Benefits of Red Yeast Rice

Many readers are interested in the right subject: the amazing advantages of 7 Red Yeast Rice. Our manufacturer is pleased to report that we have already done modern research studies on your fascinating subject. We will give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to verify the details.

We recommend that you take RYR supplements under the supervision of a medical professional, especially if you are being treated for a health problem or using medication at the time.

Red Yeast Rice

Red Yeast Rice Extract (RYR) is perhaps the classic herbal remedy for low cholesterol. A type of extract is sold under the guise of a supplement.

Red Yeast Rice is “natural” and therefore has a beautiful opportunity, but should be used with caution. Experts have not carefully investigated it. Perfect dosage and long term safety is unknown. It may not be safe for some people. It is also not easy to make difficult statements about the operation and protection of any kind of Red Yeast Rice Extract, because there are all kinds of opportunities for dramatic changes in the components of any brand of Red Yeast Rice Extract.

What is this Red Yeast Rice Extract?

Lyre is a fabric extracted from rice that has been fermented by a type of yeast called Monascus purpureus. It has been used for centuries in classical medicine in China and other Asian countries. It is still used as a dye, additive, and preservative.

Ryre has many ingredients that are very helpful in controlling cholesterol levels. These include many monacolines, the more basic monacolin K It also contains sterols, isoflavones, and single saturated fatty acids or “healthy fats”.

Is Bard’s Yeast Rice Extract a drink or a supplement?

Confused, the answer is both. One of the heavier ingredients in Lehra is called monacolin K. It is a natural supplement that is used in the treatment of a variety of ailments. It is also popularly known as lovastatin, the active ingredient in the pharmaceutical drug mevacol.

Thus, on the one hand, the extract is a classic remedy to help reduce cholesterol. On the other hand, the pharmaceutical manufacturer Mevacor explains that it has a license for the Lovastatin ingredient.

This mishmash extends to the manner in which U.S. dietary supplements are brought to market. Because red yeast rice extract contains a substance classified as a prescription drug, the FDA has required the removal of many Rhea products from the market because they contain monacolin K. The FDA mentioned the slow risk of muscle complaints, which has every chance of leading to kidney damage.

Despite the FDA’s efforts, almost everyone in the U.S. can still get red yeast rice extract from other countries and similar from online.

How good is Red Yeast Rice at lowering cholesterol?

Studies have shown that some red yeast rice products containing statins may be more important in lowering joint cholesterol, especially LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels. One of these studies showed that purchasing 2.4 grams per day reduced LDL levels by 22% and cholesterol levels by 16% for 12 months. Another study showed that purchasing 1.2 grams of LDL per day reduced LDL by 26% in just 8 months.

However, the results of these studies depend on the number of statins in the extract, which varies widely; the FDA considers extracts containing statins to be illegal in the U.S., but almost all extracts are still available.

What is the proper dosage of Red Yeast Rice Extract?

Keep in mind that the amount of monacholine – perhaps the top most date ingredient – can vary widely in red yeast rice extract. There are numerous different yeast strains available. Different types of fermentations are used. One study of different brands of red yeast rice supplements showed that monacolin varied from 0% to 0.58%.

Therefore, regardless of the fact that studies have shown that studies have shown that it has the ability to lower cholesterol degrees, you cannot be as noble or branded a supplement as you used to be.

What are the Dangers of Red Yeast Rice?

Studies have shown mild side effects, including headaches, heartburn, and stomach complaints. Lovastatin side effects to the formula include increased liver and spire enzymes, muscle problems, and liver problems.

However, additional studies should be conducted before recognizing the long-term protection of red yeast rice extract. We know that some species are not safer than others because of the higher values of other drugs, such as citric acid.

Reer also distinguishes some of the same risks as statins, a class of drugs that includes lovastatin. Experts say the risks of lovastatin are logically used for increased liver and muscle enzymes, muscle problems, and liver problems.

Stamping is dangerous for everyone. You don’t have to take it, it’s not necessary..:

  • I have kidney disease
  • Have liver damage
  • Be pregnant
  • Are breastfeeding

In addition, all persons using any of the appropriate medications do not need to take red yeast.

