Why Am I Nauseous After I Eat

Many readers are interested in the right subject: 10 reasons to feel sick after eating and how to stop. We are pleased that our manufacturers have already studied contemporary research on this fascinating subject. We will give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.

Most variations of gallbladder disorders lead to nausea after eating. This is because the organ moves the sensitive intestines to facilitate digestion.

Nausea after dinner?7 reasons, healing variants and recommendations to prevent nausea after meals

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  • Common causes of nausea after eating are food allergies, stress, and pregnancy.
  • If nausea persists for more than two days or is resistant to home remedies, go to a physician.
  • To heal nausea after dinner, chew raw inger, drink cold water slowly, and limit your own physiological forces

Most people feel nausea nauseous One moment in their life – a terrible, disturbing feeling in the abdomen, you can force it as nausea.

For some people, this uncomfortable feeling can last one to three hours after eating, usually 30-60 minutes after dinner.

If you experience nausea after eating, here are seven of the most common reasons and how you can treat it the right way

1. pregnancy

Nausea during pregnancy can occur during the day as well as after lunch, dinner, and snacks.

This is because pregnant people produce the hormone human chorioallantoic dothrophin (HCG), which has nausea as a side effect.

Says internist and gastroenterologist Niket Sompal, “Increased estrogen in the intestinal tract during pregnancy or changes in the balance of microorganisms in the intestinal tract can be another cause of nausea after raising a meal.”

2. food poisoning

It is well known that food infections can cause nausea. These foods are infected with microorganisms or microbes that do not respect the gastrointestinal system and do not cause nausea, says Horton.

The bacteria that cause intestinal infections, usually transmitted by food, are killed when exposed to temperatures above 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, packaged organisms and raw foods such as lettuce, fruit, and undercooked beef are considered common culprits of food-transmitted intestinal infections.

If you are experiencing diarrhea, fever, vomiting, or abdominal cramps, nausea is most likely due to a food-transmitted intestinal infection.

IMPORTANT: If you have bloody vomiting, bowel movements, severe pain, blurred vision, or diarrhea for more than 3 days, go to the doctor immediately.

3. food intolerance or allergy

The body’s immune system is equipped with chemicals such as immunoglobulin E (IgE) and histamine that can cause nausea and other symptoms when you eat something to which you are allergic or have an intolerance.

If you suspect your nausea is due to allergies, be tested by an allergist who can help you determine which products can be the culprit.

4. gastroesophageal reflux disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also called acid reflux, occurs when pancreatic acid dries into the digestive tract, causing inflammation and possibly nausea, says David D. Clark, M.D., assistant to the center’s assistant. Oregon Health and Science Institute for Ethics.

If you are still suffering from heartburn, swallowing problems, coughing, and disturbed sleep, you may have nausea related to GERD.

Note: Erosive esophagitis is not life-threatening, but progressive inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to more serious problems, including gastrointestinal problems, which may require further treatment, including surgery.

  • Take over-the-counter antacids such as Tums or Pepto Bismol.
  • Take prescription medications such as femotidine or cimetidine to reduce or slow acid production.
  • Undergo a surgical procedure, such as a pharyngoplasty. In this surgery, the epigastric lobe is wrapped around the gastrointestinal tract, creating a valve between the two organs.

5. irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects the large intestine and can cause symptoms such as bloating, cramping, and nausea.

There is no clear cause for the development of irritable bowel syndrome. However, most symptoms, such as nausea, are worse after ingesting foods that are difficult to digest,” says Sompal. Nausea in IBS can also be caused by certain triggering foods, medications, or stress.”

  • Avoid products that cause symptoms
  • Exercise regularly
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Elimination of products likely to cause flatulence, such as gluten and FODMAPs
  • Take fiber supplements or laxatives
  • Start taking antidepressants

6. gallbladder disease

Most variations of gallbladder disorders lead to nausea after eating. This is because the organ moves the sensitive intestines to facilitate digestion.

Medical Terminology: Gallbladder disease refers to any condition affecting the gallbladder. Examples include cholecystitis, gallstones, and antonovogony.

Dr. Clark says, “When the flow of bile is obstructed, for example by gallstones, tension in the gallbladder and its associated ducts increases, which can lead to nausea.”

