Show Me Pictures Of Bed Bug Bites

Individual characteristics of the bug’s bite and the person who is bitten also influence the resulting sore.

Pictures of Bed Bug Bites

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Do bed bugs leave blood stains on w.

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Each of the following pictures of bed bug bites shows typical skin reactions to the insect’s saliva. Most people are not hypersensitive to the bites and will show no reaction at all with the exception of two small dots where the bedbug punctured the skin. Other people can develop more severe symptoms such as red papular eruptions (raised inflamed areas) or in severe cases, blisters.

Most bites will have a small clear area in the center surrounded by redness that may or may not be raised. People tend to become more sensitive and have larger reactions after each episode. Reactions can include itch, swelling, rash, and wheals (large round red area on the skin). Severe reactions can cause skin blisters and trouble breathing, although these reactions are very rare.

Skin reactions can occur immediately, hours, days or even up to two weeks later. Itch, the primary symptom beyond a red raised area, should subside in 1 to 3 days. Bed bug bites should go away with no treatment in 4 to 7 days.

Because individual allergic skin reactions can vary as shown in the following bed bug bite images, and people can become more or less sensitive to bed bug bites over time, bites alone cannot confirm the presence of bed bugs. Also look for other factors such as actual insects or blood and fecal stains on a mattress. Research shows that 11 out of 24 people have no reaction when first bitten. However, when bitten again most developed a skin reaction. (1)

bed bug feeding on skin

Picture of Bed Bug Feeding on Skin. Adult Bed Bugs are About the Size of an Apple Seed

If you skin symptoms match any of the pictures of bed bug bites, look for other signs of an infestation.

Show Me Pictures Of Bed Bug Bites

Bed Bug Feeding On Hand

Pictures of Bed Bug Bites on Humans

When people ask “show me pictures of bed bug bites” they are often thinking that all bites look the same. The reality is that reactions are different in each person.

Bed bugs bites will appear on areas of the body that are exposed during sleep. The most common areas are the legs, arms, shoulders, and neck. The bite itself will feel like a tickle or pinch. Patterns are often in a straight line.

Said another way, if you see bites only under areas that are covered in clothes, and you see no other signs of an infestation such as live insects or mattress stains, in all likelihood the skin reaction you are seeing IS NOT caused by bed bugs.

Do not scratch the bites as it can cause a skin infection. Bite reactions can occur immediately or in a few days.

Typical Allergic Skin Reactions

bed bug bite skin reaction

Bed Bug Bite Skin Reaction After 30 Minutes on Lower Leg

bed bug bites on lower leg

Bed Bug Bites on Leg

Bed Bug Bite Patterns

It is common to see bed bug bites in a row of 3 or 4 bites or a cluster. This could be due to an arm or leg resting on an infested mattress seam.

bed bug bite pattern on arm

Bed Bug Bite Pattern on Arm

Bed bug bites can appear individually, in groups or in rows.

What do Bed Bug Bites Look Like on Arms?

Bed bug bites most commonly are found on exposed skin areas during sleep such as the lower legs, shoulders, and arms.

bed bug bites on arm

Cluster of Bed Bug Bites on Arm

bed bug bites in a row

Bed Bug Bites In a Row. Could be caused by leg leading against mattress seam where bedbugs are hiding.

bed bug bites on stomach

Bed Bug Bites on Stomach. Bites are typically 2mm to 5mm. Bites are referred to as erythematous ( redness of the skin or mucous membranes due to the accumulation of blood in dilated capillaries) or maculopapular (flat, reddened area of skin present in a rash) lesions.

hundreds of bed bug bites on skin

Back of 4 Year Old Bitten by Hundreds of Bed Bugs. Quantity of Bites Make Skin Look Like a Rash Instead of Bites

Bed Bug Bite Wheal Skin Reaction

The Bed Bug bite wheal pattern see below is usually seen in people that that have had other bed bug bite episodes and are now more sensitive to the bites.

