Many readers are interested in the right subject. 9 possible reasons for the burning sensation in the anus. We are pleased that our makers have already researched contemporary studies on this fascinating subject. We will give you a wide range of answers based on information from the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Keep repeating to find out more.
It is not uncommon a burning sensation in the anus, after movement during or after defecation. Everyone has this skill from time to With time, this is usually not a problem. a burning sensation Bleeding from the rectum, blood in the stool, or mucus in the stool blood, along with acquired constipation or diarrhea, must go to a doctor who will do a kind of test to see what is wrong. In these cases, a burning sensation anus can be a little more serious.
What causes the burning sensation in the anus?
The anus is the lid of the gastrointestinal tract where the GI tract opens. It comes at the end of the rectum. It is considered the last part of the colon. If you are suffering from a burning sensation Here is usually due to the fact that the stomach and the digestive tract. Wiping a lot from the anus or eating certain products can cause this. sensation Some infections and skin diseases can still cause this. Repeatedly injuring the anus can cause severe swelling in the anus. burning sensation anus, especially after defecation. Chatter appropriate contents possible causes in detail:
1. seasoned food
Seasoned foods contain chemicals that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. This continues from the mouth to the anus. The chemicals cause inflammation leading to redness and irritation of the anal mucosa. A simple chemical is capsaicin, found in chili peppers. The burning sensation It begins when the intestinal migration is complete and continues a short time later. They still have a good chance to contribute personally to diarrhea.
2. poor hygiene
If not wiped thoroughly enough or bathed frequently enough, the mucous membranes of the anus can become unhappy with stool and bacteria from the intestinal tract. High risk of skin infections around the anus causing skin infections. a burning sensation The field will be more than all others, in case you bathe more often after moving the intestinal tract and wipe yourself more often than all others.
3. hemo
Hemo is caused by impotence or swelling of the rectal veins, which is usually the result of diarrhea or acquired constipation. hemo is also popular as hemo and can cause rectal bleeding with burning And itching. It is aggravated by the fact that it involves bowel movements. hemo can be internal or external. If they are external, they can be felt at the anal opening, but not if they are internal.
4. anal fissuren
These are small fissures in the mucosa that occur with acquired diarrhea or obstruction. Other conditions still have a chance to cause anal fissures. Pain and burning Usually aggravated by bowel movements and may persist alternately for some time. Rectal bleeding and anal itching are considered joint symptoms. Rectal fissures may bleed even when there is no bowel movement but pain is present.
5. show incontinence
When suffering from bowel control disorder, there is an opportunity for a small watery stool or a single bowel movement to pass through the anus without controlling it. Some signs are. burning Anus. It can also be caused by feces that are not flushed from the anus because one does not know where they come from. Because feces has the property of making the skin nervous, in burning Itching in the anal area.
6. intestinal attitude.
There are numerous different diseases that can adversely affect the anus. For example, there may be ulceration or inflammation of the mucosa of the intestinal tract. This can cause pelvic pain, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, mucus, and this baggage such as diarrhea and constipation. burning sensation Anal. Some conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, stool, rectal sedimentation, and gastroenteritis may still be associated with anal tasks. Ventral abscesses or anus fistulas can contribute to anal problems. burning And that should mean that you go to a doctor immediately.
7. skin diseases
There is still a chance for some skin diseases such as pilonidal cysts, eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis burning sensation Anal. These skin diseases are more likely to affect the anus in the same way that other skin can be affected.
8. infection
Another major cause is infections such as SOA such as go disease, Chlamydia, Herpes genitalis, Candida, Tinea Corporis, Tinea Cruris, Streptococcal dermatitis and other digestive parasites. They need to be tested and treated to resolve the problem.
9. Procaltalgia fugax
When this posture is taken, there is a sharp pain from within the anus that lasts from a few seconds to 30 minutes. There is no pain between attacks. The pain is so severe that it can cause headaches, dizziness, and waking from sleep. People with this condition have only 5-6 attacks per year and have the opportunity to cause rectal urgency without consequences if needed.
What Can You Do to Improve Your Burning Anal Sensation?
If you have an anal attack burning Just a few times, there is no need to worry. All you need to arrange is to stay away from all spicy products, ignore anal sex, do not harm your anus and avoid taking warm baths to keep your anus clean. Lunch bay leaf, lemon juice and bananas for best defecation.
If there is rectal bleeding and also a sensation of anal or mucus at the back of the stool, you can consider going to the doctor.
Because constipation is usually due burning sensation Below anus there is a video on how to simplify constipation if this is your constipation.