Other symptoms of gallbladder disease include

  • Yellow skin and white eyes,
  • high fever
  • Chills
  • Pain on the right side of the abdomen
  • Dark urine

If you experience any of the above symptoms, see a physician who can make a diagnosis and guarantee the following treatment Gallbladder disease may not be considered life-threatening.

7. anxiety and stress

As if stress and anxiety alone are not enough to overcome, these psychological health issues can also cause gastrointestinal problems such as nausea and diarrhea.

Says Horton, “Stress hormones can affect the way you squeeze the gas stream by slowing or speeding it up.”

To determine if anxiety is the cause of your post-fermentation nausea, record when you feel anxious and when you feel anxious. are nauseous This way you can find any kind of pattern between the two.

  • Meditation
  • Breathing exercises
  • Regular exercise
  • Setting realistic goals for yourself
  • We work with psychological health experts

How nausea decreases

  • Limit activity immediately following meals
  • Eat smaller, irregular meals
  • Raw inger food
  • Drink clearly and clear water
  • Avoid popular foods
  • Do not brush teeth immediately after meals
  • Eat soft foods such as bread

Prior knowledge of take-away meals

Things like pregnancy, IBS, stress have the opportunity to force people to nauseous after eating.

According to Clark’s text, you owe it to your doctor to be sure:

  • Your nausea lasts more than two days.
  • You are dehydrated by diarrhea or vomiting.
  • You vomit for more than 1 day.
  • Home remedies do not work
  • You have aggravated abdominal pain

If you feel nauseous after dinner, consider chewing raw inger, drinking cold water slowly, or limiting your energy until the sensation passes.

Sara Fielding

Sarah Fielding is a freelance fiction writer who covers many topics with a particular focus on psychological wells and women’s work. Additionally, she is a co-founder of Empire Coven, where she puts Tropical Ladies in the spotlight in New York City.

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10 Reasons You Feel Sick After Eating and How to Stop

feeling nauseous after eating shrimp dinner

We’ve all felt a little nauseous after giving our favorite foods a lot of support. But if you feel sick every time . nauseous Maybe you can then eat something else. Experts share 10 reasons why you can feel uncomfortable after relieving.

Food doesn’t have to be a painful activity. Sure, we’re all a little blown away from time to time after a meal, but that’s usually not a bad thing – maybe you like the fact that a chocolate cake without flowers looks so good in denial, or a little stolen in a restaurant, by the fact that it’s so good in denial Do. Did you unintentionally raise your fiber intake when Zeu went from 3 houses to the second piece of chili? In these cases, the pain is relatively minimal and contains no clear rationale.

But a lways feeling nauseous Subsequent symptoms (e.g., bloated sensation, flatulence, nausea, etc.) can be a worrisome signal that you have a serious illness and that you need to change your habits. Even if you think you are eating well, what you eat, when you eat, and how you eat can cause pain after you eat, which is why it is important to be aware of your gut health and how it is affected by your eating habits.

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Here we spoke with a gut health expert about possible causes of your feelings nauseous after dinner, and what you can do about it.

10 Reasons You Feel Sick After Eating

feeling nauseous after eating stomach pain

If you have stomach pain after eating, it can be caused by a variety of reasons. If you have a bloated abdomen after eating, or want to surrender after eating, here are 10 reasons why

1. you do not chew much.

With all of our modern distractions, it’s not odd for us to eat a meal with two or three bites (when have you ever eaten without looking at Instagram or checking email?) Gas, bloated emotions and nausea. Says Nikki Yelton, LDN, CNHP, a nutritionist who specializes in gut health, “If you don’t chew enough, the whole digestive process is slowed down, interrupted, and possibly inefficient.”

This is because chewing is considered a necessary first step in the digestive process. If chewing is difficult,” Yelton explains, “the ambrosia is exposed to saliva for long periods of time, and the [digestive] enzymes in saliva help break down the food before it is swallowed. More chewing wings puts a strain on the rest of the digestive process and helps you absorb more calories from what you eat.

