Bright Red Period Blood

Share on Pinterest A person should see a doctor if they have bleeding that requires a tampon or pad change after less than 2 hours.

Period Blood Color and Consistency

Tracee Cornforth is a freelance writer who covers menstruation, menstrual disorders, and other women’s health issues.

Anita Sadaty, MD, is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist at North Shore University Hospital and founder of Redefining Health Medical.

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Bright red isn’t the only possible period blood color. You may notice dark red or pink blood at different points during menstruation. Period blood color can even be black, orange, green, gray, or brown for various reasons ranging from early pregnancy to infection and more.

What’s typical for you may not be the same as for someone else. And even your own period blood color may change from day to day or period to period.

This article looks at various period blood colors, what’s typical, and when they tend to occur. It also covers what period blood colors, levels of flow, and period frequencies may be cause for concern.

Bright Red Period Blood Color

When your period blood is bright red, it means that it passed through your vagina fairly soon after entering your uterus. You’re most likely to see bright red blood at the start of your period.

You may also see brighter blood at times when you have cramps. That’s because cramps occur when your uterus contracts, and contractions lead to heavier blood flow.

Isn’t Period Blood Just Regular Blood?

Period blood is made up of the same blood that is flowing through your veins, but it also contains tissue that has been shed from the endometrium —the lining of your uterus. That’s why its color and consistency are different from what you would see if you, say, cut your finger.

Dark Red, Brown, Black Period Blood Color

Older period blood can appear:

  • Darker red
  • Brown
  • Black

These colors suggest a slower flow. For most people, the blood gets darker over the course of the cycle. This is because older blood from the deeper parts of the uterine lining is shed later.

Brown blood is also common in the weeks after you give birth. Postpartum bleeding is called lochia .

However, in some cases:

  • Dark red or brown blood may be an early sign of pregnancy
  • Black blood may be a sign of a vaginal blockage

If these colors are unexpected or abnormal for you, talk to your healthcare provider.

menstrual blood color

Pink Period Blood Color

It’s common for period blood to look pink at the beginning or end of your period when your bleeding is lighter. The color change comes from normal mucus mixing with the blood.

Pink blood during other phases of your cycle may be caused by:

  • Significant weight loss
  • An unhealthy diet
  • Anemia

See a healthcare provider if you suspect any of these causes may be affecting your period blood. You may also benefit from seeing a nutritionist.

Orange, Gray, or Green Period Blood Colors

Orange period blood can be a normal outcome of cervical fluid mixing with blood.

Orange spotting not linked to a period may mean you’re pregnant. It can occur when a fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall. This takes place between about 10 and 14 days after conception.

However, orange, gray, or green tinges to your period blood or vaginal discharge are often a sign of infection, such as:

  • Trichomoniasis
  • Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
  • Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Other symptoms of an infection include:

  • Vaginal itching and discomfort
  • Discharge with a bad odor, including a “fishy” smell
  • Painful urination

See a healthcare provider if you have these symptoms. You may need an antibiotic to clear up the infection.

Bright Red Fresh blood
Fast flow
Dark Red Older blood
Slow flow
Early pregnancy
Brown Older blood
Slow flow
Early pregnancy
Black Older blood
Slow flow
Vaginal blockage
Pink Mixed with mucus
Lighter bleeding
Nutritional problem
Orange Mixed with fluid
Gray Infection No
Green Infection No

What Else You May Notice

In addition to changes in period blood color, you may also notice changes in the blood’s consistency and contents.


Your menstrual blood may be thin and watery or thick and sticky. Thin and watery period blood is usually pinker, while thick and sticky discharge is usually more brown.

These changes in consistency are common at the end of your cycle. This is because most of the endometrial tissue already has been passed.

The thickness of your period blood is likely to change as you approach menopause because the uterine lining tends to build up less. This is also common when your hormones are affected by stress or too much exercise.


Period blood may contain some clots. During your period, the separation of the endometrium from the uterine wall can tear small blood vessels. They bleed, and clots form to stop the bleeding. They’re then passed out with your menstrual blood.

Clots can also form as hormonal changes signal the end of your period and the lining starts to build up again.

Period blood clots are generally small. If they’re larger than 1 inch in diameter, let your healthcare providers know. They may diagnose menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding).

When to Call Your Healthcare Provider

Speak to your healthcare provider if you notice a potentially concerning period blood color or anything that is out of the norm for you.

Changes in your menstrual bleeding can be a symptom of another health issue, including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Not all of these conditions are serious or need medical attention, but a professional should weigh in.