bed bug bite wheal skin reaction

Bed Bug Skin Wheal Reaction
Author: R. Naylor

The size of the skin reaction depends on the allergic response of the individual. Hypersensitive individuals will have larger reactions.

bed bug bite wheal

Bed Bug Wheal Skin Reaction

bed bug bite wheal on leg

Bed Bug Bite on Leg – Wheal Reaction

Blister Reaction

In advanced cases bed bug skin reactions can turn into blisters.

bed bug bite blisters on arm

Picture of Bed Bug Skin Blisters
Author: Leverkus

bed bug bite blisters on arm

Bed Bug Bite Blisters Hypersensitive Reaction

Stages of Bed Bug Bites

Bed bug bite images vary based on the individual and how allergic they are.

bed bug bites 4 days after exposure to bed bugs

Bed Bug Bites 4 Days After Being Bitten

bed bug bite after 1 week after being bitten

Bed Bug Bite 1 Week After Being Bitten on Skin


  • Chicken Pox
  • Staphylococcus infection
  • Spider or Mosquito Bites
  • Hives
  • Allergies to food
  • Reaction to medications such as antibiotics
  • Scabies

Bed Bug Bites Treatment

Treatment for bedbugs bites involves addressing itchy bites, soothing the skin, and then preventing any infection. After Bite makes an anti-itch anti-microbial gel formula that is specifically formulated to provide relief bed bug itching and to promote healing.

In most cases, medical attention will not be needed if you have been bitten. For severe reactions or if you have difficulty breathing, immediately seek emergency medical care.

If the bed bug bites aren’t healing, or you see signs of puss or infection, be sure to see a Doctor.

Tell-Tale Signs of Bed Bugs

Do not rely only on bite symptoms when determining if you have a bed bug infestation. Bed bug bites look like bites from other common insects. Skin reactions can be caused by insect stings from fire ant stings, insect bites from spiders, mosquito bites, and scabies to name a few. Other causes include skin irritation from exposure to household chemicals or some type of allergy.

  • Pattern: Middle of the bite is clear with a red ring around the middle.
  • Symptoms: Most bites are very itchy
  • Location: Bed bugs do not bite through clothing and only bite exposed skin. This includes the arms, legs, shoulders, and neck. Bites are rarely seen on the bottoms of the feet. If this is the location of the bite, see a doctor and ask if the condition is scabies.
  • Presence of Actual Bed Bugs: You can see baby bed bugs and adult bed bugs with the naked eye. Use a credit card or thin brush to work through the mattress seam to see if you dislodge any insects. It might be helpful to have a flashlight and magnifying glass. You can also spot small overall off-white bed bug eggs attached to rough surfaces. Note that bed bugs can change in appearance as they absorb human blood.
  • Signs on the Mattress: Small brown spots on a mattress (bed bug feces) or small blood spots could indicate the presence of bed bugs. Of course, spotting the bugs themselves is a sign. They hide in the seams of the mattress. Even one bed bug can cause a problem. Other areas where bed bugs are commonly found include around the headboard, night tables, and crevices between the walls and floor.

bed bug mattress stains

Picture of Bed Bug Stains on Mattress

Why You Need a Bed Bug Professional

Do not only rely on pictures of bedbug bites to confirm that bed bugs are your problem. For example, bites that occur only on the bottoms of the legs are more likely to be flea bites.

Call in a professional that knows how to spot an infestation that might be in the walls of your home or hidden in a bed frame.

We recommended using the exterminators registered with Home Advisor. You can also call eLocal at 1.877.673.2704 for a pest control expert near you. Members of these networks are licensed and reviewed. There is no charge to receive a quote. You can also look at our directory of bed bug pest control experts.

Protect Yourself From Bed Bugs

Until you treat your home, minimize bare skin to cut off the bed bugs’ food source. At night wear socks over the bottom of pajamas and mittens over shirt sleeves. Keep your bed away from other furniture and blankets off the floor.


Each of these free brochures is filled with pictures of bed bug bite examples such as photos of rashes, skin reactions, mattress signs, and information.