  • Cholesterol such as lovastatin (Mevacor), rosuvastatin (Crestor), fluvastatin (Lescol), atorvastatin (Lipitor), pravastatin (Pravachol), simvastatin (Zocor) Control statins
  • Other drugs for cholesterol such as Gemfibrozil (Lopid) and Fenofibrate (Tricor)
  • Drugs that suppress the immune system, such as cyclosporine.
  • Fungal resistance agents such as fluconazole (Diflucan), ketoconazole (Nizoral), and itraconazole (Sporanox).
  • Antibiotics inflammatory bacteria and clarithromycin (Biaxin)
  • Cerzone, antidepressants
  • Protease inhibitors used to cure HIV

People who are allergic to fungi or yeast should still fear the use of Lia.

Extracts can interact with other medications for blood pressure and thyroid problems, and any other herbs or supplements you take.

Whatever your health condition, speak with your own doctor every time before using Red Yeast Rice or another supplement. Remember, not all brands are the same and lyes can be dangerous for everyone. However, if a row extract of bearded yeast looks like a promising agent, additional research should be done. At this point, you owe it to yourself to be careful.

Sources indicate

Source: Journoud, M. and Jones, P., Life Sciences, 2004. medicinenet Web site: “Red Yeast Rice and Cholesterol: A Dangerous Overview.” Other Drugs, 2004. Nies, L., Annals of Pharmactherapy, November 2006. FDA website: “FDA warns buyers to avoid Bard yeast product promised online as a treatment for high cholesterol.” Pdrhealth Web Website: “Red Yeast Rice”; NIH Internet site: “Red Yeast Rice”; Griversive Children’smonography (2016): “Red Yeast Rice (Monascus Purpureus)”.

Natural Medicines Group database: “Red Yeast Rice (Monascus purpureus)”.

Medline Plus: “Lovastatin”.

7 The surprising advantages of red yeast rice

Either in culinary applications or for medical purposes, the use of minstrel GIST Rice may offer many impressive health benefits. benefits .

What is Red Yeast Rice?

Red Yeast Rice is a composition of rice overgrown by Monascus Purpureus, a dye-bearing fungal species. This image of rice has been used for over 2000 years and was popular in the land of China and the rising sun. It is still available primarily in these areas. Often used in the preparation of all kinds of food and contains many original health effects. Sometimes it is introduced as a medicine.

This type of rice is not dangerous to people if consumed in small quantities, although almost everyone abandons their use. This type of rice is a major component in some parts of the world and its popularity continues to grow in the United States and other countries with large Chinese and Japanese populations. [1]

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Red Yeast Rice is a widely used Chinese food and medicine.Photo available on shutterstock

Benefits of Red Yeast Rice

There are many benefits In the case of Red Yeast Rice applications, the adoption can lower cholesterol degrees, act as an anti-tumor probe, initiate bone growth, and prevent inflammation.

Lowers cholesterol

Red Yeast Rice contains monacolin K, also known as lovastatin, which lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis.

Improves heart function

By lowering cholesterol levels, blood pressure is balanced and the cardiovascular system is relieved. This may result in a much lower risk of coronary heart disease. [3]

Anti-Tumor Potential.

The composition of this rice has attracted the attention of gold miners to its potential to cure a variety of disorders, including cancer. However, its absolute level as a cancer agent has not yet been confirmed. Studies in this direction indicate that it is useful when braking the rise of prostate tumors. [4]

It has also been shown that in addition to monacolin, the presence of other anti-cancer components has been found in bird’s guist rice. [5]

Relieves inflammation.

Statins, similar to the connections found in these rice products, are popular not only for lowering cholesterol, but also for calming the inflammatory response of the immune system. This certainly helps prevent acquired diseases and reduce the risk of cumulative infection. [6

Improves Bone Density

There is a correlation between consumption of red yeast rice and bone density levels consumption and causes of osteoporosis risk. This may improve bone health and prevent disease. [7]

Preventing Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome affects people worldwide and is often considered a comprehensive range of disorders, hypertension, obesity, and elevated cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that red yeast elevates some of the most important risk points for this syndrome.

Prevents obesity.

Consumption of things like rice, for example called filling, has the opportunity to help reduce excess weight as a preparation for higher calories, but red yeast rice is even more effective because of its potential to cause metabolic changes. It further lowers cholesterol. Excess cholesterol has the ability to increase the risk of obesity. This is because it is often associated with sedentary lifestyles and other poor lifestyle choices. [8]

Use of red yeast rice.

