Low and High Histamine Foods List

Many readers are interested in the right subject: histamine toxicity and histamine-rich product listings. Our manufacturers are pleased to report that they have already studied contemporary research on this fascinating subject. We provide a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.

Histamine is an inflammatory that helps the immune system fight infection.

It runs when you are affected by an allergen and your body tries to free itself from it.

This merger is also considered a component of stomach acid, which helps you break down food in the stomach.

Additionally, histamine the central nervous system and the immune system.

Histamine intolerance is usually the result of an imbalanced ability for histamine dissolution and accumulation. histamine .

Diamine oxidase (DAO) is considered the original enzyme important for ingestion metabolism histamine .


Approximately 1% of the population histamine Due to intolerance or inaccessibility of enzymes important for removal histamine from the system or rare high levels of histamine in the body.


Common points that keep diamine oxidase levels low include

  • Extreme temperatures; and
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Trauma or injury;.
  • Oxygen – poor conditions;.
  • Chronic sensory stress;.
  • Vitamin C, vitamin B6, zinc or copper deficiency;
  • Liver damage;.
  • Intestinal conditions affecting the colon chamber.


In addition, almost all prescription substances have every opportunity to interfere with DAO. For example:

  • Tuberculosis drugs;.
  • Respiratory, such as theophylline;.
  • malaria drugs
  • cardiac medications; and
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Antibiotics;.
  • nausea;.
  • Antidepressants;.
  • Freely available and prescribed NSAIDs and anesthetics, such as naproxen, diclofenac (Voltaren), indomethacin (Indocin) or acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
  • Gastrointestinal medications; and
  • Antipsychotics;.
  • muscle relaxants; and
  • Diuretics.

List of blocking foods containing diamine oxidase

Diamine oxidase is considered the most important enzyme of metabolic intake histamine .

When histamine It is not broken down and absorbed by the body and can lead to different symptoms

Low and High Histamine Foods List

DAO-blocking foods and drinks include:

  • Green tea;.
  • Alcohol;.
  • Mate tea (Argentina’s national drink. This is also popular as Cimarron or Chimalao).
  • Black tea;.
  • Energy drinks.


Histamine intolerance can simulate a multitude of symptoms of an allergic reaction, ranging from not serious to difficult.

Common symptoms.

  • Tissue edema;.
  • Sudden redness of skin;.
  • Fatigue;.
  • Redness and itching of body;.
  • Blepharochalasis;.
  • Abdominal pain;.
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles;.
  • diarrhea; diarrhea
  • dyspnea; dyspnea; dyspnea
  • vomiting; diarrhea; vomiting and diarrhea; vomiting and diarrhea
  • Sneezing;.
  • nausea; nausea; nausea
  • nasal congestion; nasal congestion; nasal congestion
  • blushing; blushing; blushing
  • Motion pit;.
  • Restlessness;.
  • dizziness;.
  • Difficulty regulating temperature;.
  • Swollen lips.
  • Increased cardiac tretation;.
  • Red eyes;.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances;.
  • Falling blood pressure;.
  • Migraine;.
  • Vertigo;.
  • high blood pressure;
  • Difficulty in falling asleep; difficulty in falling asleep; difficulty in falling asleep; difficulty in falling asleep; difficulty in falling asleep
  • Chronic runny nose;.
  • Menstrual problems.
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There is no reliable test that medical staff can use to diagnose. histamine intolerance.


If histamine Suspected intolerance, histamine arm diet recommended.

Foods with highest histamine content.

Meat on the table

Foods and drinks high in histamine include:

  • Ketchup;.
  • Tomatoes;.
  • Seafood;.
  • Fish sauces;.
  • Mackerel; Tuna; Anchovies; Sardines; Mahi Mahi; Herring.
  • Vinegar;.
  • Spinach;.
  • Eggplant;.
  • Fermented grains such as sourdough bread.
  • Avocado;.
  • Aji o; fermented soy products such as tempeh, nuts, soy sauce.
  • Champagne;.
  • Alcohol;.
  • Beer;.
  • wine;.
  • Peanuts;.
  • cashews; cashews
  • walnuts;.
  • Fermented ham;.
  • Mature cheeses;.
  • Salami;.
  • Most citrus fruits.
  • Sausage;.
  • Kombucha;.
  • Dried chilies;.
  • Dried sultanas
  • Dried figs
  • Dried goji berries
  • Dried sun;.
  • Plum;.
  • Dried apricots;.
  • Buttermilk;.
  • sour cream;.
  • sour cream;.
  • kefir; kefir; yogurt; yogurt; yogurt; yogurt
  • yogurt; yogurt; yogurt
  • Pickled vegetables;.
  • kimchi;.
  • chocolates;.
  • pastries;.
  • sauerkraut;.
  • hot dogs;.
  • Meat Meals;.
  • hamburgers;.
  • burritos;.
  • pepperoni;.
  • bacon;.
  • soft drinks;.
  • olives; mayonnaise; mayonnaise; mayonnaise; mayonnaise; mayonnaise; mayonnaise
  • Mayonnaise;.
  • Leftovers.

Histamine – spreading products.


Histamine-releasing foods include:

  • food Preservatives; coloring agents; flavoring agents; stabilizers.
  • Pineapple;.
  • Egg whites;.
  • Banana;.
  • Seafood;.
  • Beer;.
  • wine;.
  • Champagne;.
  • cacao; cacao; cacao; cacao; cacao; cacao
  • legumes;.
  • spices; spices
  • nuts; nuts; nuts; nuts; nuts; nuts; nuts; nuts; nuts; nuts; nuts; nuts; nuts; nuts
  • Tomatoes;.
  • papayas; papayas; papayas
  • strawberries;.
  • grapefruit; grapefruit; grapefruit; grapefruit; grapefruit
  • lemons; lemons; limes; limes; limes; limes
  • Limes;.
  • Oranges.

