Synchronized Cardioversion

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Synchronized cardioversion Splitting low-energy secretions cures certain types of heart rhythm disorders. The systematic cardiac cycle includes a shock-resistant phase and a vulnerable phase. The vulnerable phase appears centered or near the second part of the T-Flat. Here, the resistant phase falls into the QRS ensemble phase; in the QRS phase, it is used in the QRS phase. This is because if used in the injured phase, it can cause ventricular fibrillation.

What is synchronized cardiology?

Synchronized cardioversion It is an energy-efficient shock that uses a sensor to administer electricity is synchronized R highest point or peak of the QRS ensemble. Administering the shock by pressing the actual button has a small delay so that the machine can read and synchronize in the patient’s ECG rhythm. This treatment is used when other forms of treatment, e.g. drugs, are clearly not helping. It is used to successfully treat atrial flutter, supraventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and atrial tachycardia.

Comparison with unsynchronized cardioversion.

Unsynchronized cardioversion (defibrillation) High energy discharge is guaranteed as soon as the discharge button of the defibrillator is pressed. This means that the discharge can take place at any point in the cardiac cycle. This is used when a regulated individual electronic heart rate (VT/PV without pulse) is no longer available or when the defibrillator cannot be used in unstable patients. synchronize In unstable patients.

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What you should do before a synchronized circulatory

During this procedure, the physician will discuss everything with you, explain what will happen, and inform you of possible complications. Things you must do to prepare for the procedure include

  • Remember to eat and drink 6-8 hours before the procedure.
  • Do not drink caffeine 24 hours before the procedure. Be aware of caffeinated products such as regular coffee, caffeinated coffee, regular or caffeinated tea, carbonated beverages, herbal teas, and chocolate.
  • Arrive 30 minutes before your appointment time.
  • If you have diabetes, take a blood glucose meter, medications, and test strips.
  • Please wear shirts or other clothing that can be removed from the waist down. You will also receive clothing.
  • You will be injected with certain medications that cause drowsiness, so have someone drive you home after the procedure.

How is synchronized electrodefibrillation performed?

When it happens, you really have nothing to worry about! synchronized The end. Your doctor will explain it clearly and show you the step-by-step procedure below.

  • A nurse or doctor will take you to a hospital bed or cart to the room where the procedure will take place. The team assigned to you will consist of your doctor, nurse, technician, and possibly an anesthesiologist.
  • Since vital organs are monitored, you will be provided with a blood pressure cuff and finger clips to monitor air levels. In addition, an EKG spot (electrocardiogram) is used to monitor heart rate.
  • A water infusion is started and air is injected through a nasal tube or oxygen mask.
  • Large adhesive pads are placed on the front and back. This sends electrical pulses to the heart and the heart rhythm returns. Based on this, multiple pulses may need to be set.

What to do after synchronized defibrillation

Once the procedure is complete, return to your room. It will take several hours for the anesthesia to wear off. Your nurse will continue to monitor your actual organs, including blood pressure, heart rate, and rhythm. As soon as you are fully awake, you will be able to drink and eat again.

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The physician can prescribe medications that can be taken at home. Some patients may experience mild tenderness or redness at the site of wear. If you feel any change in your condition, ask your nurse for additional treatment.

If you attempt to go home, someone must arrest you. If you go home:

  • Do not consume alcohol for at least 24 hours.
  • Do not drive or work for 24 hours.
  • Rarely accept legally binding conclusions within 24 hours.
  • See your doctor in person and ask questions of the nurse or physician.

Are there any risks?

In any procedure, there is always the possibility that something could go wrong. If the device is not capable of sensing smoothly, only a certain number of adjustments will be made. This may indicate that amplitude or tension can be corrected.

A complication from a synchronized cardioversion Hypoxia. This is when a patient becomes independently dyspneic as a result of the anesthesia administered. In this case, they may need to be manually ventilated. An additional aggravation is cardiac arrhythmias, including ventricular fibrillation and hypertension.

Do not worry if the procedure is not considered an absolute win. For some people, correcting a good heart rhythm is not easy. Almost everyone learns to live with irregular rhythms until the heart fights very quickly. If it urgently needs further adjustment, your doctor will talk to you about other possible forms of healing. & lt; Pan & gt; hypoxia. This is true when a patient has difficulty breathing independently as a result of the anesthesia administered. In this case, they may need to be manually ventilated. An additional aggravation is cardiac arrhythmias, including ventricular fibrillation and hypertension.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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