Try this: try to chew your food at least 15 to 25 bites. If chewing is seen as worthwhile, you will notice many health benefits, including less feelings of bloating and stomach complaints with meals and appetites.” regulation, a truly satiated feeling and a healthier gut microbiota, due to the production of epidermal growth factor (EGF). Talk about them (EGF is a protein isolated in saliva that sets and repairs epithelial tissue, including the epithelium of the intestinal tract).

2. you are in a state of stress or worry.

feeling nauseous after eating stress

You constantly ask yourself: “Why do I feel nauseous after dinner?

Your gut and brain actually talk back and forth through the digestive brain. Thus, when you are stressed and your body goes into fight mode (releasing hormones such as cortisol and noradrenaline, which are ready for action), digestion is still affected.

Often this leads to changes in gastrointestinal motility and the speed at which ragweed flows through the gastrointestinal tract as it runs down the gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to constipation or diarrhea. Chronic stress still has the opportunity to affect the composition of the digestive microflora,” he says. Studies have been done suggesting that “when stress shemicals are dumped into the intestinal tract, they have every opportunity to promote nonpathogenic bacteria to become more pathogenic. Thus, common bacteria that don’t cause problems may now have a chance. that all stress results in changes and becomes more problematic for you.

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The results are internal. The user reduces bloating in the abdomen and up to 2 centimeters after meals when eating.

For example, why is my gas smell bad? Gastroenterologists explain it.

According to Yelton’s text, the chronic effects of stress “lead directly to changes in brain interactions and the onset of gastrointestinal disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bowel measurement or leaky gut. “.

It’s important to find effective ways to cope with stress,” Yelton says. Start setting boundaries–see what your limits are and when you have to say no.” Core breathing (just before you start stressing and eating), evening, Epsomzoutbaden and yoga practice are considered great ways to let go of tension in the body and refocus on the intellect, she says.

3. your digestive microbiota is out of balance.

Your digestive microbiota is home to trillions of bacteria and other microbes that affect your well being in related ways. When compliance with these bacteria gets out of hand or microbes begin to grow when they shouldn’t (such as SIBO) – which can be related to everything from stress to poor food choices, medical medications, and healing welfare disorders. Experience a number of problematic symptoms.

Dr. Singh says, “You can experience nausea, bloated emotions, flatulence, remission, a slimy belly, constipation, or diarrhea.” Bacterial imbalances in the digestive microflora still have the option of setting up for intestinal leakage so that medications that stay in the intestinal tract can stay in the bloodstream and reach the bloodstream if the intestinal lining is shattered and weakened. Food infections, damage from food deprivation of caloric medications can cause Yelton.

Intestinal leakage has the ability to initiate inflammation, which also promotes an imbalanced intestinal tract, causing a sinful cycle. This means the digestive system becomes chronically unhappy as a result of this chronic bloating of the belly every time you eat,” says Yelton.

Try this: there is no one way to treat or balance the intestinal tract; both Yelton and Dokter Singh advise seeking help with integrative or active medicine. This may qualify the original imbalance and possible situation and come up with a tailor-made healing protocol. Consuming a fiber rich diet with a variety of vegetable foods, consistent physical fitness, and taking probiotic supplements with different tribes of appropriate microbes (such as Hum instinct) is considered a good precaution to keep the intestinal tract in balance should problems arise.

Why Am I Nauseous After I Eat

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4. do you have GERD or do you have acid reflux?

If you feel a painful burning sensation in the middle of your chest that gets worse after eating, along with nausea, burping, and an acid taste in your mouth, you have acid reflux (i.e. heartburn). Sour reflux occurs when stomach acid pushes unbroken stomach contents back into the digestive tract, burning the esophageal mucosa,” Yelton says.

Often the bestiality and acidity after a meal is caused by too little stomach acid, not a very large amount.” If stomach acid levels are very low, the stomach and digestive tract have no chance of properly digesting food. .” Certain foods and drinks (including alcohol) and overeating can still contribute to acid reflux, adds Singh.

In addition, recurring acid reflux can turn into GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease or acquired acid reflux). After a very large number of areas of acid reflux, it damages your esophagus,” Yelton says. “It causes dysfunction of the lower valves in the digestive tract, insulating the digestive tract from the stomach. Once the valves are affected, ambrosia and zool can migrate into the gastrointestinal tract in an acquired manner.”

