7 Best Ways to Prevent Dandruff

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Ruth can be associated with seborrhea eczema or dry scalp. It can also be caused by psoriasis, eczema, or an extra rise in a fungus often called malassezia. People with dandruff experience this as large, dry, tight skin on the scalp. It is still common for dandruff to get down to the bust or window and is actually a bit more debatable in black clothing. If acquired or heavy dandruff it is embarrassing, irritating, uncomfortable, and itchy. Fortunately, there are effective to prevent dandruff .

Ways to Prevent Roses

Here are some effective ways to prevent roses dandruff Try them all to see results.

1. supply more sunlight

7 Best Ways to Prevent Dandruff

Spending more time in the sun helps skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Because these are probably caused by for dandruff Experts believe that sun exposure helps skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. dandruff However, use caution when using this method. Sitting in the sun for long periods of time can destroy the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. Therefore, exposure to sunlight must be as dandruff Treatment should be done only in one direction for a few minutes at a time and when sunscreen is on other parts of the exposed skin.

It should be considered that certain anti-kit treatments, such as cabbage tar shampoo, may make the scalp more sensitive to UV light. Find out all the different anti-macho treatments you use. And if they say sun exposure is considered a side effect, note its effects.

2. use a moisturizing cream

7 Best Ways to Prevent Dandruff

There is still debate about it if dandruff The effects of sun damage are due to dry skin. Nonetheless, winter can dandruff This absolutely means that people will probably experience irritation during the cooler and drier winter months. It also supports the idea that dry air may be the origin and result of dry skin. in dandruff .

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This can easily be prevented by improving the effects of moisture throughout the year, especially in winter. In general, there should be humidifiers in all important work and residential locations. Take Action. to prevent Other health problems can be caused by humidifiers. Examples include regular cleaning and thorough drying when not in use. Without these precautions, humidifiers can grow fungi and bacteria.

3. manage stress

7 Best Ways to Prevent Dandruff

Like most other criteria, stress is closely linked to to dandruff Scalp disorders can be aggravated or induced. That is why one of the ways is to take such to prevent dandruff Take steps to relieve stress. The right approach can certainly help:

  • Try to cultivate a positive attitude.
  • Set boundaries for your life and stick to them.
  • Improve your skills to cope with periods of time.
  • Spend time on fun activities and hobbies.
  • Ensure regular physiological strength.
  • Practice mediation and breathing techniques.
  • Find social support with social and religious groups, auxiliary groups, friends and family.
  • Ask your therapist or physician for later ways to cope with stress.

4. adjust your diet

Applying some changes to the diet can still be a technique to prevent dandruff This is because diet is closely related to hair and skin. In particular, the use of numerous products featuring vitamin B, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and selenium can help reduce hair loss. dandruff or prevent it.

  • Sources of zinc include enriched grains, dairy products, lobster, red beef, oysters, beans, poultry, crabs, nuts, and full grains.
  • Vitamins are available from leg beef, delicious potatoes, white potatoes, legumes, kale, broccoli, whole grains, milk, eggs, and fish.
  • Good sources from omega-3 fatty acids are cooling halibut and salmon, flaxseed, walnuts, broccoli, canola oil, spinach, beans, grapes, leaves, water fish such as cantaloupe, kiwi and cauliflower.

Due to the fact that dry shells have the ability to cause. dandruff You still need to ensure that you get enough water and eat more fruits to rehydrate. There is really no product that will follow in the footsteps of what you avoid every time! to prevent dandruff .

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5. choose in hair styling products

Mice, waxes, styling gels, mushrooms, and other hair styling products. Therefore, we have an obligation to try to use as few of these hair styling products as possible. If you need to make your hair urgently manageable, always choose herbal products with natural ingredients.

6. wash regularly with shampoo

Rinsing hair regularly is the best way to do this. to prevent dandruff Shampoo cleans the scalp and hair, keeping under control the amount of oil that gets a chance to build up and create buildup. dandruff Porem shampoo is more important after applying care products.

Despite the importance of consistent shampooing, not all products work. Beware of hard shampoos. They can dry out the scalp, leading to a dry, parched scalp. to dandruff Instead, choose a soft shampoo that is appropriate for your hair texture. People with dry hair need to look for a moisturizing shampoo, while those with thick hair must find it for this difficulty.

Those who already have dandruff can choose a shampoo for eardrums to prevent They usually contain one or more substances of Zincpyrithion, Koolteer, Seleensulfide, Ketoconazole, Tea tree oil. As a rule, they contain one or more substances of Zincpyrithion, Koolteer, Selenium sulfide, Ketoconazole, Tea tree or Salicylic acid.

7. dry the hair

Some folks like to dry their hair to save time. However, this is bad for the hair and scalp. Wet hair increases the risk of breakage and damage. Not only that, but the moisture (or sweat) that accumulates on the scalp while drying hair can lead to flaking and itching.

While you may think you should avoid using a hair dryer because of the risk of thermal damage, when done correctly, its use is actually more effective than air drying. Keep the hair dryer about 6 inches away from the hair and use the low heat position. This will dry the hair without drying the scalp or causing heat damage. They usually have one or some of Zincpyrithion, Koolteer, Selenium Sellium, Ketoconazole, tea tree oil, or salicylic acid.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].