10% of all fractures occur in the metacarpal bones, 40% of hand fractures involve the metacarpal bones and metacarpal fractures Someone has a frequency of 2, 5% in the direction of life. From the above statistics, it is quite indisputable metacarpal fractures It appears to be simple. With a ball of metacarpal fractures , fractures involving the 5th metacarpal make up to 25% of all metacarpal fractures And 10% of all hands fractures .
What is the fifth bone of the middle handenbyniger?
The metacarpal The fifth finger bone is located between the little or little finger and the carpal bone. It is the gate closer of the lower two the metacarpal Bone in terms of length and its transverse metacarpal bone. A fracture of this bone is called a 5th metacarpal fractures .
There are 5 metacarpal bones and each metacarpal bone forms a connection between the fingers and the wrist. The anatomy of all the metacarpal bones are the same. Each bone is composed of four parts: the cause, the shaft, the neck, and the head. The base is considered a segment the metacarpal The bones are connected to the carpal bones, but the shaft is between the neck and the ground and is long and narrow. The neck connects the head to the shaft the metacarpal The head forms a connection between the fingers and the neck. The closed fist end is approximately represented by the head of metacarpal bones.
What causes a fifth medium fracture?
The 5th metacarpal suffers a fracture When an enemy strikes a severe blow. For example, when a boxer strikes a fist, the head comes the metacarpals (knokkels) in direct contact with the opposite force and the entire blow the metacarpals If the power is strong enough, there is an opportunity to break the bone. the metacarpal It breaks the bone. That is why boxers suffer metacarpal fractures And gloves are definitely needed during these sporting events. Injury. 5th metacarpal or other metacarpal Bones are more likely to be caused by a crushing blow on a volume door that falls out of someone’s hand.
How do you know if there is a fifth man in the middle?
There are various signs that together may indicate the presence of a metacarpal fracture of the 5th digit:
- Pain, inflammation, and swelling at the end of the ring finger appear immediately after the injury.
- There is every opportunity for signs of bruising and sensitivity to be present.
- Unable to use the hand due to excruciating pain.
- The fractured The area may turn cool, numb and white.
- Traumatized areas may develop strokes with cumulative changes in hand shape.
A physician’s help should always be sought if an injury is suspected to have occurred a fracture or injury. In addition, if the band fractured prickling area or tension occurs or the pain burden in the area increases, a physician should be contacted immediately or a visit to the emergency department should be made. Infections in the crippled area may not be safe, and if you see any of these symptoms you should seek medical assistance immediately.
The physician will recognize the circumstances of your injury and ask for a summary of your symptoms. Answer all questions carefully. More investigation may be required, including the following
- X-rays.
- A CT scan of the injured area provides a thorough view of the bone.
- MRI uses radio waves and magnetic fields to obtain an accurate picture of the affected bone.
How is it treated?
5th metacarpal fractures Depending on the nature of the injury, it can be treated in different ways the fracture .
1. first support for fractures
In the first few hours after the injury, several support measures can certainly help alleviate painful symptoms. Gently apply ice to the affected area of fracture , and keeping the fractured area above the heart can help alleviate some of the early signs of this injury. Ice can be used at 2-hour intervals towards 20 minutes. 2.
2. rest
Any exercise may increase complications. 5th metacarpal fracture Therefore, it is recommended that patients slow down as much as possible for the healing period. Exercises such as weight lifting, pushing, pulling, grabbing, and slapping. metacarpals To prevent further damage, footsteps should be avoided altogether. Complete healing is possible only after successful rehabilitation. Rehabilitation procedures should be performed under the supervision and advice of a well-trained physical therapist.
3 Pain Medication
Pain is one of the worst aspects a fracture Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) and anesthetics are best administered to reduce pain in that area. a fractured Area. To avoid harmful side effects, medications should only be taken according to the advice of a health care professional.
4 Fixation of fractures
Fractures that are not displaced have a good chance of healing by immobilizing the area with a cast or splint. After removal of the cast or splint, the affected area should be reevaluated using x-rays or other imaging techniques to ensure that the area has completely healed. Only after the necessary healing has been achieved can rehabilitation procedures be performed with the help of a trained physical therapist.
5. anatomical reconstruction
In this procedure, the deformed bony structures are reevaluated under anesthesia. It is generally applied in the following cases of metacarpal fractures displaced bones, including long spiral fractures. and fractures in bony articulations. Anatomic repair procedures can be combined with plaster casts, or immobilization with plaster or splints for several months, or surgical intervention. Surgery may include invasive procedures or external wound fixation methods. In this method, pins are inserted through the skin to stabilize the fracture, which takes time to heal. the fracture .