As in modern times, red yeast rice has quite a few regular uses. However, the two most important forms exist in culinary uses and traditional medicinal preparations.


Cooking with red yeast rice can be used to make numerous dishes and drinks, including duck, Peking, red rice vinegar, sake, and rice wine. Taste does not distinguish itself from regular rice, but does affect the color of these products and liquids.


Red yeast rice is very popular due to the special cholesterol levels found in rice after the addition of yeast. The three most important red yeast rices are ditai, cholestin (hypochol), and xuezhikang. The dough that the yeast combines with the rice is called Monacolin K. The dough is called Monacolin K. It is now popular in the medical world under the name Lovastatin. It is a fairly well known cholesterol-lowering component of the drug. However, this substance was already in use in the direction of 1000 years when the details of these chemicals were known! [9].

Side effects of red yeast rice

Despite the benefits There are still some serious side effects of red yeast rice, including kidney problems, liver damage, drug interactions, and pregnancy complications.

  • Pregnancy: due to the inherent drawbacks in animals after taking bearded yeast rice, pregnant women who are breastfeeding are strongly advised to avoid this product. [10 10
  • KIDNEY DAMAGE: Due to the intense connection and statin-like chemicals in this form of rice, certain kidney problems may be exacerbated by an increased risk of kidney stones.
  • LIVER HEALTH: Studies have shown that this fungal species can adversely affect the liver and increase the risk of liver damage. It is absolutely necessary to consult a physician regarding the consumption of this rice, especially if you have liver problems.
  • Interactions with medications: because this rice has a reduced cholesterol standard, there may be significant interactions if you are already using medications for cholesterol or other disorders acquired. Consult your own physician about all other recipes you are currently using before using red yeast rice.

Red Yeast Rice: not all behind this controversial cholesterol-lowering supplement

Red Yeast Rice - Dr. Vile

Most famous Red Yeast Rice. benefits certainly has the potential to lower cholesterol. Almost everyone with the highest cholesterol levels switches to bearded yeast rice supplements to avoid the threat of statins. Known as statins, these cholesterol-lowering substances, such as memory loss, liver damage, muscle pain, and increased blood sugar levels.

Scientific studies have proven that red yeast rice supplementation can lower general LDL cholesterol, also known as “bad cholesterol,” is also lowered. (2) According to classical Chinese medicine, benefits Red yeast is still linked to improved blood circulation and digestion. Red yeast rice supplements are highly sought after, so let’s take a look at what is possible! benefits and discuss this natural recipe – a free remedy.

What is Red Yeast Rice?

What exactly is red yeast rice? Lettie yeast rice, sometimes called Ryr for short, is formed by a yeast called Monascus Purpureus fermented in rice. After the rice decreases along with the yeast, the resulting red yeast rice turns a clear red-blue color. Bird Yeast Rice Extract (Ryr) is used to prepare red yeast rice.

For example, RYR may be necessary for these health problems, such as elevated cholesterol levels, and what are you prepared to do? Interestingly, it contains a natural chemical called monacolin that blocks the production of cholesterol. One of these monacolines found in the RYR supplement called monacolin K is controversial because this chemical makes it an intense statin, as well as a statin merger with the same chemical composition as statins such as lovastatin and mevinolin. (3) This is problematic because we know that statins can cause muscle aches and impotence, neuropathy, heart failure, dizziness, cognitive impairment, cancer, pancreatic rot, and possible depression.

It is not clear whether red yeast safely reduces cholesterol because of its monacolin content or because of its natural vegetable components such as phytosterols, isoflavones, and unsaturated fatty acids. Some scientists believe that because the monacolin in red yeast rice is less than the monacolin in prescription statins, these other drugs are expected to play a role in red yeast rice’s ability to lower cholesterol (4)

In 1998, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began regulating RYR supplements, stating that monacolin K supplements are considered a food additive and not a medical drug. Since then, the FDA has taken legal action against companies that produce red yeast rice supplements with traces of monacolin K beyond the traces of monacolin K. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, despite the FDA’s action, there are several red yeast products market in the U.S. that may contain monacolin K (some products recently tested were found to contain it in significant amounts). Other products may not contain enough of this ingredient.” (5)

We will discuss the best RYR supplement choices in more detail, but first let’s talk about the health benefits of RYR. benefits .

