blood. Procedures for ingesting blood are strictly regulated and harmless.

    Foodborne transmission

    • Only known case among men. Contamination occurs when blood from the caregiver’s mouth mixes with the first bite of food and the young person eats it.
    • You cannot get HIV by eating food that has been touched by a person with HIV.

    Chewing and spitting.

    • In the few documented cases it is a severe injury with extensive tissue damage and blood. This is rare as a result of contact with broken skin, wounds, mucous membranes, blood or body fluids from a person with HIV.
    • There is no risk of transfer through undamaged skin.
    • There are no documented cases of HIV transfer via LABIA because HIV does not transfer via saliva.

    Open mouth icon kissing

    Deep pillow with unclosed mouth.

    • Very occasionally, if both partners have wounds or bleeding gums, transfer will take place.
    • You cannot kiss someone with HIV and transfer HIV “socially” with someone who has HIV.
    • Cannot transfer HIV via saliva.


    • Touching means bringing a hand, other body part, or adult toy from a partner to the vagina, penis, or anus.
    • The only risk is that water from the body of a person with HIV will touch mucous membranes or fragmented tissue of a person without HIV. Mucous membranes are present from the rectum, vagina, penis invention, and inside the mouth. Fragmented material can connect, swear, or connect open wounds.
    • Some other STDs (e.g. human papillomavirus or HPV, herpes genitalis, syphilis, etc.) can be acquired or transmitted it through skin to skin contact.
    • Touching someone’s anus and getting feces on their hands or fingers can also acquire or transfer hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Giardia and other parasites and bacteria such as pubic, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and E. coli.

    Tattoos and piercings

    • In the United States, there are virtually no cases where someone has maintained HIV in this way.
    • It is possible to walk with HIV through a tattoo or body piercing if it contains someone else’s equipment or ink. The possibility of this is greatest if the person who performed the action does not have permission because they can use needles or ink that are not condemned.
    • If there are tattoos or piercings, make sure the person performing the procedure is authorized and uses only fresh or sterile materials.

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    Family MedicineIn 2024 our team of doctors and nurses provide a comprehensive range of family planning services. Our doctors have expertise in antenatal care, preconception planning, and STD checks. Contraceptive advice including Mirena and Implanon insertion is available.

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      Women's HealthOur practice is dedicated to treating a wide spectrum of women’s health concerns. We offer pre-natal, antenatal and postnatal care, contraceptive options, pap screening, and preventative health care advice. We provide assistance, advice and support through all stages of life, recognising the many issues many women may face from adolescence through to the peri and post-menopausal period.

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      Men's HealthWe encourage men to present routinely to their GP to discuss all aspects of their health. We provide comprehensive advice and support for men to address the prevention and management of various health conditions. This may include assessments for cardiovascular risk, diabetes, cancer prevention, mental health assessments, STD screening, sports injuries and the importance of sleep as it relates to other areas of health.

      • Preventative Healthcare. Including cardiovascular screening, mental health and cancer checks;
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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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