5 Major Hand Acupressure Points You Can Easily Find – TSMP Medical Blog

A pressure point May be a sensitive area of a tendon, muscle, ligament, or basic nerve group, often used in massage therapies. Acupressure and acupressure Both focus on this pressure points taken into the body to treat specific symptoms. In pointing therapy, the hands play an important role. acupressure points in hand. These points directly connected to various organs in the body, which means that this pressure can initiate points It relieves pain in various organs of the body.

5 Major Hand Acupressure Points You Can Easily Find - TSMP Medical Blog

How many points are there for hand acupressure?

According to Chinese studies, there are 340 popular acupressure points on the body. points 28 of them are available to you. You can certify these pressure points points massage and reap the amazing benefits of pressure therapy. If you do not understand the various. acupressure points You can simply rub your palms until they warm up. This will certainly help create some points But with the right content, you can learn more about a particular pressure. points This can help in dealing with a variety of ailments.

The Five Most Important Pressure Points

As I mentioned earlier, there are several, acupressure points you will find some excellent traits in your hands. Here are some of the more specific ones points They relate to specific organs of the body.

1. hand ballet buster

This is one of the most popular acupressure points used to solve various problems of the body. It is located between your pointer fingers and thumbs. acupressure point Helps relieve stress, migraines, headaches, shoulder tension, toothache, constipation, neck pain. Stimulate. point Definitely also helps to expel excess fire from the body.

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5 Major Hand Acupressure Points You Can Easily Find - TSMP Medical Blog

2- Empyrean Point Basic

This is another popular product acupressure points on hand for self-treatment. You’ll find it. acupressure point This is exactly what causes your thumb to come off your wrist. Find it. point Then apply firm pressure with the thumb of the other hand. Sustained stimulation of this pressure point helps to alleviate coughing and breathing problems.

5 Major Hand Acupressure Points You Can Easily Find - TSMP Medical Blog

3. wrist buster 1

If you are constantly stressed and need a simple but effective remedy, consider wrist stimulation. point 1-This is an effective way to relieve stress. Almost everyone uses it. point It helps heal the autonomic nervous system and often acquires amazingly good qualities. This wrist point It is located on the wrist, in the order of the little fingers. When you find it, press firmly. point periodically over a period of time. Stimulate. point Reduces stress and improves mental state.

5 Major Hand Acupressure Points You Can Easily Find - TSMP Medical Blog

4. break through internal ports.

If you are interested in how to deal with your own nausea, this is a great conclusion. Look for the internal portals. point Massage it to relieve nausea. Click to find it. point On the wrist. This is about 3 cm from the wrist crease. Once you find it. point Then massage using large fingers and press firmly for a while. Regular massage will certainly help heal stomach complaints, abdominal pain, nausea, fear

5 Major Hand Acupressure Points You Can Easily Find - TSMP Medical Blog


You can find this acupressure point On the outer corner of the nail. If you are leaning on the ear with your right thumb, note that it is on the left side. Locate it and practice firm pressure or massage to stimulate the the point Field. Apply pressure to it. point It helps to reduce negative impressions.

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5 Major Hand Acupressure Points You Can Easily Find - TSMP Medical Blog

In case you are somewhat confused about finding the right video, watch the right video. Pan & gt; to your own wrist. This is about 3 cm from the wrist crease. Once you find it. acupressure points in hand.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].