Five Health Benefits of Bardic Yeast Rice

1. best cholesterol support

Supplements featuring red yeast rice are usually focused on natural hyperlipidemia or high cholesterol levels. of the red yeast (Monascus purpureus) used to make RYR has been shown to inhibit the effects of enzymes in the human body that can help form cholesterol It has been shown to inhibit the effect of an enzyme in the human body that can help form cholesterol. There are countless studies showing the positive effects of red yeast rice extract on cholesterol.

A 2010 study published in the South American Journal of Cardiology investigated the effects of bearded yeast rice supplementation in patients intolerant to classical statins. The results for the 25 patients who received RYR for at least 4 months were very impressive. On average, those who consumed red yeast rice but could not tolerate statins had a 13% lower arterial blood cholesterol and a 19% lower LDL cholesterol, indicating very good results with the Ginyu Yeast Rice (6).

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In another study published in the European Journal of Mental and Vascular Disaster Prevention and Rehabilitation, the effect of bardic yeast rice (also called rice) on 79 patients between the ages of 23 and 65 with high cholesterol was These patients received 600 milligrams of red rice. These patients consumed 600 milligrams of red yeast rice or placebo twice daily for eight months. Study results showed that subjects who took RUR had “significant reductions” in blood cholesterol as well as LDL (“bad”) cholesterol (7).

Additional research recommends using RYR to lower cholesterol in the following ways

  • 1.2 grams per day resulted in a 26 percent reduction in LDL over an 8-month period.
  • 2. 2.4 grams per day reduced LDL levels by 22 percent and arterial cholesterol by 16 percent over 12 months

2. fewer signs of muscle fatigue

One of the main complaints of statin users is muscle fatigue. Practically speaking, one would expect 1 to 15 percent of statin users to have to deal with skeletal muscle challenges; a 2017 study examined the impact of taking simvastatin or Ryr in 60 patients with abnormally high cholesterol levels and low or no risk of mental illness.

After taking statins or RYR for four months, subjects taking simvastatin had significantly more muscle relaxation compared to the RYR group, who had no significant change in muscle health. Despite the fact that both groups had lower cholesterol levels, the researchers found that statin users had the lowest physiological fitness (which they hope is related to muscle fatigue). Overall, the study concluded that red yeast rice was as effective as statins on subjects, but less blunt (8).

3. suspected support for obesity

A 2015 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food investigated how effective red yeast rice is in curing obesity and high cholesterol. Scientists divided the animals into five groups: three groups with a normal diet, a highed diet without treatment, and a fatty diet. This was 8 months per kilogram of rice per kilogram per day, 8 months per kilogram of red yeast per kilogram per day. Ryr is in the direction of 12 months or 2, 5 grams per kilogram per day and 8 months in the direction of 5 grams per kilogram per day.

What did the researchers think: adding RYR again prevented weight gain and improved the subjects’ atherogenic index? The plasma atherogenic index provides information about the ratio of cholesterol in the body and is used as a marker to predict the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. Aim of the study: “These results indicate that RYR has therapeutic potential in the treatment of obesity and hyperlipidemia.” (9)

4. decrease in oxidative stress biomarkers.

In 2017, results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study in 50 patients with metabolic syndrome and the effects of supplementation with both rice and olive extracts from Charlaken Guist were reported. Metabolic syndrome is a condition in which there is a challenging combination of three or more problems: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, increased blood sugar, increased triglycerides, or low HDL cholesterol levels.

This study showed that lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (LP-PLA2) and oxidized lipoproteins in red yeast rice and olive extracts considerably reduce low density (OXLDL). This is important because LP-PLA2 and OxLDL are considered biomarkers of oxidative damage or stress and play an important role in disease pathogenesis. A reduction in these two markers is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease in people with metabolic syndrome. (10)

5. increased insulin sensitivity.

A study published in the World Journal of Cardiology in 2012 shows that red yeast rice extract helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. The study specifically investigated the effects of berberine, red yeast rice, placebo and placebo supplementation on insulin resistance in people with metabolic syndrome.