Bed bug bites: What you need to know

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Most people who are bitten by bed bugs experience symptoms that include irritation, sores, or itchiness. But how should bed bug bites be treated and can they be prevented?

There are several ways of reducing the chances of getting bites, while the treatment options include good hygiene and antihistamines.

This article explores bed bug bite treatment and prevention methods in detail.

Bed bugs are small parasitic insects that feed on human blood.

While they are a public health concern, bed bugs are not known to transmit disease through their bites.

Bed bugs use a small tube-like structure called a proboscis to pierce the skin and drink a person’s blood. The pests are most active when humans are asleep, during the night and early morning.

An estimated one in five Americans have personally dealt with a bed bug infestation or knows someone who has encountered the pests.

Share on Pinterest The bed bug bites may form a line or be in a zigzag pattern.

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Bed bugs can bite anywhere on the body where there is skin. Typically, bites tend to occur on areas exposed during sleeping, such as:

Many people do not feel the bite itself or develop clear symptoms other than the dots where the bug bit and some minor, surrounding inflammation and irritation. Others are considered hypersensitive to bites and develop more severe symptoms.

In most cases symptoms occur more or less immediately after the bite, but they can develop or progress over the following days as well. Without further irritation, symptoms typically resolve after a week or so.

Almost all bed bug bites will produce some degree of discomfort, typically itchiness and inflammation. Other signs and symptoms of bed bug bites include:

  • a burning painful sensation
  • a raised itchy bump with a clear center
  • a red itchy bump with a dark center and lighter swollen surrounding area
  • small red bumps or welts in a zigzag pattern or a line
  • small red bumps surrounded by blisters or hives
  • papular eruptions or areas of skin with raised or flat patches that may be inflamed
  • small spots of blood from bites often dried or stained onto sheets or bed clothing
  • reddish or reddish-brown dried stains on fabrics due to bed bug droppings
  • white or clear skins, shed by the nymphs as they mature

Individual characteristics of the bug’s bite and the person who is bitten also influence the resulting sore.

While fairly rare, some people have or develop severe reactions and symptoms from bed bug bites. Serious symptoms that require medical attention include:

  • difficulty breathing
  • blisters
  • fever
  • feeling nauseous or flu-like
  • swollen tongue
  • irregular heartbeat

Living with bed bugs can cause additional health complications:

  • Increased likelihood of infection: Due to the skin’s surface being compromised.
  • Sleep deprivation: The idea of being fed on can be extremely stressful. Given that the bugs only feed at night, some people will avoid sleep or will only get fitful or restless sleep.
  • Decreased wellbeing: A continual lack of sleep has been linked to feelings of depression, anxiety, general fatigue, and lowered immune function. The misconceptions surrounding bed bugs, especially the mistaken association with lack of cleanliness, can add to feelings of depression and low self-esteem.

Share on Pinterest Bed bug bites should heal on their own, but may be itchy and swollen in the meantime.
Image credit: James Heilman MD, 2013

There are relatively few treatments options when it comes to uncomplicated bed bug bites.

The first recommended line of treatment involves cleaning the wound, ideally with soap and water.

For itchy bites, the following may relieve minor symptoms:

  • over-the-counter hydrocortisone, which can be purchased online.
  • anti-itch creams
  • antihistamines

Most wounds heal on their own within a week, sometimes two.

If severe swelling, inflammation, or itchiness occurs or persists, a person should seek medical attention.

A dramatic immune response may be a sign of an allergic reaction. If this is the case, one of the following may need to be administered:

  • an injectable corticosteroid
  • antihistamine
  • epinephrine medication

If infection occurs, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Severe itchiness may result in further complications, such as infection or scarring. If severe itching is experienced, people may be prescribed corticosteroid creams and antihistamine pills or liquid.

Share on Pinterest Older bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed and are brown in color.

One way to help prevent exposure and potential infestations by bed bugs is to be able to recognize bed bugs and distinguish them from other pests.

In a 2017 study, some 35 percent of polled American business travellers and 28 percent of leisure travellers were unable to tell a bed bug apart from other household pests.