Foods with low histamine content

Studies show that reducing luxurious histamine foods decreases foods Quickly reduce symptoms with a normal diet of histamine intolerance.

Low and High Histamine Foods List

Low histamine foods include:

  • Coconut oil;.
  • Raspberries;.
  • Herbal teas;.
  • strawberries;.
  • Leafy herbs;.
  • olive oil;.
  • blueberry;.
  • homemade almond milk;.
  • Homemade hemp milk
  • Homemade rice milk
  • Homemade coconut milk;.
  • Fresh vegetables (except spinach, tomatoes, aubergines, avocados);.
  • Blackberries;.
  • Grapes;.
  • Muscaderoen;.
  • plums
  • Cherries;.
  • Kiwi;.
  • Acorn Pumpkin;.
  • Apples; Apples; Apples
  • Zucchini; Pear
  • Pears; Pears; Pears
  • Watercress; Watermelon; Watermelon
  • Watermelon; Watermelon
  • asparagus;
  • Mango;.
  • Chard;.
  • Teff;.
  • Arugula;.
  • amaranth;.
  • Summer squash;.
  • garlic;.
  • onions;.
  • pepper;.
  • Millet;.
  • Corn;.
  • Salads;.
  • qinggengcai;
  • swans;.
  • onions; onions; onions; onions; onions
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • rice;
  • cabbage; cabbage; Brussels sprouts
  • Brussels sprouts;.
  • beets;
  • potatoes; potatoes; potatoes; potatoes; potatoes; potatoes; potatoes; potatoes; potatoes; potatoes; potatoes; potatoes; potatoes; potatoes
  • carrots;.
  • sweet potatoes;.
  • Nutmeg squash;.
  • Radishes;.
  • Cooked eggs;.
  • Cucumbers;.
  • Collards;.
  • Cabbage;.
  • Fresh fish;.
  • Cooked chicken. Or boiled beef.


There are several natural ways with every opportunity to improve the function of diamine oxidase.


Groot Hoefblad is a natural antihistamine that has been used in Europe for centuries.

Randomized clinical studies have shown that Groot Hoefblad works as well as Allegra, Claritin, and Zyrtec.

Groot Hoefblad is sold in many forms, including

  • Gels; and
  • Extraction
  • Tincture
  • Powder; and
  • Capsules.
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Note: If allergic to Rhabtvom, Butterbur will be ignored cross-resident and foot stop.

ubiquinol coq10.

Ubiquinol is a smaller version of coenzyme.

It is used to make energy and is important for all kinds of processes, including the function of diamine oxidase.

Sacred Basil

Holy basil (scientific name: ocimum tuiflorum) is an aromatic long-lived herb of the Lamiaceae family.

It is naturally antihistaminic and helps with anxiety, sensory stress, and adrenal dysfunction.

Quercetin with Bromelain

Quercetin is an antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables. Bromelan is an enzyme that occurs in pineapple and papaya. When quercetin is mixed with bromelan, it is produced in even greater quantities by diamine oxidase.

Note – Quercetin is not fully and completely absorbed, so it is better taken once a day about 20 minutes before a meal.


Probiotics are live yeasts and bacteria with a myriad of excellent properties for the well.

Two more useful forms for histamine intolerance include Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

Nigella sativa oil

This oil is made from dark cumin seeds. These seeds have been used for hundreds of years to cure all kinds of ailments around the world.

Nigella sativa oil is best used for blocked noses. to histamine intolerance.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a soluble vitamin that occurs in many forms in vegetable bases foods This vitamin is necessary for the formation, improvement and repair of all body tissues.

In addition, this vitamin is considered to be a co-factor for alcohol dehydrogenase. This is the same enzyme that is broken down. histamine .

NOTE – It is recommended to add 2 grams per day.


This is needed to assist the epidemic (flavin adenine dinucleotide) which is the cooperative moment of diamine oxidase. Thus, it is necessary histamine intolerance.

DAO Supplementation

These additions are provided for the demolition of of histamine in the digestive tract content and in the structure of the diamine oxidase of the digestive tract.

This actually means that supplementing the diamine oxidase enzyme will help you break down histamine Supplement comes from pork.

Note – the supplements come from pork, so if you are allergic to pork, it is better to ignore them.


  • Folic acid (a synthetic variant of folic acid) increases the risk of cancer. histamine Therefore, it follows in the footsteps of ignoring its people. histamine levels are high ;
  • avoid fermented foods Wine, cheese, fermented sausages, vinegar, sourdough, etc. high levels of histamine ;
  • Reduce additives because they have every opportunity of personal contribution to histamine liberated by your body.
  • Take steps to prevent constipation, such as increasing water intake and food
  • ensure your food Wake up whenever possible and throw away leftovers in the refrigerator.
  • Avoid using overripe fruits and vegetables.
Source https: // Academic. oup. com/ajcn/article/85/5/1185/4633007 https: // www. ncbi. nlm. nih (US National Institutes of Health. Gov/PubMed/17490952 https: // Jandonline org/article/s2212-2672(14)01454-3/fulltext https: // onlineLibrary. wiley. com/doi/full/10. 1111/ all. 13361

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com]; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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