How To Unclog Your Nose Instantly

Sometimes, an allergic reaction causes a stuffy nose. Allergy medications often contain an antihistamine that blocks this reaction.

10 tips for getting rid of a stuffy nose

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Nasal congestion is a common symptom of a cold or an allergy. There are many ways to relieve the discomfort that a stuffy nose can bring.

When the body reacts to an unknown substance — such as dust, an allergen, or a virus — it launches an immune response, and inflammation can arise.

Nasal congestion develops when inflammation affects the blood vessels inside the nose, and the nasal tissues swell. A buildup of mucus may also occur.

This article will look at a range of tips for managing a stuffy nose, from steam inhalation to consuming horseradish. There is limited scientific evidence to confirm that many of these methods work, but some people may find them useful.

How To Unclog Your Nose Instantly

Many people with nasal congestion find that inhaling steam helps them feel better. They may use a bowl of plain water, adding chamomile or peppermint oil, or take a warm shower.

People should take care not to use boiling water, however, and they should always place the container on a flat, level surface.

The warmth and moisture can be soothing to the membranes inside the nose, providing temporary relief. There is also a theory that it allows mucus to drain better and that it may help kill the virus. However, science has not confirmed these theories, and there is no evidence to suggest that it improves symptoms.

The results of a 2016 trial suggest that steam did not have an impact on nasal congestion due to recurrent sinusitis. Also, a 2017 review found no evidence to suggest that steam can either benefit or harm a person with a common cold.

Using saline spray may help decrease tissue inflammation in the nose and reduce stuffiness.

The same 2016 trial that looked at the effectiveness of steam inhalation also looked at the impact of nasal irrigation. The authors concluded that nasal irrigation with saline spray appears to have some benefit for people with nasal congestion due to chronic sinusitis.

Saline-only sprays do not contain medication, so they are usually safe to use during pregnancy. Saline sprays are available over the counter and online.

People can use neti pots to flush the sinuses and help relieve dry nasal passages.

People can use these devices to apply salt water or a saline solution. They can help flush out and moisten the nostrils.

However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warn people to take the following precautions to reduce the risk of infection:

  • Use only distilled, sterile, or previously boiled and cooled water.
  • Follow the instructions for the device with care.
  • Ensure that the device is clean and completely dry when not in use.
  • Wash and dry the hands before use.
  • Ask a doctor before using the device if the person has a weakened immune system or is a child.

Tap water can contain bacteria. It is not suitable for use in a neti pot or any other flushing device.

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Applying a warm compress can help relieve the pain of nasal congestion and increase circulation in the sinuses.

To prepare a warm compress:

  • Soak a washcloth in water that is warm but not hot.
  • Wring out any extra water.
  • Apply to the nose or forehead.

Some people like to add sliced fresh ginger to the water before soaking the washcloth.

Eucalyptus oil comes from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. People have used it for medicinal purposes throughout history.

Certain components in eucalyptus oil may have healing properties and act as:

  • an antibacterial agent
  • an anti-inflammatory
  • a pain reliever
  • a sedative

Inhaling eucalyptus in steam or through a diffuser may help reduce nasal symptoms. To use, add a few drops of oil to a bowl of hot water or follow the instructions on a diffuser.

Lozenges and rubs containing eucalyptus or methol may also help clear the nose.

Never apply eucalyptus or other oils directly to the skin, as this may cause a reaction.

Although research suggests that essential oils may have some health benefits, it is important to remember that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not monitor or regulate the purity or quality of these. A person should talk with a healthcare professional before using essential oils, and they should be sure to research the quality of a brand’s products. A person should always do a patch test before trying a new essential oil.

Sometimes, an allergic reaction causes a stuffy nose. Allergy medications often contain an antihistamine that blocks this reaction.

A 2015 Cochrane review concluded that antihistamines might help manage the severity of symptoms in adults with a common cold in the first day or two of illness. However, in the following days, they were no more helpful than a placebo.

Various options are available online, but people should ask a healthcare professional for advice before using an antihistamine.

It is essential to read the directions on the package and be aware of side effects. Some allergy medications can cause drowsiness, for example, so people should not drive when using them.