Try this. Dilute 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) with water and remember to drink it before meals. Sour reflux is associated with low stomach acid, but ACV increases low stomach acid and helps alleviate symptoms. To prevent additional pressure to build up against the lower valves of the digestive tract, consider shrinking portion sizes or eating until 80% filled, Dr. Singh invites.

5. you have a love for food.

feeling nauseous after eating food sensitivity

Some days you may feel glued to bed after eating, some days you may feel better, and some days you may have food effects. Common food effects are gluten, dairy, soy, nuts, crustaceans, eggs, corn, corn snaps, and some additives such as dyes and artificial sweeteners.

When food is affected, the immune system reacts to proteins released from chemicals called mediators. This is released from the mediator and can cause inflammation and bloating. In contrast to allergies, signs of food sensitivities have every opportunity to delay the reaction, and there is a chance to wait 45 minutes to three days to see these signs. Abdominal bleeding.”

Try this. First, notice the symptoms and note the likely triggers. For example, you may notice a sensation of having an enlarged stomach every day. nauseous After sugar use. If there is a strong suspicion, you can try following a motivational elimination diet, cutting out many triggers and then resuming one after another, resuming after a specific period of time and noting if there is an increase in symptoms. causes Dr. Singh. In addition, consider working with a physician for integrated or active medical care who can perform food sensitivity testing, Yelton says. These studies are not perfect, but they are getting better and may help you in the right direction and prove any kind of doubt about food sensitivity.

6. you have the wrong approach to your own food.

When you eat, it involves almost as many sensations as you eat, and you are either very close to your buddy or very far away from your buddy to your buddy. nauseous “When you eat more often, your digestive system doesn’t give you enough time to entertain yourself. It’s a slow, bloated sensation,” Yelton says.

This is because the snacks have the opportunity to disturb what is called the daily pull engine (MMC). This is a repetitive, cyclical movement in the stomach and narrow intestinal tract that helps move food to the lower part of the stomach. When the stomach is empty, this movement is repeated for 90 to 180 minutes, but when a snack is purchased, there is every opportunity to inhibit the MMC. This may contribute to relaxed motility of the stomach, and possibly constipation and cramping.

On the other hand, “you can wait four hours or more for blood sugar to drop,” Yelton says. For example, balance is everything.

Try this: “Be a loving creature and be consistent when eating,” Yelton converses. “To regulate blood sugar and maintain a healthy metabolism, eat a move with a certain amount and balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates every three to four hours. This creates an interval between meals and entertainment system and promotes and entertainment system can promote It restores tissue.”

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7. do not eat enough fiber

feeling nauseous after eating fiber

Using a diet for a few days or not using enough fiber for a few days will probably not cause serious problems. However, avoiding roughage on a regular basis can make you feel quite sick after eating everything from drowsy digestion to digestive oxygenosis.

Fiber, found in most, slightly processed vegetable products, is considered key to healthy digestion and bowel habits. It eats up water, builds up most of the stool, and speeds up the movement through the intestines,” Yelton says. Too little fiber can lead to constipation, toxins reabsorbed into the bloodstream, inflammation, fatigue, nausea, cramping, and poor gut health.” Additionally, fiber is considered a food source for friendly microorganisms in the gut. Fiber metabolism without adverse effects exerts and releases connections called short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), Yelton explains. These have impressive anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects that support intestinal trajectory and overall health well-being.

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Different types of fiber feed different types of bacteria,” Yelton says. That’s why it’s fundamentally important to put all kinds of fiber-rich foods on the menu, including green vegetables, greens, fruits, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Remember this: add at least one serving of luxurious fiber from a different food group to every meal during the day. What does it look like? Says Yelton, “You can add strawberries to your morning smoothie, spinach or other green leafy vegetables to your lunch, delicious whole seeded or peeled potatoes to your dinner, or chia seed pudding for dessert.”

8. you have thyroid disease.

It may never be what you suspect, but your thyroid could be what is making you feel that way nauseous After dinner. Hypothyroidism (or a defective thyroid gland) often causes decreased mobility, slowed digestion, and constipation. However, constipation, cramping, and bloating after lipstick surgery alone are not sufficient to indicate an abnormal thyroid gland. It is therefore important to pay attention to other symptoms.

