How to Reduce Prolactin

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Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that stimulates and increases breast and milk formation in the family during pregnancy and thereafter. It produces both male and female prolactin field, in some cases at levels of prolactin In some cases, this level may be elevated, causing low libido, irregular periods, infertility, and other problems in women. Levels. of prolactin are higher in men, reduced Muscle pluralization, erectile dysfunction, and low libido are common. If your values are of prolactin higher than normal, seek immediate medical attention.

Treatment of the main causes of low prolactin

High prolactin It is usually caused by four appropriate criteria

1. prolactinoma

One of the causes of high prolactin prolactin may be prolactinoma. As to reduce prolactin in this case?

  • Cabergoline and bromocriptine are considered the most commonly used drugs in the treatment of prolactinomas. These substances, of prolactin and also reduce the size of the tumor. These prescription drugs should be taken for at least two years; if the value after two years is of prolactin If the tumor is gone, the medications are gradually reduced. However, the drugs may have to be administered again because of the possibility of the tumor growing.
  • In some cases, prolactinomas cannot be treated with drug therapy and may require surgical treatment.
  • In rare cases, when surgical removal of the tumor does not resolve the problem, radiation therapy may be considered. The goal of radiation is to shrink the tumor.
  • Radiation therapy is not effective for brutal or malignant prolactinomas.

2. medical hyperprolactinemia

Wonder how to reduce prolactin ? First, the basics must be established. Certain types of medications may increase the level of hyperprolactinemia. of prolactin Stop taking the medication you are taking for a period of time. Your physician may be able to replace the medication with a similar product that does not elevate levels. of prolactin If no product is available to change the cessation, cabergoline or bromocriptine may be prescribed. Estrogen is prescribed for women and testosterone for men.

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3. hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by low levels of thyroid hormones. Synthetic thyroid hormones are prescribed to treat this condition.

4 Idiopathic hyperprolactinemia.

In some cases, the actual underlying cause of hyperprolactinemia is not popular. This is known as idiopathic hyperprolactinemia. Occasionally, the highest levels of hyperprolactinemia can of prolactin be able to return to a normal life independently. However, if this does not occur, cabergoline or bromocriptine is prescribed.

Prolactinomas during pregnancy

A woman can become heavily pregnant during the healing of a prolactinoma. If this occurs, special treatment is needed to ensure that the baby is healthy.

  • You must stop taking cabergoline or bromocriptine as soon as you realize you are pregnant. Check with your own endocrinologist.
  • However, if you need to continue using medication during pregnancy, bromocriptine is considered a better option.
  • There is no need to measure the value of prolactin during pregnancy. Usually, prolactin value will be higher than the recognized value during pregnancy.
  • Not considered important during pregnancy if it does not enlarge or affect vision during pregnancy.

How to reduce prolactin naturally

In addition to healing, can steer high prolactin by taking appropriate supplements and herbs. However, do not attempt to apply self-administered combinations. It is imperative to consult a physician first.

1. vitamin B6

It is a primary prolactin A real supplement, fairly harmless and inexpensive. At higher values, two forms of vitamin B6 are recommended of prolactin If you decide to take regular vitamin B6, you should take 300-1000 mg per day in divided doses. If you decide to take activated vitamin B6, you should take 50-200 mg per day in broken doses.

2. vitamin E.

Vitamin E is considered another supplement with the ability to use power plants prolactin for brake emissions. It is harmless, inexpensive, and seldom, if ever, causes side effects. The appropriate dosage is 300-400 IU per day. If necessary, the dosage of natural vitamin E can be increased to 1000 IU per day.

3. sam-e

SAM-E is a natural supplement that is at the level of of prolactin in men. sam-e is generally well tolerated. However, nausea and other gastrointestinal effects have been reported in some cases. It is recommended that 400-1200 mg of SAM-E be taken daily along with vitamin B6 and vitamin E. 4. it is recommended to take an anchor.

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4. zinc

Zinc often functions with vitamin B6 in the human body. To enhance the effects of vitamin B6, 50 to 100 mg of zinc citrate, zinc gluconate, or zinc monomotionate per day should be taken. Zinc supplements still help correct marginal zinc deficiency. Slight zinc deficiency appears to be one of the causes of zinc deficiency of prolactin in men, especially bodybuilders and athletes.

5. ginsengextract

This is a natural herb recommended to lower high levels of zinc deficiency in men. of prolactin It is also known to increase sexual desire and frequency of erections. should start with 1000 mg of Ginsenge extract per day. The maximum dosage would be 3000 mg per day.

Periodic intake is fundamentally important for the best effects of this herb. Remember to organize the herb for 5 days and then pause for 2 days. The herb can be arrested in sequence, followed by a 2-week break. You will see which cycles work better than others.

6. maca powder

Maca powder works by stimulating nitric oxide and dopamine, which helps to solve the prolactin problem. start by taking half or 1 teaspoon of maca powder per day. If needed, you can increase the dose to 3 teaspoons of maca powder per day.

7. Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna Pruriens is another natural herb used to lower high levels of blood pressure. of prolactin It should be started with 50% to 3 teaspoons of mucus powder per day.

8. ginkgo biloba

This is another natural method. to reduce prolactin Ginkgo biloba improves the dopamine degree in the human body by working as a a prolactin remmer. start with 60-360 mg per day and adjust dosage according to results.

9. Vitex

Vitex has the ability to to reduce the elevated levels of prolactin Fieldvitex also regulates the menstrual cycle and promotes hormonal balance. It promotes the normal luteal phase of the menstrual cycle by supporting normal progesterone levels.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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