After 18 months, the group that took the RYR supplement had important reductions in insulin resistance and both LDL and total cholesterol (11)

How to Find and Use Red Yeast Rice

Red yeast rice supplements can be found very easily at local health stores or online. Each driving supplement should be taken with food. More than any other supplement, it is recommended to take CoQ10 (at least 90-120 milligrams) to prevent COQ10 deficiency.

What is the best dosage of Red Yeast Rice? Most studies use a standardized extract of 600 milligrams taken 2 to 4 times a day, which for example could be 1200 milligrams twice a day, thus equating to 600 milligrams per day or 2400 milligrams per day. At least one study showed that elderly people who took 1200 milligrams (1 or 2 grams) daily for 8 months had no serious side effects.

Because manufacturers can use different yeast strains and fermentation processes, the amount of monacolin in RYR supplements may vary. Some studies have shown that the amount of monacolin in RYR supplements can vary from zero to 0.58% of the final product. This was one study that used a variety of brands, but still very noteworthy.

Reviews of Bard Yeast Rice vary, but there is talk about some people needing to add it to their menus for several months before noticing a significant reduction in cholesterol (12).

History of Red Yeast Rice and Exciting Facts

Red Yeast Rice is still referred to by a variety of other names, including Ryr, rice, red fermented rice, reddish kozi rice, red koji, red koji rice, red kozi rice, or “fungal culture. Red yeast rice has been used in classical Chinese medicine for over a thousand years to improve welfare problems associated with poor blood circulation and indigestion.

In Asian and North American Chinese communities, RYR is also used in powder form to color all kinds of foods, including tofu, beef, fish, cheese, vinegar, fried foods, etc. Can I try Scharlakenrode eeast Rice? In fact, it is said that adding red yeast rice to foods guarantees an elegant and delicious taste.

Red yeast still occurs in some alcoholic beverages, such as Korean rice wine and Japanese saisons. As you can imagine, adding red yeast rice to a drink produces a reddish tint.

In Asia, naturally occurring red yeast is usually consumed regularly. It is estimated that Asian people eat 14-55 grams of RYR per day (13)

Possible Side Effects and Precautions

All persons under the age of 20 are not obligated to use red yeast rice supplements. If you have an allergy or condition to rice, red yeast, or any member of the Monascaceae (yeast) family, you are obligated to disregard RYR.

Research has proven that red yeast rice side effects (“red yeast yeast side effects”), when generally mild, are often seen incorrectly. Red Yeast Rice side effects can include headache, stomach complaints, heartburn, flatulence or dizziness on any occasion. Muscle soreness and impotence are still possible, especially if RYR supplements increase monacolin content, which can lead to a rare but unprecedented condition called rhabdomyolysis. If you experience muscle soreness and impotence, stop taking Red Yeast Rice and contact your doctor.

RYR supplements are not a footnote to take when breastfeeding, pregnant, or trying to get heavy. It is also recommended that you ignore Bard GIST Rice if you have kidney disease, liver disease, thyroid problems, muscle disorders, or are at high risk for cancer. You are obligated to disregard Bard GIST Rice if you have a responsible infection or physical condition, if you have received an organ transplant, or if you consume alcoholic beverages more than twice a day.

It is not recommended to consume red yeast rice if you are already using any of these medications: (14)

  • Statins or other medications for cholesterol
  • Serzone (antidepressant)
  • Fungal medications
  • Cyclosporine or other immune system depressant drugs
  • Antibiotics Erythromycin and Chloritromycin (Biaxin)
  • Protease inhibitors used to cure HIV

We recommend that you take RYR supplements under the supervision of a medical professional, especially if you are being treated for a health problem or using medication at the time.

Final Thoughts on Red Yeast Rice

Red Yeast Rice is actually a bit of an exciting supplement. Scientific studies show that it actually does show that can benefit Some nonsense welfare issues have resulted in increased cholesterol. If your doctor is advising you to take a statin, there is no harm in asking what he or she thinks about red yeast rice supplements. Some physicians have been known to be willing to ask their patients to try scientifically investigated supplements like RYR.

Even if your cholesterol levels are high, it is important to focus on your menu and exercise. If you decide to try red yeast rice, make sure it comes from an influential source. This is a reference that includes rigid stereotypes to evaluate supplements sold to customers like you.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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