Why does my chest hurt when I breathe?

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Chest pain is pain that occurs in the chest area from the shoulder to the lower chest. It is a fairly common sign caused by a variety of causes. It is not always easy to identify the exact cause of the pain without a variety of tests. Until the underlying cause is identified, it is fundamental to take chest pain seriously. It may indicate an important illness, and you should not try to overlook something by ignoring it as unimportant. ‘Why are they my boobs?’ If you wonder, hurt when I breathe ‘, keep reading for more information.

Why does my chest hurt when I breathe?

Why does my chest hurt when I breathe?

There are many possible reasons for chest pain when breathing. Whenever a breath and then breathe As they are pulled back, the ribs begin to follow the pace of breathing and adapt to the increase and contraction of the less dense girth. If the ribs are stretched by accidentally pulling or lifting an object, pain is felt the next time the ribs are stretched. you breathe .

In addition, there is a condition called pleurisy, which can cause infection and inflammation of the mucous membranes around the lower part of the body. This is often seen in cases of bronchitis or another illness that causes a strong cough. It can be excruciatingly painful. to breathe Pleurisy, if present. Your doctor will diagnose this condition and will certainly prescribe beneficial medications to relieve the pain.

You may have torn a muscle in another part of your chest and are experiencing what is called “reflex pain”. Reflex pain allows pain from a back injury to be misinterpreted as simply rib pain, as it can cause pain when breathing.

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Older patients may have osteoporosis, which can cause pain that damages the rib cage to hurt When they breathe.

In addition to the above, the following commentary on the rationale for its popularity

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which pancreatic acid refluxes into the pharynx, can cause a burning sensation. In addition to chest pain, patients may also experience an increase in an unpleasant taste in the mouth when eating, lying down, or bending over.
  • Non-serious infections, bronchitis, and other non-energetic problems all have the opportunity to cause chest pain. This usually manifests as sharp chest pain when you have a breath Other symptoms are shortness of breath and coughing.
  • Asthma is shortness of breath of breath or wheezing along with coughing, sometimes accompanied by pain. It can happen to anyone at any time. Asthma is often diagnosed in childhood, but can also be determined in adulthood. If you have asthma, your doctor will prescribe you medication.
  • Peptic gastric ulcers can cause disease of the stomach mucosa or the intestinal tract.
  • Acute cholecystitis or inflammation of the gallbladder has the opportunity to cause sharp, sudden pain in the upper part of the stomach, which may flow right into the chest and shoulders. If you have. a breath , it can worsen.
  • Pulmonary embolism, or obstruction of blood vessels transporting blood from the heart to non-pulmonary vessels, can cause sharp stabbing pains, which may worsen when you take it. a breath .
  • Pericarditis, or inflammation of the bags around the heart. This can cause sudden sharp chest pains. Or it can become a duller pain. It is worse as soon as you lie down.
  • For example, a hiatal hernia or upper lobe of the stomach pressing against the bottom chest after eating a meal. May be burning. Looks like heartburn. Worse when lying down.

When should I be concerned?

If you are not aware: “Why is my chest bothering me? hurt when I breathe You can read well to support the footsteps to call an ambulance.

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  • If you have strong chest pain at a particular moment, it is looming or persistent
  • If the pain lasts longer than 15 minutes
  • When the pain spreads to your arms, back and jaw
  • If you suffer from breathing, nausea, coughing up blood, sweating
  • If you are at risk for coronary heart disease, for example, if you smoke, are overweight, or have high blood pressure

If you also have diabetes or high cholesterol levels, you should request help immediately.

Could it be a heart problem?

Why does my chest hurt when i breathe Can it be a heart problem? Could it be a problem with my heart? Only your doctor can answer this question. It is important to point out that heart pain is not always a heart problem, not panic. In that case, please note

angina pectoris

It may be angina pectoris, which is a slight restriction of the blood supply to the muscles. This can be caused by doing something physical, such as stretching, lifting, bumping, etc. This can also cause sensory stress. This can also cause sensory stress, such as sudden excitement or exploration of something destructive. Typically, angina is relieved after a few minutes of entertainment.

If you have been diagnosed with angina, your doctor may be able to give you a treatment for the future. If so, think back. This may be enough to stop the pain and angina attacks.

Acute cardiovascular disease

This could be a heart attack, which could completely cut off the blood supply. Both angina and heart attack can cause sharp, sluggish, or excruciating chest pain. This pain may spread to the arms, neck, back, and even the jaw. It may also feel as if it is not on its way! breath (breathlessness).

Call an ambulance yourself if symptoms last longer than 15 minutes, if they appear while resting or lying down, or if symptoms still include vomiting, sweating, or very labored breathing. There is a high probability that you have acute cardiovascular disease. If you do not hesitate, call for help immediately. Always proceed with caution. You do not want to gamble with your own well-being.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].