Signs that you should see a healthcare provider about your period include:

  • Missed periods: Not bleeding for more than three months when you know you’re not pregnant
  • Irregular periods: This includes periods that are too close together or far apart, as well as periods that last for longer or shorter than normal. (Having a lifetime of irregular periods isn’t a concern, however.)
  • Unexpected bleeding: Bleeding or spotting between periods
  • Heavy bleeding: Normal periods can vary from one person to the next. But if you are bleeding so much and so quickly that you flood your menstrual products or need to change them more than once an hour, you should be evaluated. This is particularly true if you have a family history of a bleeding disorder or have ever had anemia.
  • Clots in period blood that are >1 inch: These may be a sign of uterine or cervical fibroids, polyps, or cancer; a hormonal imbalance; endometriosis; miscarriage; or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Severe pain during your period: This goes beyond the discomfort of typical menstrual cramps.
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If you get a fever and feel unwell after using a tampon, it could be a sign of toxic shock syndrome. This is a rare but potentially fatal condition that requires immediate medical attention.

What Is a Normal Period?

What’s normal for you may not be what textbooks define as a “normal” period. Generally speaking, though, a period is considered normal if it:

  • Comes anywhere between every 24 day to 38 days
  • Varies as much as 20 days over the course of the year
  • Lasts between four-and-a-half to eight days
  • Includes between 5 milliliters (ml) and 80 ml of blood


Period blood is a mixture of blood and tissues that lines your uterus. It has a different color and consistency than the blood in your veins.

When it passes from the vagina, your period blood color may be pink, red, brown, black, or even other colors. It may change colors during the same period. It can be thin or thick. Blood clots that pass during your period may be normal or they may signal another health issue.

It’s important to know what’s normal for you. Talk with your healthcare provider if you have concerns about changes in your period.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have brown discharge right before my period?

Brown vaginal discharge is usually just the body removing old blood cells and cleaning the vagina. However, it can also be a sign of an infection, PCOS, or cervical cancer. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have concerns.

What color is between-period spotting?

Spotting between your regular periods is usually pink, red, or brown. This gets more common as you approach menopause and your periods become less regular.

What causes menstrual bleeding?

Your menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones that regulate the thickening of your endometrium and when it breaks down and sloughs off. The excess blood and tissue then flow down through your cervix and out through your vagina.

Can hormonal birth control help with heavy periods?

Maybe, depending on what’s causing your heavy bleeding. In many cases, hormonal birth control pills can reduce the amount of period blood flow.

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Nemours TeensHealth. I’ve never had my period, so what’s this discharge?
  2. Berz K, Mccambridge T. Amenorrhea in the female athlete: What to do and when to worry. Pediatr Ann. 2016 Feb;45(3):97-102. doi:10.3928/00904481-20160210-03
  3. James AH. Heavy menstrual bleeding: work-up and management. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2016;2016(1):236-242. doi:10.1182/asheducation-2016.1.236
  4. National Institutes of Health. NIH News In Health. Period Problems: Fibroids, Endometriosis, and Other Issues.
  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Heavy menstrual bleeding.
  6. American Academy of Family Physicians. Toxic Shock Syndrome.
  7. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Vulvovaginal health.
  8. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Perimenopausal bleeding and bleeding after menopause.
  9. Lethaby A, Wise MR, Weterings MA, Bofill Rodriguez M, Brown J. Combined hormonal contraceptives for heavy menstrual bleeding. Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Group, ed. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2019;2019(2). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD000154.pub3

By Tracee Cornforth
Tracee Cornforth is a freelance writer who covers menstruation, menstrual disorders, and other women’s health issues.

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What does the color of period blood mean?

Bright Red Period Blood

The color of a person’s period blood can relay vital health information. For example, orange or grey blood can sometimes indicate a vaginal infection.

During menstruation, the body sheds tissue and blood from the uterus through the vagina. This bloody discharge can vary from bright red to dark brown or black depending on how old it is.

Blood that stays in the uterus long enough will react with oxygen (oxidize). Blood that has had time to oxidize appears darker.

Hormonal changes and health conditions can also affect the color and texture of period blood.

In this article, we present a period blood chart and discuss what the different colors of period blood can mean. We also cover color changes during a period, what clots mean, and when to see a doctor.

colors of period blood infographic

Black blood can appear at the beginning or end of a person’s period. The color is typically a sign of old blood or blood that has taken longer to leave the uterus and has had time to oxidize, first turning brown or dark red and then eventually becoming black.

Black blood can sometimes also indicate a blockage inside a person’s vagina. Other symptoms of a vaginal blockage can include:

  • foul-smelling discharge
  • fever
  • difficulty urinating
  • itching or swelling in or around the vagina
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Like black blood, brown or dark red is a sign of old blood, and it may appear at the beginning or end of a period. Brown or dark red blood has not had as long to oxidize as black blood and can appear in a variety of shades.


Brown blood or spotting can sometimes also be an early sign of pregnancy that doctors refer to as implantation bleeding.

Brown discharge or spotting during pregnancy can indicate a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy, which is when the fertilized egg implants in a fallopian tube instead of the uterus.

It is important for women who experience spotting or vaginal bleeding during pregnancy to speak to their doctor or obstetrician.


Dark red or brown vaginal discharge that occurs after giving birth is called lochia, or postpartum bleeding. Lochia is not a cause for concern and is the body’s way of expelling excess blood and tissue from the uterus.

Lochia typically begins with bright red blood and then transitions to a darker shade as the flow decreases. Over time, the discharge will then become lighter in both color and amount.