Common characteristics of nymphs (young bed bugs) include:

  • being less than than 5 mm in length
  • whitish-yellow and or clear-colored
  • invisible without a microscope or magnifying glass

The nymphs are easier to see if they have just feed when the blood fills their abdomen, giving it a reddish brown color.

Adult bed bugs are typically far easier to spot than nymphs. Identifiable characteristics of most adult bed bugs include:

  • an oval-shaped body
  • apple seed in size
  • a body that is fairly flat unless recently fed and inflated
  • reddish-brown to light-brown or tan color of shell, depending on how recently it fed
  • a length of 5-7 millimeters (mm)
  • three segments, an antenna with four parts, short yellow hairs, and unusable wings
  • a musty or stale-sweet scent released by glands on the underbelly

Controlling bed bugs needs the identification and complete removal or destruction of the pest’s eggs.

On average, one female can produce at least 345 eggs over her lifetime. Egg-laying females often increase the volume and frequency of feeding to support their brood.

Common characteristics and signs of bed bug eggs include:

  • they are often laid in the same places where the female choses to rest
  • they resemble tiny barrel-shaped, pearl-colored specks, no bigger than the head of a pin
  • they develop a noticeable eye spot after a few days

The key to preventing bed bug bites is to stop the insects entering, feeding, and breeding in human environments.

In the daytime, bed bugs often seek refuge in the cracks and crevices of furniture, flooring, walls, and mattresses.

The seams and folds of upholstered furniture can also offer an ideal hiding place. Bed bugs have been known to persist in vacuum canisters or units.

The insects tend to pick hiding spots near human sleeping quarters, including bedrooms. Bed bugs found in other rooms are usually a sign of a severe infestation.

Areas where bed bug infestations commonly occur include:

Share on Pinterest Searching for bed bugs includes looking for reddish-brown stains caused by their droppings and the clear skins shed by nymphs as they mature.

  • apartment or condominium buildings
  • large office spaces
  • hotels
  • vacation rentals
  • cruise ships
  • daycares
  • nursing homes
  • hospitals
  • college dormitories or housing units
  • public transportation, including airplanes
  • shopping malls
  • furniture or second hand stores
  • urban areas
  • rented homes

Items commonly responsible for spreading bed bugs include:

  • used or secondhand furniture
  • new furniture or textiles exposed to bed bugs during transit
  • items of luggage
  • chairs or loungers where people fall asleep
  • bedding or bed clothes
  • moving or storage boxes
  • shipped items, especially if held at several locations or warehouses

Bed bugs do not have a preference between sanitary, messy, or unsanitary conditions.

They can, however, be found at higher rates in places, such as hotels, if infestations are not properly cleared.

Home tips for preventing, controlling, and clearing bed bug infestations include:

    • Avoid furniture or items from infested areas or environments commonly impacted by bed bugs, such as apartment buildings.
    • Pick furniture or items made out of materials that do not typically contain cracks, crevices or seams, including plastic, stone, metal, plaster, and high-weave textiles.

    Share on Pinterest Washing bedding at high temperatures and checking for signs of bed bugs in hotel rooms can help prevent bed bug bites.

    • Fill or seal cracks, crevices, and seams with products, such as glue or calking.
    • Clean bedding and bed clothing regularly.
    • Wash and dry bedding at high heat.
    • Vacuum upholstered items regularly and thoroughly, including mattresses, pillows, etc.
    • Clean heavier bedding items, including mattresses, pillows, comforters, and duvet covers, using high heat, ideally the “dry steam” setting available on modern washing machines.
    • Use a hand steamer to kill eggs and bugs in luggage or upholstered items.
    • When traveling, keep luggage on racks and away from floors, beds, and furniture.
    • Check for signs of bed bugs upon entering hotel rooms or other pest hot spots.
    • Remember, where there is one bed bug there are usually many, often in the areas surrounding or adjacent to the infected room or item.
    • Cover as much of the skin as possible while sleeping.