If someone comes in and says I’m constipated, my skin is very dry, I’m losing more hair than usual, I’m really low on energy and tired, the first thing I would ask is, “Has anyone else been around lately? Did they ask about TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) or thyroid function tests? Dr. Singh says: “I’m not sure. In the meantime, there are things you can do to move things forward.

Try this: If you have not been diagnosed with thyroid disease but suspect any of the signs, make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you are experiencing slow digestion, Dr. Singh recommends systematic exercise, followed by walking, a moderate amount of tables, drinking plenty of water, and incorporating rich fiber into your menu to aid digestion and mobility.

9. eating a lot of food.

This may be a no-brainer. A truly huge meal, especially if eaten just before bedtime, will likely make you feel trapped in bed. With the growing popularity of intermittent fasting diets, it is unreasonable to think that one can go for hours without eating anything just to be fully aware of the amount of food being consumed.

However, this increases pressure on the lower valves of the digestive tract, isolating the digestive tract from the stomach and allowing stomach acid and food to reflux into the digestive tract, potentially causing acid reflux and nausea. Doing this before bed does not give your body a chance to properly digest itself. Dr. Singh explains, “You throw a big load into your stomach, then nourish it and turn off the power plant.” Don’t be surprised if you wake up in the afternoon and find yourself eating dinner.”

Remember this: eat slowly so that your body has time to register how full you really are, or try to make it easier if you are less than 80% full to prevent overeating. Last meal and bedtime invite Dr. Singh. Another idea? Take digestive enzymes before a large or lazy zy meal. Hum Nutrition flate Me has a potent mix of 18 digestive enzymes to break down food and prevent a bloated belly.

12 Reasons to Feel Nauseous After a Meal

Man feels sick after breakfast.

No one likes to feel trapped in his bed in his stomach, especially if you just had a really good meal. But if you feel nauseous minutes or hours after eating, something may be wrong beneath the surface.

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our website helps support our goals. We do not endorse products or offers from non-Cleveland Clinic. Policies.

Gastroenterologist Christina Lee, MD, can help you consider why nausea occurs after meals and what you can do to relieve the symptoms.

Why Nausea Can Occur After Meals

There are many situations that can cause nausea, which can make it difficult to find a definite cause. Some common causes include stress, food allergies, intestinal infections, unnecessary side effects of medications, many supplements or vitamins, or pregnancy. Gallbladder, liver or pancreatic disorders, or diabetes and thyroid disorders may then make you feel worse, as relieved by your favorite foods.

Dr. Lee lists 12 reasons why you may experience nausea

1. viral or bacterial infection.

Have you ever heard of someone suffering from stomach bacteria? It is just like that: you get a viral or bacterial contamination and your whole body leaks. Immediately after eating, usually for 24 to 48 hours, you may experience nausea, but you will probably also experience many other symptoms, such as fever, muscle aches, and joint pain.

“It usually affects your whole body,” Lee tells doctors, “but it happens quickly and usually passes on its own.”

2. food poisoning

You can get physiological reactions to move fresh food. This can occur if food leaves the food (such as beef or dairy) for a very long time, or if the food is mishandled or infected by the person who made it. Intestinal infections carried by food can begin quickly. Fortunately, nausea from food-transmitted intestinal infections is still limited.

Vomiting and diarrhea aren’t necessarily bad in some situations,” Dr. Lee says. It is your body’s way of ridding itself of humiliating substances before absorbing them, such as infections, toxins, and other baggage.”

3. food allergies

Food allergies meet everyone differently. In most cases, there are no serious symptoms when you first experience a food allergy. All subsequent meetings can be much more serious and cause more aggressive reactions. Some examples of signs of an allergic reaction are the occurrence of rashes or hives, an icy cold and wet sensation, a drop in blood pressure, a slow heart rate, swelling of the eyes and throat next to nausea (or everything that nausea cannot be)) Paul.

4. stress and fear

Your body can exhibit physiological responses to stress and excitement. The main reason you can experience physiological symptoms such as nausea is that the brain’s “fight flight” response is activated and many hormones end up in the bloodstream, forcing the body to And everyone has a different value for this threshold.