The duration of lochia varies from person to person, but it usually passes within the first few months after delivery. Women who experience very heavy bleeding after giving birth should see a doctor.

Not all women experience lochia after giving birth. Women may also experience irregular periods after giving birth due to changes in hormone levels.

Bright red blood indicates fresh blood and a steady flow. A period may start with bright red bleeding and darken towards the end of the period. Some people may find that their blood stays bright red throughout their period.

Unusual spotting or bleeding between menstrual cycles may be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. Growths in the uterine lining, called polyps or fibroids, can also cause unusually heavy bleeding.

Rarely, bright red bleeding may be a sign of cervical cancer. Other symptoms of cervical cancer include:

  • heavier periods
  • periods that last longer than normal
  • bleeding after sexual intercourse
  • foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • pain in the lower back, pelvis, or legs
  • loss of appetite
  • unexplained weight loss

Pink blood or spotting can occur when period blood mixes with cervical fluid.

Using hormonal birth control can lower estrogen levels in the body, which can lead to a lighter flow with a pinkish hue during periods.

Sexual intercourse can create small tears in the vagina or the cervix. Blood from these tears can mix with vaginal fluids and exit a person’s body as pink discharge.

Other causes of pink period blood can include:

  • significant weight loss
  • unhealthful diet
  • anemia


During pregnancy, pink discharge that contains tissue and occurs alongside cramps may indicate a miscarriage. It is important for women who experience vaginal bleeding while pregnant to see their doctor or obstetrician.

Blood that mixes with cervical fluid can also appear orange.

Orange blood or discharge often indicates an infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. People with orange blood should check for other telltale symptoms, such as vaginal itching, discomfort, and foul-smelling discharge.

Although orange period blood or discharge does not always indicate an infection, it is a good idea for a person to see a doctor or gynecologist for an evaluation.

Gray discharge is usually a sign of bacterial vaginosis, a condition that occurs due to an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the vagina.

Other symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include:

  • itching in and around the vagina
  • foul-smelling vaginal odor that people often describe as “fishy”
  • burning or painful urination

People with symptoms of bacterial vaginosis should see a doctor or gynecologist. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis.


During the later stages of pregnancy, gray discharge containing clots can indicate a miscarriage. Women who experience bleeding during pregnancy should see their doctor or obstetrician.

Blood can change in color and texture from month to month or even during a single period.

Hormonal changes, as well as a person’s diet, lifestyle, age, and environment, can all cause variations in period blood.

Period blood can vary from bright red to dark brown according to changes in flow. Infections, pregnancy, and, in rare cases, cervical cancer, can cause unusual blood color or irregular bleeding.

People who experience unusually long or heavy periods may require an appointment with a doctor.

Share on Pinterest A person should see a doctor if they have bleeding that requires a tampon or pad change after less than 2 hours.

Healthy period blood can contain visible pieces of the uterine lining. These small pieces of tissue, or clots, in the blood are not a cause for concern.

However, very heavy bleeding or large clots can be a sign of menorrhagia. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , menorrhagia is when a person has unusually heavy menstrual bleeding or periods that last for more than 7 days.

The CDC recommend seeing a doctor if a person has one of the following:

  • bleeding that requires a person to change a tampon or pad after less than 2 hours
  • blood with clots that are the size of a quarter or bigger

The CDC also list the following as causes of menorrhagia:

  • growths on the uterus, such as uterine fibroids or polyps
  • hormonal imbalances
  • pelvic inflammatory disease
  • intrauterine birth control devices (IUD)
  • bleeding disorders, such as von Willebrand disease
  • certain medications, such as aspirin and anticoagulants
  • cervical or uterine cancer

Without treatment, menorrhagia can lead to complications, such as anemia or chronic fatigue.

It is advisable for people to consult a doctor or gynecologist for any of the following symptoms:

  • new or unusual vaginal discharge
  • irregular periods that change in length and flow from one month to the next
  • bleeding after menopause
  • missing three or more periods
  • foul-smelling vaginal odor
  • thick gray or white vaginal discharge
  • itching in or around the vagina
  • fever

Anyone who is pregnant and notices any bleeding or unusual vaginal discharge should speak with their doctor or obstetrician.

The color and consistency of period blood can provide useful information about a person’s overall health.

However, everyone’s period is different, and blood can change color and consistency during a period and from month to month. So it essential for people to learn what is normal for them.

Healthy period blood typically varies from bright red to dark brown or black. Blood or discharge that is orange or grey may indicate an infection. Women who experience bleeding during pregnancy should see a doctor or obstetrician for an evaluation.

Last medically reviewed on April 1, 2019

  • Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses
  • Pregnancy / Obstetrics
  • Women’s Health / Gynecology
  • Cat 1
  • vaginalhealth

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  • Chapter 16: The postpartum period. (n.d.).
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding. (2017).
  • Menstruation in girls and adolescents: Using the menstrual cycle as a vital sign. (2015).
  • Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer. (2016).
  • Vaginal discharge [Fact Sheet]. (2017).
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