    In severe or persistent cases, furniture or infected items may need to be destroyed, ideally by burning.

    Last medically reviewed on January 17, 2020

    How to Deal with Bed Bugs when Travelling

    As a traveller, one thing that is certain is that you are going to be sleeping in many different places. With this comes risk, one of which is to wake up one morning covered in tracks of red bites – the possible mark of bed bug bites! Of course, your initial thought may be that you’ve been the victim of a highly trained vicious mosquito squadron. But look a little closer – because you may have been the victim of something else entirely, something that is going to get fellow travellers all terribly excitable and probably freak you out too – the fearsomely savage and much feared bed bug. In today’s post I’m going to share with you some knowledge on bed bugs that I picked up from my time spent working in hospitality, and particularly in a hostel in New Zealand, where a great deal of my time was taken up with activities relating to bed bugs and bed bug management. Which wasn’t on the initial job description. As a result of that experience I have seen and squished far more bed bugs than any person ought to, and spent tremendous amounts of time peering into tiny cracks looking for the evidence of their presence. Today I’m going to tell how to know if you’ve been nibbled on by bed bugs, how to look out for signs that you’re not sleeping alone, what to do if you’re bitten by bed bugs, how to get rid of bed bug bites, plus what you can do to deal with the bed bug issue. First though, let’s take a look at some facts about bed bugs.

    Table of Contents

    Bed Bug Facts!


    Bed bugs are actually pretty amazing little critters! Here are some quick facts for you:

    • Bed bugs can survive for up to a year without food, particularly when it is cold. They can survive temperatures ranges down to around –32C and up to 45C. When it is cold, they go into a sort of hibernation, and pop out of it when it warms up.
    • In the right conditions it takes one pregnant adult female six months to create an infestation of literally hundreds of thousands of bugs. She is bloody awesome at hiding in the meantime.
    • When it gets warmer, bed bugs reproduce faster. This is why bed bug issues are often commonly associated with warmer countries. In higher temperatures, the reproductive cycle goes from 21 days down to as fast as 8 days.
    • Bed bug sex is not a fun thing for the bed bug female. It involves carapace piercing in order to get the necessary fluids inside her. If I was a bed bug girl, I’d want to go bite someone, too.
    • Bed bugs like other bed bugs. They secrete a pheromone that attracts more bed bugs. Sociable little chaps.
    • Bed bugs are bigger than you might think, particularly in their adult stage, which they reach after five junior stages. And I thought one go at puberty was tough. They grow up to 0.5cm long, easily visible by the naked eye, in their adult stage at least.
    • They are attracted to their victims by carbon dioxide and warmth, amongst other things.
    • Bed bugs love travelling almost as much as you do. They or their eggs will happily hitch a ride in your clothes or on your backpack, and then hop off when they reach somewhere new and exciting with fresh fields of blood filled meat to suck on. This makes eradicating them a bit tricky in a well visited bed!

    Which Countries Have Bed Bugs?

    The reality is that pretty much every temperate to warm country will have bed bugs. So you’ll find bed bugs in Thailand, bed bugs in Australia, bed bugs in the USA – the list goes on. Basically every continent except Antarctica has bed bugs!

    It’s also a worsening problem it seems as we are travelling more and more, and our climate seems to be providing warmer days. These two factors combine to produce the ideal conditions for bed bugs to spread, and for bed bugs to breed!

    How to know if you’ve been bitten by bed bugs

    People react to bed bug bites, like any other bites, in different ways. You may have been munched upon countless times, and have absolutely nothing to show for it, or you may come up in horrific pustules, blisters, or bumps that look just like mosquito bites. Diagnosis can be tricky! Additionally, for some reason, elderly people barely react at all.

    The easiest way to tell though is the classic line pattern that the bed bug leaves behind. This will be a nice straight line of red bumps, that looks like something has methodically chewed you up. And that would be because something has methodically chewed you up!

    Bed bug bite example

    Often this will be a line of three bumps, sometimes more, depending on a variety of factors, including whether or not the bug was disturbed during the meal, or if the bug didn’t quite find what it was looking for on the first, second, third.. or.. well, you get the idea.