Decongestants cause the small blood vessels in the nose to narrow. This decreases the swelling in the lining of the nose and reduces the feeling of stuffiness.

A 2016 Cochrane review was unable to confirm that a single dose could help relieve the symptoms of a common cold in adults, but multiple doses may have a small benefit.

People should not use decongestants for longer than a week , as long-term use can actually worsen congestion.

Side effects can include increased heart rate, headache, and dry mouth. Nasal spray decongestants may also cause sneezing and burning inside the nose.

Anyone with high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, glaucoma, or another condition should ask a doctor if it is safe to use decongestants before doing so. They are not suitable for children under 6 years of age, and they may not be suitable during pregnancy.

Decongestants are available online or over the counter, and some need a prescription. They come as nasal sprays, drops, tablets, or syrup.

Some people find that adding moisture to the air from a cool or warm mist humidifier provides relief. However, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that this works to soothe a common cold.

It is important to keep a humidifier clean and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to prevent bacteria or mold from developing.

How To Unblock Your Nose Instantly; 10 Simple Hacks

How To Unclog Your Nose Instantly

Well, hello there, is your nose blocked like certain sites you tried to visit last night?

Reader: How did you know that- I mean no I don’t visit any- I mean YES MY NOSE IS BLOCKED.

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

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I’m sure practically everybody has experienced the hateful feeling of enduring a blocked nose, especially when you need to eat or sleep. While there are medicines to cure this affliction, it’s not always a good idea to always rely on medicines. Instead, try these simple tips below to clear your nose!

Roof of mouth
Now, this is how to unblock your nose instantly. All you have to do is push your tongue against the roof of your mouth while pressing your finger on the spot between your eyebrows. Your sinuses will start to drain after about 20 seconds because by doing so you are rocking the vomer bone which will clear the congestion.

Holding your breath
Firstly, you need to tilt your head back, take a deep breath and plug your nose. Make sure to hold your breath for as long as possible during this process. This causes your brain into thinking that you cannot get sufficient oxygen from your mouth and will unblock the nose. If this doesn’t work, try blowing your nose instead which may just be the solution for you.

Ice cube
Similar to applying pressure on the roof of your mouth, this method uses an ice cube on the roof of your mouth instead. As this causes the blood vessels to contract in the nasal cavity, the ice provides faster relief than just applying plain old pressure on the roof of your mouth.

Fresh Ginger
Add a teaspoon of ginger that is freshly grated into a cup of warm water. Ginger provides fast relief from a stuffed nose and if the taste is slightly unpalatable, you can add some lemon and honey as well which also helps in clearing your nose.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Another nifty trick to clear a blocked nose is by boiling some vinegar. When the vinegar has steam wafting out, inhale the steam to get quick relief for your long-suffering nose.

Using onion
We already know that onions bring tears to our eyes but did you know that it is also good for clearing your congested nose? Peel off the outer layer and cut it into small pieces to release its distinct smell. Breathe in the smells for at least 4-5 minutes. This should help to open your nostrils.

Mint is also beneficial to help clear up your nasal passages. If possible, get some mint leaves and chew them well. If no mint leaves are available, look for chewing gum that has real mint inside for the best results.

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Eucalyptus oil
Apply a few drops of eucalyptus oil on a clean handkerchief for easy inhalation. Breathe in the aroma every once in a while to clear up your nasal congestion. If you experience a blocked nose when you sleep, you can also add some of the oil on your pillow to keep your sinuses clear.

Garlic is widely known as being one of the best remedies for a stuffy, blocked nose. It is helpful to include garlic in your daily diet so that you can benefit from its amazing antibacterial and antifungal properties. For instant relief, you can take a few cloves of garlic, slice it up and boil it with water. Once there is steam, you can start to inhale it.

Saline spray
Walk into any pharmacy and you will be able to purchase nasal saline spray easily. The saline solution dilutes the mucus in your nasal passages which in turn means the blood vessels’ inflammation is decreased. The saline also flushes out the liquids in your nose.

Here is a video for more tips on how to unblock your sinuses.

Featured image: Jihan Nafiaa Zahri /

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Alex Koliada, PhD

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