Let’s say two people are watching a movie; one loves horror movies, the other is scared,” Dr. Lee says. The activated stress hormones are different between the two. One may experience increased heart decrease and other physiological configurations such as nausea, while the other elementary enjoys movies.”

5. acid reflux

Heartburn can occur immediately after a meal, especially if you eat seasoned, greasy or fatty foods. This burning sensation in the upper chest and throat can still cause nausea.

Acid reflux is caused by large amounts of stomach acid dissipating into the digestive tract (throat) and remaining there. For many people, this is not bad and is not a symptom of something clinically wrong. GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, damages the digestive tract when the digestive tract is damaged by the extra effects of stomach acid.

6. irritable bowel syndrome

Sometimes your gut just isn’t what it needs to be. If you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), you may have trouble moving stool through your intestinal tract. Even if your colon is structurally normal, this can go very quickly or slowly.

If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and have stools in your colon, there is an opportunity for your nausea to worsen.”

One technique to determine if you have IBS is to question where the pain is coming from. If the pain comes from your chest or throat, you may have acid reflux. However, if yours comes to your navel, your intestinal tract may have a task.

7. overeating

‘Your stomach can hold so much,’ says Dr. Lee. ‘As soon as your stomach is full and the food is still there and you keep eating, you feel nauseous.'”

Overeating can occur when “you eat when you are bored.” Instead, snack when you’re hungry, out of boredom, or while multitasking, take out a snack or other load.

‘For example, with busy lives and so many distractions, more and more people are on the path to baggage and can’t list what we eat.’ Dr. Lee.

Avoid this. Stick to a routine and perhaps tell yourself to eat occasionally when you do it. It is also great to pack food (as opposed to food from a bag or box) to keep control of portions.

8. medications

Certain substances such as neurofactors, drugs for schizophrenia, diabetes medications, and mood-lowering medications can affect your hunger and ultimately lead to nausea. Other common drugs that cause nausea are opioids and other anesthesia-based drugs.

9. diabetes

Blood sugar levels that are too high or very low can still cause nausea. However, endless situations of diabetes can create diabetes-related gastric insufficiency paralysis (formerly called diabetic gastric insufficiency paralysis), even if it is completely controlled. This means that the stomach may not function and move as needed, slowing the digestion of food.

10. gallbladder disease

You can thank your gallbladder for allowing you to eat all the cool foods you want to eat. Bile, created by the liver, is stored in the gallbladder. Your gallbladder gives this bile to break down fatty foods. If you have gallbladder disease, this important process is disrupted and can lead to nausea and other symptoms.

If you have gallbladder disease, you may experience nausea 15 to 20 minutes after eating. This is usually accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, changes in stool (poop) color, and sometimes inexplicable weight loss.

11. pancreatitis

This condition can occur as a result of gallstones, alcohol consumption, autoimmune disease, or other causes. The pancreas works to form enzymes to break down food each time you eat, but if the pancreas is inflamed or damaged, it cannot make enough enzymes to do its job.

Says Dr. Lee, “Pancreatic injury can lead to abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and inexplicable weight loss.”

12. acquired mesenteric ischemia

Also known as gastrointestinal ischemia syndrome, this condition is caused when the blood supply to the digestive organs is disrupted. It can be caused by plaque structures in the arteries or hardening of the arteries, as well as prolonged hypotension, inflammation of the arteries, and almost anything else.

People at risk for this condition include almost everyone, including smokers, older people with high cholesterol levels and other vascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and peripheral vascular disease.

Nausea after eating?

Eating salty crackers, small amounts of raw inger and rest is what Dr. Lee calls limited control. You don’t have to touch yourself or create very large quantities, but if you don’t feel well you can arrange small things to simplify the “sick” feeling of nausea.

The most important thing you can do is to rehydrate and calm yourself; this will help you to feel better. Additionally, you must keep an eye on when you experience nausea so you know when it comes, how long it takes, and if it makes you feel worse than usual. This is all important information to help the doctor make a diagnosis.

Dr. Lee recommends, “If it’s coming back or you don’t have the opportunity to make it better or allow it independently, it’s not good and you owe it to yourself to know.”

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our website helps support our goals. We do not endorse products or offers from non-Cleveland Clinic. Policies.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

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