    Bed bug bites can also take a while to appear after you’ve been bitten, sometimes up to a couple of weeks. Which makes working out what bit you and when fairly difficult. Very often, you will discount the bites as nothing more than mozzie bites, and move on with your life.

    Bed bugs also tend to bite in areas that aren’t covered, however in tropical areas you’re not likely to be sleeping in much anyway. They also don’t usually target armpits or the back of your knees.

    How to spot bed bugs in your hotel room or bed – the warning signs!

    There is a bit of a misconception that for a place to have bed bugs, it needs to be dirty, or unkempt, or messy. This sadly isn’t the case – the hostel I worked in for example was absolutely fanatic about cleanliness and bed bug management, and we still had the odd bug.

    Of course, if your chosen accommodation doesn’t care too much about basic things like cleanliness or tidiness, then you can be pretty damn sure that they aren’t that bothered about bed bugs either. So the two can be linked, even if one doesn’t cause the other.


    So how to tell if you might not be sleeping alone? Here are some ways to spot bed bugs:

    • Bed bugs are fairly shy and retiring creatures. They mostly come out at night. In the day time they like to hide, not too far away from their evening meal. Obvious places to look therefore include in your bed frame, and anywhere near the bed that harbours cracks that they can squeeze into. Curtain rails, skirting boards, door frames – even the heads of screws. You get the idea.
    • Bed bugs secrete a black gooey substance. You might find this on the bed sheets after you have been bitten. You can also look for it on the bed frame. Lots of black goo around a hole or crack indicates the likely presence of our friends. If it is recent, you will be able to easily smear it with your fingers.
    • Bed bugs have a distinctive aroma, which is how they attract other bed bugs. It’s a bit like the smell of a stink bug.
    • Bed bugs have six different sizes, from the super tiny to the fairly large. So there are a variety of body shapes and sizes to look out for.
    • Bed bugs are not excited by heat or excess amounts of carbon dioxide. If you think there are bed bugs in a hole, you could try breathing into it, or blowing a hair dryer into it on a low setting. This may force them out of hiding, or boil them in their shells. Whichever works for you. It may also distribute bed bug eggs all over the room.
    • You may find blood stains on the bed after you’ve been bitten. However, you can get these with any bite, so it’s not a guarantee of bed bugs.

    What to do if you think you’ve been bitten by bed bugs

    If you think you have been bitten by bed bugs in a hotel or other accommodation, the first thing is not to panic. Whilst the bites can be itchy and annoying, bed bugs are not currently known to carry any actual diseases.

    So in that sense, you are better off having been bitten by a bed bug than a mosquito.


    You should, of course, mention to your host that you think you have been bitten. There are two main reasons to do this:

    • If the problem is with the place you are currently at, then they need to know so that they can do something about it
    • If you were bitten somewhere else, there is a possibility that you have brought the eggs or bugs with you. They therefore need to keep an eye out for future problems. Be aware that they are unlikely to thank you for this.

    When you inform your host, a variety of things will happen. It is very likely that, even if the accommodation believes itself to have bed bugs, it will deny this. Admitting to having bed bugs is akin to admitting you have the plague, due to the bad reputation these critters carry.

    So unless you have the dead body to prove your case, don’t expect too much in the way of liability being admitted.

    Additionally, as the bites can take so long to come up, the accommodation provider may actually have a point, in that you could have brought a problem into their previously clean environment. This is a great way to make you feel guilty and thus shut you up. After all, who is going to tell their friends that they may be a carrier of bed bugs?

    What you should see, if they are at all bothered / professional / caring are some efforts by the accommodation provider to find any problems.

    Where I worked, if someone seemed to have an issue, we would take their room apart, literally. Bed frames would be disassembled, and any bugs we found would be squished. We also used a heat gun to sterilise cracks in wood or metal. However, if we found bugs or eggs, this was never disclosed to guests.

