Menopause and Constipation

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Many women reach them with menopause digestive problems. This … why menopause and constipation usually goes hand in hand. Until then constipation there is nothing fresh for the woman who gets it. menopause It still causes much discomfort. In addition, ragweed is not fully and completely digested, which can waste a lot of caloric preparations in food consumption.

How Does Menopause Cause Constipation?

Menopause is accompanied by a series of hormonal changes that affect a woman’s mood. This composition of stressful hormonal changes results in constipation Verdine’s poor type of life may further simplify the situation.

Hormonal fluctuations

Menopause and Constipation

During menopause The degree of hormonal estrogen is lower than normal. Estrogen has a direct effect on the hormone cortisol. An increase in estrogen leads to a decrease in cortisol and vice versa. Cortisol’s task is to regulate sugar levels in the blood, and a low content of the hormone usually means that sugar levels and blood pressure are at an aggressive and healthy degree. Daytime. menopause Cortisol levels are higher than normal due to low estrogen levels.

Low estrogen levels result in a smaller adrenaline release. This simply leads to digestive problems such as as constipation bloated stomach, abdominal pain, etc.

The effects of mMenopause and Constipationecases.

During menopause Women check for several signs that lead to discomfort. As a result, they usually rely on medications to simplify these symptoms such as high blood pressure, heart problems, depression, pain, etc. There is a good chance that these medications still lead to to constipation .

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Unhealthy Lifestyle

An unhealthy food lifestyle, not getting enough water and being generally inactive are still considered prime suspects with regard to these symptoms. to constipation Most women are overwhelmed by stress and depression. menopause Entering life like that, it is just triggered. constipation .

What can help?

It can be quite annoying! menopause and constipation It happens at the same time. The good news is that almost all common medications, although your own, have every opportunity to help simplify the inconvenience.

1. healthy eating

Healthy Table

A healthy diet means avoiding all pain products and fast foods. Foods high in sugar should be avoided. Instead, choose foods rich in fiber, such as vegetables. This will certainly help get your digestion back on track.

2. there is no need to rush during meals

Often we always think about the last trimester and rush through our meals. For women. in menopause This can be disastrous because, for example, they are not given enough time to chew their food well and digest it completely.

3. exercise for menopause and constipation

Exercise has great potential to help control constipation. constipation Lower body exercises directly affect the strength of the colon and help reduce or completely eliminate the burden. The best exercise for this is swimming. Walking is also sufficient, as you will find that you lack the necessary energy during exercise. menopause .

4. magnesium supplementation

Magnesium helps strengthen muscles, and this includes the muscles of the intestinal tract. If the intestinal muscles are not fully muscular, undigested ragweed cannot pass quickly through the intestinal tract, leading to indigestion. in constipation .

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Since ragweed alone is considered an unreliable source of magnesium, it is essential to include magnesium supplements in the diet. Stress is a sufficient reason to be proactive with magnesium. and menopause Stress is usually accompanied by some degree of stress. If your normal diet consists primarily of carbohydrates and snacks, you need to take magnesium to help produce insulin, which will certainly help control blood sugar levels.

5. remember the herbal remedies

Menopause and Constipation

Constipation during menopause Hormonal changes are usually considered to be the cause. Introducing herbal remedies can help to rebalance hormones and ultimately control blood sugar. constipation Field dong quai, American ginseng, and red clover are some of the herbs that may be helpful in managing menstrual symptoms. as constipation .

6. look at hormone therapy.

As menopause and constipation Although closely related, hormonal changes may provide some support. This therapy is thought to artificially replenish the body’s hormones that are no longer produced by the body due to hormone loss. menopause It can help reduce the severity of symptoms. of menopause Symptoms may include constipation .

7. recall enzymes.

Three enzymes play a role. in menopausal constipation Amylase, protease, and lipase. Amylase is found in saliva and the intestinal tract and helps damage carbohydrates. Proteases are found in the intestinal tract, pancreas, and stomach and help damage proteins and some fats. Lipases are found in the pancreas, intestinal tract, and stomach and can help damage fats.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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