    How to Treat Bed Bug Bites

    Treating bed bug bites is much the same as treating any other bites. The application of topical anti-histamine creams or ingestion of anti histamine is about the best you can do. A bite is a sign of an allergic reaction, and anti-histamine can help.

    Try not to scratch the bites – your nails are dirty and this will lead to infection.

    If you have reacted particularly badly, then get yourself down to the doctors where they may be able to help out with more powerful creams or pills.

    Ultimately though, it’s going to be a waiting game where you’ll just have to wait for the bites to subside.

    How to Prevent Bed Bugs

    If you are travelling, as previously mentioned, it can be hard to prevent bed bugs as you are not in control of the situation.

    However, you can stop yourself from taking bed bugs home, and take preventative measures in your home.

    The first thing you’ll want to do when travelling is to get used to inspecting the accommodation you are staying in for bed bugs. If there are signs of bed bugs, you should ask for another room, or consider another property. If the room has bed bugs, it is very likely that some of these bugs might get into your luggage, and that you will take them home with you.

    You also can take some preventative measures like spraying your luggage with one of the bed bug sprays mentioned further on in the post. You might also want to invest in a heating device which will heat your luggage up above a temperature which kills bed bugs, thus sanitizing your belongings.

    For your home, we would suggest investing in mattress covers for your beds. This stops bed bugs getting into the mattress, which is one of the most common places for them to hide. It also means you don’t need to discard of your mattress if you do get bed bugs, which can be costly if you have a nice mattress. See here for another well reviewed mattress protector.

    The main thing to consider is how bed bugs might get into your property. The most common ways are for you to bring them back from a trip in your luggage, or for guests to bring them when they visit. Mattress covers can help in guest rooms, and careful inspection of your guests room after they leave is also a wise idea.

    Another common vector for bed bugs is through furniture. We would advise against buying second hand furniture for this reason, as it can be very hard to tell if it is home to bed bugs.

    There are a range of other products to help you deal with bed bugs in the home. These include electronic ultrasonic repelling devices, bed bug traps for your bed legs, and diatomaceous earth, which is a non-toxic substance that kills insects.

    How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

    The bad news about bed bugs is that in a well visited environment like a hostel or hotel, it is pretty much impossible to eradicate bed bugs.

    This is because even if you were able to find and kill every last egg, nymph and adult from the premises, all it takes is one new arrival with a pregnant adult female to turn up, and the problem starts all over again. In a warm climate where the bugs can breed quickly, the problem is only going to be worse.


    In such an environment, the best that can be done is to try to manage and stay on top of the problem. Regular inspections of sleeping areas, blocking up inviting cracks and the occasional use of some sort of anti-bed bug chemicals are the best that can be done so that the issue stays small – akin to a few mosquitoes flying in through a window at night, rather than spiralling out of control into a serious infestation.

    Speaking of chemicals, another problem arises. The most effective chemicals for properly killing off the whole bed bug lifecycle are also not exactly human friendly. Fumigating a room is actually therefore more hazardous to human health than a few bites is ever going to be – and in fact more people have probably died from reactions to the anti bed bug chemicals than from actual bed bug bites. However, there are some non-toxic options, one of which I have listed below.

    Products to help you deal with Bed Bugs

    There are some products you can get to help stop that most nightmare of all situations – taking the bed bugs from your travels to your home, as well as other sprays for killing bugs generally.

    If you do have a problem in your home, it is likely that you will have to call in professionals to fully clean out your house. They will use all sorts of nasty chemicals, and you will probably have to move out for a while. That is the only way to really sort out the problem once and for all.

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      • Shared antenatal care.

      Men's Health

      Men's HealthWe encourage men to present routinely to their GP to discuss all aspects of their health. We provide comprehensive advice and support for men to address the prevention and management of various health conditions. This may include assessments for cardiovascular risk, diabetes, cancer prevention, mental health assessments, STD screening, sports injuries and the importance of sleep as it relates to other areas of health.

      • Preventative Healthcare. Including cardiovascular screening, mental health and cancer checks;
      • Prostate examination.
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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